At the Meeting of the Greensville County Industrial Development Authority, held on Wednesday, August 17, 2016, at 5:30 p.m., in the Board Room of the Greensville County Government Building, 1781 Greensville County Circle, Emporia, Virginia.

Present: James Parham, Jr., Chairman

Robin Whitman, Vice-Chairman

Haywood Brown

Herbert Lewis

Walter D. Rook, Jr.

Natalie Slate

Butler Barrett, Attorney

Also Present: Brenda Parson, Treasurer

Tricia Lewis

Absent: Len Hobbs

Traci Morris


Mr. James Parham, Jr., Chairman, called the meeting to order.


In Re: Approval of Agenda

Mrs. Slate stated that Staff recommended approval of the agenda, with two added items; 1) New Business – Jarratt Chuckatuck Hunt Club Lease Renewal, and 2) New Business – Meeting date change.

Mrs. Whitman moved, seconded by Mr. Lewis, with all voting aye, to approve the agenda as amended.


In Re: Approval of Minutes

Mrs. Slate stated that Staff recommended approval of the minutes of May 11, 2016, if no corrections were to be made.

Mr. Lewis moved, seconded by Mrs. Whitman, with all voting aye, to approve the minutes with one change – Correct the duplicate name, Mr. Lewis, for motion and second on the last paragraph under MAMaC Utility Easement Update.


In Re: Treasurer’s Report

Mrs. Slate stated that Staff recommended approval of the Treasurer’s Report for April, May, June and July 2016 if no corrections were to be made.

Mr. Lewis moved, seconded by Mr. Rook, with all voting aye, to approve the Treasurer’s Report.


In Re: MAMaC Utility Easement Acquisition

Mrs. Slate stated that the acquisition was specifically for Mecklenburg Electric to bring electric from their transmission line that was west of the MAMaC site to the MAMaC; this was approximately a two mile line. She stated that there were seven land owners in that right of way area, three have been completed, three sets are with the landowners waiting on their signature and the last one that has agreed to a price but a new plat was to be created. She also stated that once that was complete the closing documents would be prepared for the final landowner.

Mrs. Slate stated that $300,000 was received from grant funds to acquire the easements and Staff has been able to stay under budget. She stated that the easement was created large enough and the closing documents were worded so that other utilities could be added when a client located on the site.


In Re: Last Chance Hunt Club Lease Renewal

Mrs. Slate stated that the cabin on the property had been abandoned and they had built elsewhere in the County to ensure that during a hunting season they had a place to go if the Mega Site had a client ready to move on site. She stated that the County assisted in finding the new location for the hunt club cabin.

Mrs. Slate stated that Staff recommended approval of the Last Chance Hunt Club Lease Renewal.

Mrs. Whitman moved, seconded by Mr. Brown, with all voting aye, to approve the Last Chance Hunt Club Lease Renewal contingent upon the hunt club issuing a certificate of insurance.


In Re: Jarratt-Chuckatuck Hunt Club Lease Renewal

Mrs. Slate stated that Staff recommended approval of the Jarratt-Chuckatuck Hunt Club Lease Renewal.

Mrs. Whitman moved, seconded by Mr. Brown, with all voting aye, to approve the Jarratt-Chuckatuck Hunt Club Lease Renewal contingent upon the hunt club issuing a certificate of insurance.


In Re: Meeting Date Change

Mrs. Slate stated that the Authority had indicated that they would like to change the regularly scheduled meeting of the third Wednesday of the month to the third Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m.

Mrs. Slate stated that Staff recommended approval of the meeting change and by doing so the bylaws would be revised to reflect the meeting date change and would be brought before the Authority for approval.

Mr. Rook moved, seconded by Mrs. Whitman, with all voting aye, to approve the meeting date change.


In Re: Miscellaneous

Mrs. Whitman stated that there was a trash issue within the County. She stated that there was an issue going towards Boars Head and now the Country Club Road. She also stated that when the grass was cut the trash was not picked up first therefore the trash was scattered everywhere. She further stated that these issues present a bad light on the County when trying to attract clients to the area.

Mrs. Slate stated that the Southside Regional Jail had a crew that picks up trash on the roadways, alternating a week in the City and a week in the County. She stated that there was an issue currently with the use of the clean-up crew and the County was waiting on the resolution so that the crews could resume the schedule stated above and could be directed to problem areas where trash was a concern.

Mr. Parham stated that he went to Brink and Diamond Grove last week and the grass on the perimeter of the dumper site was over a foot long. He stated that he contacted Dave Whittington, County Administrator, regarding the site and he stated that he would take care of the issue. He also stated that he went back to the site and the grass had been cut and that it looked much better.


In Re: Adjournment

There being no further business, Mr. Rook moved, seconded by Mr. Brown, with all voting aye, to adjourn the meeting.


Natalie B. Slate, Secretary