3.08 Advanced Book Review

“The Giver” by Lois Lowry

By Sarah Freeman

`“The Giver” by Lois Lowry is truly a sensational book. It combines important aspects of the past, the present, and possibilities of the future and wraps them into a single story told by a young boy. But “The Giver” is not a ‘don’t do this, don’t do that’ kind of book. It is simply a collection of creative ideas that can be interpreted however the reader pleases, which is why it is such an appealing book for anyone.

“The Giver” is a book that is fascinating because it just escapes the common mind. Lois Lowry weaves the threads of this tale with the intricacy of a spider web, and it takes time to decipher all of the symbolism and subtleties. There is just so much information crammed into a single book that sometimes you have to stop and think to enjoy the full impact of it all.

Jonas, the main character, shares the story from his perspective; the perspective of a boy who grew up in a world where everything was the same and no one knew anything besides the rules. No one in his world knows feelings or memories because they are all repressed and held by a single person. But then Jonas is given the opportunity to learn these feelings and memories. He is offered the path to know colors and sadness, and anger, and also happiness and joy. Jonas is chosen as the next Receiver of Memory and becomes ‘human’.

This book intrigues because it reminds us that the things we cherish everyday (feelings, thoughts, wants, etc.) could become so dangerous if we were without them. “The Giver” shows us that the things we take for granted are some of our most important achievements. While it is never said outright, this is easily discernable as the main lesson of “The Giver”, and it is a very important thing to learn.

Interested yet? “The Giver” by Lois Lowry is available at most (if not all) major book retailers. Be sure to pick up your copy today to read this fantastic story and find out how everyday feelings and memories influence and change Jonas and his world.