America’s History – Eighth Edition (Henretta, et al.)

Chapter Assignment

APUSH – Spiconardi

Chapter 5 – The Problem of Empire, 1763 - 1776 (pg. 150 – 181)

Essential/Guiding Questions:

  1. Was colonial independence inevitable, and was war the only way to achieve it?
  2. Explain how British constraints on economic and political activity in the colonies led to an independence movement.
  3. Explain how the British identified Americans and how Americans identified themselves. Examine the extent to which colonists developed a sense of American identity by the start of the Revolution.
  4. Explain why most British and colonial leaders rejected the idea that the colonies should be represented in parliament.
  5. Explain why the Stamp Act provoked more resistance than the Sugar Act.
  6. Explain how the colonists reacted to the Stamp Act, Quartering Act, Declaratory Act, Townshend Act, Tea Act, and Coercive Acts.
  7. Explain how Enlightenment ideas inspired many American thinkers.
  8. Explain why some colonists wanted to remain loyal to the British.

Key Terms

America’s History – Eighth Edition (Henretta, et al.)

Chapter Assignment

APUSH – Spiconardi

  • Sons of Liberty
  • Virtual Representation
  • Nonimportation movement
  • Continental Congress
  • Thomas Paine’s Common Sense
  • Declaration of Independence

America’s History – Eighth Edition (Henretta, et al.)

Chapter Assignment

APUSH – Spiconardi


Chapter 6 – Making War and Republican Governments, 1776 - 1789 (pg. 182 – 213)

Essential/Guiding Questions:

  1. Determine the extent to which the American Revolution was revolutionary. What political, social, and economic changes did it produce, and what stayed the same? (Think continuity and change.)
  2. Determine the extent to which the course of the American Revolution was shaped by events in Europe.
  3. Explain how the Patriots were able to defeat the British. Consider political, diplomatic, and military reasons. Was Patriot victory achieved due to British mistakes or Patriot advantages?
  4. Explain in what ways the Confederation functioned effectively and in which ways it was a failure.
  5. Which plan of government better fulfilled the ideals of the American Revolution: Articles of Confederation or the Constitution of 1787? Explain and provide evidence.
  6. Identify and explain the significant issues and compromises of the Constitutional Convention.
  7. Federalists and Antifederalists both claimed to represent the true spirit of the American Revolution. Which of these competing visions of national identity was right? Why?

Key Terms

America’s History – Eighth Edition (Henretta, et al.)

Chapter Assignment

APUSH – Spiconardi

  • Articles of Confederation
  • Shay’s Rebellion
  • Virginia Plan
  • New Jersey Plan
  • The Great Compromise
  • Federalist No. 10
  • Northwest Ordinance of 1787