Questions (mostly) by Mike Musgrove and Indian Springs HS

1. He once remarked, “If silicon had been a gas, I might have become a general in the United States army.” This was because he was dismissed from West Point after failing a test. He then worked as a draftsman for the Coast Survey Department at Washington but in 1855 sailed for Europe and never returned. FTP identify this painter of symphonies, nocturnes, harmonies, and arrangements such as the one in Grey and Black.

Answer:James Whistler

2. At the Republican nominating committee, Gen Leonard Wood and Gov. Frank Lowden of Illinois were the leading candidates but both failed to win a majority, opening the way for the selection of this man. On election night, KDKA in Pittsburgh, making its first general broadcast announced the results, 404 electoral votes for the former Ohio senator and publisher of the Marion star, 127 for Gov. Cox. During his tenure the Fordney-McCumber Act was passed, the Washington Conference was called and the Teapot Dome Scandal occured. FTP, identify this 29th president who campaigned in 1920 on his Back to Normalcy slogan.

Answer:Warren Harding

3.This introspective work was originally considered a feminist work to the chagrin of the author. The main character, the best-selling author of Frontiers of War, is currently working on a novel about her relationship with her friend Molly, Free Women. Anna Wulf uses her four different-colored titular objects to overcome her writer’s block and come to terms with her life in, for ten points, this 1962 masterpiece of Doris Lessing.

Answer: The Golden Notebook

4.This highly poisonous compound was discovered in 1826 by Otto Unverdorben, a Prussian chemist. In 1856 an 18-year-old lab assistant was trying to synthesize quinine from its salt. He would up with a black sludge, but for some reason, instead of throwing it away, he dissolved it in alcohol and produced a purple color. FTP, identify this aromatic compound with formula C6H5NH2, which young William Henry.Perkin used to produce mauve the first commercial dyestuff.


5.Once married to the daughter of David Nelson and thus a grandson-in-law to Ozzie and Harriet, he was in the band Avant-Garde which had a Top 40 hit in 1968 with “Naturally Stoned.” Before hosting his own daytime talk show in 1991 and becoming a panelist on the $1.98 Beauty Show, he played Mr. Dingle on The New Zoo Revue. FTP, name this multi-talented game show host of Scrabble, Greed, Wheel of Fortune, and Love Connection.

Answer:Chuck Woolery

6.After inflicting cuts and bruises on himself, he drove his cart to the agora and claimed that he had barely escaped from a band of assassins. He then demanded that he be allowed to form a bodyguard. With this band of thugs he seized the Acropolis. FTP, identify this tyrant who thusly took power from Solon in c550BC.


7.Major Duncan Heyward is guided by a Huron Indian named Magua as he is escorting Cora and Alice Munro to their waiting father, Colonel Munro, at Fort William Henry. It turns out Magua is trying to kidnap the Munro girls. His plot is foiled by Hawkeye, Chingachook, and the title character, Uncas. FTP, identify this novel by James Fenimore Cooper set during the French and Indian War which was made into a movie starring Daniel Day Lewis.

Answer:The Last of the Mohicans.

8.Lisa, the owner of the inn, loves Elvino. She is sulking because of his betrothal to another woman when a mysterious stranger arrives. He turns out to be Count Rodolpho, lord of the castle. While Rodolpho is waiting in his room to visit the villagers, Amina walks in and lies down on his bed. When the villagers walk in, Lisa sees Amina in Rodolpho’s bed, and tells Elvino, who then ends the engagement. Several days later, on a dark night, Elvino sees Amina engaging in the title activity across a treacherous bridge, and takes her back, whereupon she sings “Ah! Non giunge!” FTP, name this 1831 Bellini opera about those peripatetic in their dreams.

Answer:La Sonnambula or the Sleepwalker

9.While sailing to Georgia in 1735 he was impressed by the calm faith of some fellow passengers from Moravia. He studied their doctrine and embraced their faith. Together with George Whitefield he began holding open air meetings when he returned to England. He gathered about him a group of followers known as the Holy Club. Others began to call them Methodists because of their methodical ways. FTP, identify this 18th century preacher.

Answer:John Wesley

10.The Lacey Act of 1900 forbade importation of any live specimens of these animals. The ban extended to zoos. The legislation stemmed from the fact that after it had killed all the sugar cane rats and fer de lance snakes in Martinique as it was supposed to, it proceeded to kill lizards and birds which controlled the insect population. Identify htis creature of which Riki Tiki Tavi is an example.


11The U.S.’s first National Battlefield Park was established here. This Civil War battle matched a Confederate force of 66,000 under General Bragg against a Union force of 58,000 commanded by General Rosecrans. Rosecrans was defeated but was not routed thanks to General George Thomas who made his reputation by holding his position against repeated assaults. FTP name this September 1863 battle in which Thomas became known as “the Rock”.


