Mrs. carrion’s Math Class

Mathematics Syllabus, Classroom Rules & Procedures

Hildebrandt Intermediate School2015-2016

It is the policy of JohnstonMiddle School not to discriminate on the basis of age, color, handicap or disability, ancestry, national origin, marital status, race, religion, sex, veteran status, or political affiliation in its educational or employment programs and activities.

Dear Students,

I am excited to be your math teacher for this school year! The math curriculum will help you develop mathematical talents through collaborative learning, critical thinking, and problem solving using real world applications. Your learning will focus on becoming an effective problem-solver, not only in the classroom, but also for success throughout life.

Please keep this paper as a reference in your folder. These guidelines will help create a safe, cooperative, and successful learning environment for all students in class.

If you or your parents/guardians have any questions concerning this handout, please email me at . I look forward to a year of fun, learning, and success!


Mrs. Carrion


The 8th grade curriculum implements the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and will prepare students to pass the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) in April.

1st 6-weeks

-Rational numbers, irrational numbers

-Standard and decimal notation

-One variable equations and inequalities

-Linear equations

-Scale factor, dilation

2nd 6-weeks

-Proportional relationships, rates, rate of change


-Similar right triangles

-Linear proportional and non-proportional relationships

3rd 6-weeks

-Linear proportional and non-proportional relationships

-Direct variation

-One Variable equations

-Exterior angles, transversal

-Pythagorean Theorem

4th 6-weeks

-Lateral and surface area

-One variable equations

-Volume, volume relationships

-Transformations, congruence

-Bivariate sets of data

-Absolute deviation

-Random samples

5th 6-weeks

-Simple interest and compound interest

-Cost of education

-Financial literacy topics

6th 6-weeks

- Bridge to high school


  1. Follow directions quickly
  2. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak
  3. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat
  4. Make smart choices


Binder with a section for math notes

Composition book

Pencil bag

Glue sticks


Map pencils

Pencils (preferably mechanical)

Personal Pencil Sharpener if needed

Checking Pen (Red, Green, Purple)


Dry erase markers

Hand sanitizer or Clorox wipes

Classroom SUPPLIES

(turn this in)

Composition book (For CLASSROOM)

Pencil bag with glue sticks, scissors, map pencils, pencils


Pack of Dry Erase Markers

Box of Kleenex

Bottle of hand sanitizer or Clorox wipes

***NO PENS (except for grading) ***




Grade Distribution

Major Grades 60%

Daily Grades30%

Homework 10%

Objectives and Assignments

Students will have an agenda to copy the objective and assignments in everyday along with other important dates and information. This is the first thing students should copy when entering the room. Students will be responsible for maintaining an accurate and up to date agenda.


Homework (HW) is assigned when relevant to student learning goals. Homework will always be explained in class and examples will be given. Students should refer to class notes to assist with homework problems. If a student is absent the makeup policy should be followed.

Make Up Work Policy

Students will be allowed to make up ALL assignments. Students will have up to 5 school days after returning from an absence to turn in make up work. If work is not made up in the week allowed, that assignment will be considered late and will lose 10 points each day for up to 2 days. NO EXCEPTIONS. Students are only allowed one make up opportunity per assignment. Make up work can be found in the class folder. Once makeup work is complete it should be turned into the make up work basket to be graded.

Class Notes

Students will compile all their class notes and reference material in their binders. These bindersare to be used inside and outside of class for studying purposes before all quizzes and major exams.


Students will maintain a binder to organize homework, graded papers, and assignments. Bindersare the responsibility of the student to maintain.

It is the policy of JohnstonMiddle School not to discriminate on the basis of age, color, handicap or disability, ancestry, national origin, marital status, race, religion, sex, veteran status, or political affiliation in its educational or employment programs and activities.

Assignment Format

  • Assignments should be completed on a separate sheet of paper.
  • Work must be shown the way it is shown on notes and examples.
  • If work is not shown, students willreceive a grade of 50 for the assignment.

Heading Format

The heading should be placed in the top right hand corner of each page.

Full Name


Class Period



  • Be Respectful: No disrespectful comments or gestures will be tolerated of anyone/ to anyone in this classroom.
  • Be Responsible: You are responsible for your learning. Take care of your business.
  • Be Ready: Be prepared for class each day be being on time and coming with necessary supplies and completed homework.


Class Procedures

Entering the Room

Enter quietly. Pick up your binder. Sit in your assigned seat. Get your supplies organized. Copy your assignments and objective into your agenda. Begin working on your warm up.

Being Tardy

Being on time means that when the door is closed, you are seated and not running through the door. If the door is closed, you are tardy. Knock calmly and wait patiently. Your tardy will be recorded and the school tardy policy will be followed.

Issuing Passes

If a student has to leave the room for ANY reason, including, calling a parent or going to the nurse, a pass must be used. TWO restroom passes are given every six weeks for emergency use. Restroom should be used during passing periods.

Staying Seated

Any time instruction is given you must be seated. If instruction is not being given, you should raise your hand to ask permission to get out of your seat.

Focusing on the Teacher

The teacher will not talk while students are talking. All focus should be on the teacher. If interruptions continue, the disciplinary policy will be followed.

Sharpening Pencil

Students should use mechanical pencils or bring a personal sharpener.

Asking & Answering a Question

Raise your hand before you ask or answer a question. When the time is appropriate, I will answer all questions before moving on. Do not get frustrated if you are not called on to answer a question. The goal is for all students to participate.

Submitting Assignments

All assignments are due by the next class day (unless otherwise specified). Assignments must be done on loose-leaf notebook paper, not spiral. Refer to Assignment Format and Make-Up Policy for more information.

