Teacher: Carl CookGrade: 7th

Course: Math Room #: C103

Email: Phone Number: (281) 229- 7215

The Gator Way: Responsible, Respectful, Involved

Dear Student and Parents,

Welcome to 7th grade math!

I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Carl Cookand I am excited you are enrolled in my class. This is my first year teaching Mathematics at McAdams Jr. High. I’m excited about the opportunity to get to know you and your student this school year. My goal is for each student to show strong academic growth in mathematics.Working together as a team we will successfully achieve our learning goals and have a productive year in 7th grade math!

Learning Goals

Students will use mathematical processes to acquire and demonstrate mathematical understanding of:

●Numbers and Operations,


●Expressions, Equations and Relationships

●Measurement and Data,

●Personal Financial Literacy

Curriculum Bundles can be found on the following website:


Always be kind and courteous to others

Always do your best

Follow directions

Always practice self-control

Respect yourself and others

Behavioral Consequences:

Following all of the above guidelines will ensure a great year. However, consequences for inappropriate behaviors will be enforced. These consequences include but are not limited to verbal warning, student conference, parent contact/ conference, detention, and discipline referral.

Grading Policy:

Graded assignments will include: daily work, homework, participation grades, quizzes, projects, assessments, and nine-week benchmarks. Percentages (assigned by the district) are as follows:
55% Formative (Homework and Daily Work)

45 % Summative (Common Assessments, Projects and CBA)

Students will receive a progress report every 3weeks of each 9 week grading period. A report card will be sent home every 9 weeks.

Home Learning:

Home Learning is assigned every Monday and due on the last school day of the week. It is reviewed daily so the student must do a minimum number of problems a night. There may be other assignments the student will have from the day not completed in class.

Academic Dishonesty Policy:

Students caught being academically dishonest on assignments or tests, will receive a grade of ZERO and possible disciplinary action. (Test retake policy will apply, and the maximum they can receive on the retake is a 70. Please refer to the Academic Dishonesty Policy handout for more details.)

Make up work:

It is very important that students attend school each day. However, we realize that sickness, family emergencies, and doctor’s appointments occur. Assignments missed will be saved for the student to complete upon their return. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain, complete and return all assignments missed. Students will receive a zero for any missing assignment not completed and returned. Students will have an alternate assignment or assessment when class activities are missed.

Late Work:

Work turned in after its due date is considered late. All assignments turned in after the assigned due date will receive a 10-point deduction.After the third day late then the assignment will not be accepted. Only three late assignments will be accepted per grading period. All late assignments thereafter will NOT be accepted within each grading period.


Students will be required to have the following supplies for Math class. All supplies must be turned in by . They are listed on the District’s school supply list.

1 24-count box of colored pencils3 glue sticks

24-36 pencilsErasers

1 pkg. notebook paper 1 one subject college-ruled spiral notebook or composition book

1 bottle of hand sanitizer1 box of tissues

(Some of these will be collected by the teacher for classroom use. All other supplies should be brought to class for daily use.)

Conferences and Grade Notification:

My conference period is 5th period, 11:10 - 12:03 daily. You can contact me anytime by phone or email. Please note that during instructional time, a phone will go directly to voice mail. I will get back to you within 48 hours. I am happy to meet with you regarding your student’s progress, during conference hours or after school.

Tutorials will be held after school on Mondays from 2:50-3:50. Your child may attend them as often as needed. Other tutorial days/times may be scheduled with the teacher. Transportation is not provided.


Carl Cook

7th Grade Math

Parents and students please sign below showing that you have read the syllabus and understood the expectations, rules and class procedures.


Student signature


Student Name (printed)


Parent signature


Parent e-mailParent contact #


I would also be very grateful if you would respond to the following questions.

  1. Describe your child in a few words. ______
  1. I would like to see my child improve, in your class in the following area: ______
  1. My son/daughter will need special attention/help with ______
  1. Please list any other suggestions or concerns you may have.


Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.