12.In 1913, she opened a millinery in Deauville; the next year, she moved to Paris, where she was patronized by wealthy women seekng relief from corsets. She liked to use wool, previously only used for maid’s uniforms, bell-bottom trousers, turtleneck sweaters, trench coats, and costume jewelry to establish her “poor girl” look. In the 1920’s one of her factories was responsible for 5% of France’s total exports. Perhaps her most long-lasting contribution was the “little black dress.” FTP, name the inventor of what was made in that factory, the perfume #5.

Answer: Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel

13.She’s not Gertrude Stein, but she was born in Oakland; she has a Master’s Degree in Linguistics from San Jose State. Her second novel, the Kitchen’s God Wife, was published in 1991, and was followed by two children’s books, The Moon Lady and the Chinese Siamese Cat. FTP who is this author, best known for her first novel, The Joy Luck Club ?

Answer: Amy Tan

14.Much of his later work concerned the scattering of atomic particles and electronic structures of molecules. He gave a very precise definition of heat in 1921 and collaborated with Fritz Haber on a graphical cycle used to calculate lattice enthalpy. For ten points, name this German physicist and 1954 Nobel Laureate who demonstrated that the solution to the Schrodinger equation has a statistical meaning of physical significance.

Answer: Max Born

15.At one of its games in 1974, Vitas Gerulaitis ordered the public-address announcer to invite the 11,000 fans to his birthday party. Current Western teams are the St. Louis Aces, Sacramento Capitals, Kansas City Explorers, and Springfield Lasers. The East consists of the Hartford FoxForce, New York Buzz, New York Hamptons, Philadelphia Freedoms, and Delaware Smash. FTP, name this co-ed professional summer league taking place before the U.S. Open and after Wimbledon, that Billie Jean King began in 1974.

Answer:World Team Tennis or WTT

16.This museum has 1400 rooms in six different buildings and boasts the largest collection of Gauguins in the world. Adjoining the Winter Palace, its building was ordered by Catherine the Great. FTP, identify this museum in St. Petersburg which shares its name with the home of Andrew Jackson.

Answer:the Hermitage

17.Seventy percent of current cases of this diseaseare in India; there is no known cure. Eradicated in the Western Hemisphere in 1994, the 1988 World Health Assembly and the 1990 World Summit for Children vowed to eradicate it globally by 2000. That was not to be the case, as up to 20 million people are currently paralyzed by this contagious fecal-oral spreading disease. FTP, name this crippling childhood disease that can be prevented with an oral vaccine.


18.When this 1970 book went into its second edition, the author added a chapter on Jean Genet to round out its examination of gender, especially through literature. The first edition shocked many Americans with its radical deconstruction of patriarchal discourse. Written in response to The Feminine Mystique, this book launched Kate Millet's career. FTP, name this book.

Answer: Sexual Politics

19.Russia, France and Britain confirmed Italian possession of Libya and the Dodecanese Islands and promised Italy new territory, such as Italia Irredenta, stretches along the Dalmatian Coast and parts of Asia Minor, after the end of World War I. A blatant violation of Woodrow Wilson’s plans for post-war order, FTP, name this April 26, 1915 secret treaty created to induce Italy to join the war, whose unkept promises led to the rise of populists like D’Annunzio and Mussolini.

Answer: Treaty of London

20.Born in 1631 to a strict Puritan family, he went to school at Cambridge. He was very practical in his politics -- he supported Cromwell during the Commonwealth period but then switched allegiance to Charles I during the Restoration. He went so far as to pen the poems Astrea Redux and To His Sacred Majesty in tribute. When James II came to the throne, he became a Catholic and wrote the fable The Hind and the Panther in defense of his new religion. .FTP, identify this author of A Song for St. Cecilia’s Day, Mac Flecknoe, All for Love, and Absalom and Achitophel.

Answer:John Dryden

21.Its Nagami, or oval, variety has reddish fruits, which when ripe are about 1.5- 2 inches long. There is also a round, or Marumi, variety, and an egg-shaped Meiwa variety. All together, four or five species are known, all of them originating in southeast Asia. Between eight and twelve feet high, their branches are mainly thornless, while they have dark green, glossy leaves and white, orange-like flowers. Of the genus fotunella, they are evergreen trees. FTP, name these small, orange-like fruits, which Dennis Franz cannot identify.

Answer: kumquat

22.He began his career in New York City in 1835 when he exhibited Joice Heth, a woman touted as the 161-year-old former nurse of George Washington. He followed this with his exhibit of the famous Siamese twins Chang and Eng. FTP name this promoter and circus founder, whose most famous discovery was the midget General Tom Thumb.

Answer: P. T. Barnum

23.Dismissed from his better-known post after quarreling with the provincial secretary and some ministers, he encouraged the formation of the New Sweden Company. He had previously served as the first director-general of the colony of New Netherland, founding the settlement of New Amsterdam. FTP, name this man who, in 1626, purchased Manhattan Island for twenty four dollars.