Dismissing Students

Make sure the area around you is clean and orderly. I will dismiss you, not the bell.

Being Absent/ Absent Folder

It is the responsibility of the student to make-up any and all missed work. If a student is absent, your partner will record assignments. Handouts will be in the Make-Up folder. When the absent student returns, he/she has one week (5 days) to return work.


Textbooks must be checked out through the front office. It is an expectation that ALL students check out textbooks by the end of the first three weeks of school.


Teacher-Only Areas

The teacher desk, projector, computer, and closed cabinets are off-limits to students unless specifically directed by a teacher.


No drinking, eating, or chewing (gum) during class.

Helping vs. Cheating

Cheating implies that both students cannot effectively explain their reasoning. Helping means that both students understand and can explain their reasoning. If you have not received permission to help, it is considered CHEATING. Talking during a quiz or test will be considered cheating and will result in a grade of zero.

Visitors to the Classroom

If a visitor comes into the classroom, stay in your seat and focus on the assignment. If the visitor needs my attention, continue working without getting loud, off task, or disruptive.

Associate Teacher

Treat the Associate Teacher with respect. Sit in your correct seat, give out your correct name, and behave well. If he/she makes a mistake or does not do a procedure correctly, just follow the directions given by the teacher. Inappropriate behavior will automatically be referred to the Assistant Principal. Under no circumstances should anyone receive an administrative referral. Great reports by the teacher will be rewarded.

Fire Drill

Quietly and quickly line up to leave the room. Once outside the building students must stand in a straight line silently. As students re-enter the building, the class should still walk quietly and quickly back to the classroom.

Profanity, Disrespect, Bullying

Inappropriate language or words that disrespect people such as “dumb” or “stupid” will not be tolerated in class. Any form of bullying will not be tolerated.

Vandalism & Theft

Stealing or destroyingschool, teacher or student property will be reported directly to the administration. This includes tagging walls, furniture, class materials, and student property.

Fights & Assaults

If a student is assaulted in class, students must move away from the disruption and get help. Any student who instigated or encouraged the fight will also be reported to the administration.

  1. Warning
  2. Student-Teacher Conference
  3. Seat move, behavior plan
  4. Academic Intervention/ Call parent
  5. Administrative Referral

Other Disciplinary Actions

  • Detention/ Isolation
  • Cooperative Teacher Room

It is the policy of JohnstonMiddle School not to discriminate on the basis of age, color, handicap or disability, ancestry, national origin, marital status, race, religion, sex, veteran status, or political affiliation in its educational or employment programs and activities.


Math Period Student ID#

Mathematics Syllabus, Classroom Rules and Procedures


Return this page to Ms. Carrion by the next class day.

Initial these 2 columns to show that you read each statement...

Student / Parent/
Guardian / The student will pass every grading period if…
  1. The student comes to class prepared with his/her binder, paper, pencil, and assignments.

  1. The student is actively engaged, participates in class activities, and works cooperatively with others. The student asks clarifying questions to ensure understanding of material.

  1. The parent/guardian reviews the assignment sheet daily, reviews notes with child, and checks homework.

  1. The student submits the homework assignment at the beginning of class with work shown and answers checked before class.

  1. The student does homework everyday: reviewing math notes and completing assignments.

  1. Weekly, the student explains what he/she learned in math class to a parent/guardian.

  1. The student attends tutoring three times a week if he/she is failing at progress report time.

  1. The student studies every day for tests and quizzes.

  1. The student understands all information in the newsletter and all grading policies and procedures.

  1. The concerned student or parent contacts Mrs. Carrion at school (832-249-5100) , by e-mail OR message on gradespeed when necessary.

It is the policy of JohnstonMiddle School not to discriminate on the basis of age, color, handicap or disability, ancestry, national origin, marital status, race, religion, sex, veteran status, or political affiliation in its educational or employment programs and activities.

Student Signature Date

Parent/Guardian SignatureDate

Contacting the Parent/Guardian

Cell ______




It is the policy of JohnstonMiddle School not to discriminate on the basis of age, color, handicap or disability, ancestry, national origin, marital status, race, religion, sex, veteran status, or political affiliation in its educational or employment programs and activities.

Parent/Guardian’s Relation to Student: (Please circle one.)

Biological ParentStep-ParentGrandparentNon-familial Guardian


City, StateZip Code

Parent E-mail
Student Information

Student Name ID # Birthday ____/____/____

7th Grade Math Teacher 7th Grade School ______

It is the policy of JohnstonMiddle School not to discriminate on the basis of age, color, handicap or disability, ancestry, national origin, marital status, race, religion, sex, veteran status, or political affiliation in its educational or employment programs and activities.

FavoriteSchool Subject

Favorite Restaurant

Favorite Movie

Favorite Actor/Actress

Favorite Musical Group/Singer

Favorite TV Show

Favorite Sport to Play

Favorite Sports Star

Favorite Food/ Candy

It is the policy of JohnstonMiddle School not to discriminate on the basis of age, color, handicap or disability, ancestry, national origin, marital status, race, religion, sex, veteran status, or political affiliation in its educational or employment programs and activities.

What are the top 3 jobs/professions you would like to be when you grow up? ______

Who are your heroes or role models and why? ______

What are 3 words that describe you? ______

What motivates you to do well in school? ______

What’s one thing you thought you would never do but did and why did you do it?

What makes you smile? ______

What makes you angry? ______

What makes you laugh? ______

It is the policy of JohnstonMiddle School not to discriminate on the basis of age, color, handicap or disability, ancestry, national origin, marital status, race, religion, sex, veteran status, or political affiliation in its educational or employment programs and activities.