Earth Science 1052006 Winter TermStudy Guide for Final Exam

Use the study guide for the midterm, in addition to this study guide. About 1/3 of the material will be from the first unit of the course, and about 2/3 from the unit covered by this study guide. Expect calculation problems, drawing to label with correct terms, fill-in, matching, multiple choice and true/false questions

Physics of Motion

Velocity is distance/time. Acceleration is change in velocity over time. Know units for each.

Velocity in an accelerating system equals acceleration rate x time elapsed.

Distance traveled in an accelerating system = ½ (a)(t)2. If you know two of these: distance, acceleration, and time, you can calculate the third.

Acceleration of gravity not dependent upon object’s mass. Freely falling objects accelerate at constant rate (neglecting air resistance).

Projectiles subject to gravity acceleration vertically, but no acceleration in horizontal direction. Satellites are projectiles moving horizontally fast enough to fall only as fast as the curvature of Earth.

Newton’s laws of motion

First law

•“Every object continues in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a straight line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it.”


Second law

•“The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on the object, is in the direction of the net force, and is inversely proportional to the mass of the object.”

•Means “acceleration ~ Force/mass”


Third law

•“Whenever one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force on the first.”

•Force is an interaction between objects

•Action—reaction pairs

Be able to calculate net force from known perpendicular forces.

Mass wasting

Influence of gravity

Names and characteristics of types

Triggers of mass wasting.

How do these triggers cause mass wasting to begin

Know a specific example of mass wasting event, and details about its type

What is a lahar? How are the created?

What potential mass wasting could occur in northwestern Oregon?

Stream systems

Hydrologic cycle: percent evaporation and rainfall of oceans and continents

Percent water in different locations

Gradient of streams: influences, results

Influences on stream velocity

Terms associated with meandering streams, how do they form

What changes take place in character of stream between headwaters and mouth

What is base level?

Describe delta formation, natural levee formation

Transportation by streams: types, relative amounts

Competence vs. capacity

‘so many year’ flood event

Drainage basin: tributaries, divides

Drainage patterns

Biggest river is the Amazon: discharge > next ten rivers put together