Answer:Peter Minuit

24.At the beginning of this stage, the inner component of the inner membrane of the mitochondrion has become negatively charged while the outer component is positively charged. The result is a molecular battery that uses the difference in charge across that inner membrane to make ATP from ADP using the F1 complex. For ten points, name this indirect route by which the energy of NADre is transferred to ATP, the fifth stage of aerobic respiration postulated in 1978 by Peter Mitchell.

Answer:Chemiosmotic synthesis

25.The Dutch discovered them in 1722 and in 1768 Louis de Bougainville visited and named them the Navigator Islands. An American named Charles Wilkes gave them their current title in 1839. Robert Louis Stevenson lived here at Vailima. FTP, identify these islands whose western portion has its capital at Apia and whose eastern part has its capital at Pago Pago.

Answer:Samoa or Samoan Islands


Questions (mostly) by Mike Musgrove and Indian Springs HS

1.Bang bang, they shot me down. Given a major character, name the war-themed novel FTPE:

a) Henry Flemming
Answer: The Red Badge of Courage

b) Pierre Bezukhov
Answer: War and Peace

c) Paul Baumer
Answer: All Quiet on the Western Front

2.Bang bang, they shot me down. Again. Identify these Indian fighters FTP each.

1. As commander of the 7th Cavalry he was defeated at Little Bighorn.

Answer:George Custer

2. Called the 'Gray Fox' by the Apaches, it was he who finally conquered Geronimo. He was not prone to petty theft as his name might imply.

Answer:George Crook

3. This soldier led troops against the Sioux, Apaches, Cheyennes, Comanches, and most famously the Nez Perce. He certainly covered a lot of ground during this time, as his name implies.

Answer:Nelson Miles

3.Identify the following things from Greek philosophy, FTPE.

10) This paradox of Zeno of Elea considers the namesake object in flight. Since it is at rest in any instant, and since the time of its flight is made up of instants, it is always at rest and does not move.

Answer:Zeno's paradox of the arrow

10) An inscription here begins "Stranger, here you will do well to tarry; here our highest good is pleasure." This school was founded by Epicurus on the namesake property.

Answer:the Garden

10) In this famous allegory from The Republic, Plato imagines humanity chained in the depths of the namesake location, seeing shadows on a wall but unable to turn and see the light of truth behind them.

Answer:allegory of the cave

4.Name these parts of a flower FTPE.

1. This male reproductive part is composed of the filament and anther.


2. This middle section of the carpel, it is a neck through which pollen must travel to reach the ovary.


3. These parts cover these flower parts in the bud stage, and collectively are known as the calyx.


5.Answer these questions about the ballet The Rite of Spring FTPE:

1. Who composed it?

Answer:Igor Stravinsky

2. The Rite of Spring was performed by the Ballet Russes. Who was the lead dancer.

Answer:Vasily Nijinsky

3. Who was the impresario who formed the Ballet Russes?

Answer:Sergei Diaghilev

6.Identify these Virginia Woolf novels from characters, FTPE.

10) Septimus Warren Smith, Doris Kilman, Peter Walsh

Answer:Mrs. Dalloway

10) Lily Briscoe, Charles Tansley, Augustus Carmichael

Answer:To the Lighthouse

10) Neville, Susan, Louis, Jinny, Rhoda, Bernard

Answer:The Waves

7.Given a year and the war it ended, name the treaty FTPE.

a) 1763, Seven Years’ War
Answer: Treaty of Paris

b) 1783, American Revolution
Answer: Treaty of Paris

c) 1856, Crimean War
Answer: Treaty of Paris

8.Answer these biochemistry questions FTPE:

(a) In 1974 John Hughes – not the director -- and Hans Kosterlitz discovered these opioid receptors, peptides produced in the brains of vertebrates, were by in 1974.


(b) In 1976 Choh Hao Li and David Chung discovered the beta form of this other class of opioid peptides, which were sought after the discovery of enkephlins


(c) Otto Loewi and Hallett Dale shared the 1936 Nobel in Medicine and Physiology for their work on this substance involved in nerve impulses. Because he found it released by the vagus nerve, Loewi originally called it "Vagusstoff"


9.Answer these questions about International Law FTPE:

a) Name the 17th century Dutch jurist who wrote Concerning the Law of War and Peace, the first text on international law.

Answer:Hugo Grotius

b) This English author of Leviathan disputed Grotius' concept of international law because there was no power that enforced laws on states.

Answer:Thomas Hobbes

c) This 1864 meeting which set forth the rules for war and the treatment of prisoners was the first attempt to establish just such a power.

Answer:Geneva Convention

10.Identify these poker variations FTPE:

1. A term for a family of games in which cards are received one at a time with a betting round in between each new card. The name does not refer to any horses put out to pasture.


2. A variation of stud in which the player receives nine cards, sometimes it’s played 'Hi-Lo', meaning the best hand and the worst hand split the pot. It’s named for the city that was home to the sponsor of Marlin Perkins' Wild Kingdom.


3. The most glamorous stud variation, this game popularized in a particular U.S. state is played in the annual World Series of Poker.