The Glen at Tamiment POA

The Glen at Tamiment POA

The Glen at Tamiment POA

Board of Directors Meeting

April 20, 2018

In Attendance: George Kelly, Frank Hood, Linda DiGregorio, Sam Phillips, Adam Johnson

and Edwina Wolfe

Also in attendance: see sign in sheet.

President Kelly called the meeting to order at 4pm by leading all in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.

A motion to approve the minutes of the March 16, 2018 Board of Directors meeting was made by Frank Hood; the motion was 2nd by Linda DiGregorio. The motion passed as unanimous.

President’s Report – George Kelly

Mr. Kelly reported a meeting was held on Tuesday April 10 with the township supervisors and the township engineer. Boyer Engineering has completed the detailed drawings which have been approved by the township with one stipulation - they will require a cost estimate for the work and will require a 10% escrow deposit of the cost until the construction is complete.

The committee needs to get a bid spec together with the final cost estimate to do this project. By the time we go out for bids and receive the bids back it will be about 10 – 12 weeks before the contract can be awarded. This pushes the project to the end of the summer for a project that should be starting now. It has always been the plan to start April or May of 2019. This will give us time to determine how we are going to pay for this.

The pool has been in operation for 10 years. Keeping this in mind the board, by majority vote, has decided to drain the pool, have it acid washed, and make any minor repairs that need to be done before it is opened on Memorial Day weekend. The big expense will be the water that will be trucked in which was not included in the budget.

The May Board of Directors meeting has been rescheduled for May 5th at 11am. Representatives from Patriot Security Services, the group that trained our security staff, will attend the meeting to address any questions or concerns about the training.

Treasurer’s Report – Frank Hood

Mr. Hood reported that first quarter expenses came in higher that we would want at $65,302 versus last year of $62,258. Mr. Hood then went over the expenses and income and addressed any questions or concerns.

Road Repairs, New Business, and Old Business – Adam Johnson

Mr. Johnson is going to prepare the road repair bid sheet by electronic file this year. There is a $35,000 budget for road repairs and Mr. Johnson estimates there will be 5 – 7 contractors bidding for the job. S. Phillips said there needs to be a line put down the center of Rivendell Drive. A. Johnson said the shoulders on the road need to be widened.

GAC Report

Nobody was prepared to give the GAC report however J. Godlewski questioned the election procedures in place. C. Toscano said the GAC followed the filed procedures for elections in the community last year.

Homeowner Session

J. Sampere – asked if the board is planning to arm security with batons. L. DiGregorio responded saying there was a misunderstanding between the BOD and Patriot Security Services and batons were going to be purchased, but were cancelled. Linda said if there are any more concerns about the training representatives from Patriot will be at the May 5th meeting and those concerns should be directed to them.

There was a discussion about maintenance of the swales in the community. It was determined the swales are not in the maintenance contract.

A motion to close the meeting at 4:40pm was made by F. Hood. The motion was 2nd by A. Johnson; the motions passed as unanimous.

Respectfully submitted by,

Edwina S. Wolfe

Property Manager