
The Fraser Group

Customer and Employee Relationship Metrics

Final 1/18/08 1/30/08 srr


Hello, may I speak with (TAKE NAME FROM LIST)?

If asked what this is about: My name is _____. I am calling on behalf of Linde/BOC. We are conducting a survey of our most valued clients. I understand Mr./Ms. (NAME) is influential in the process of choosing industrial gas suppliers.

If respondent not available: Is there a more convenient time for me to reach him/her?

YES (note time and date, call back then)

NO: Thank you for your time. (end interview)

If respondent is available: Hello, Mr./Ms. (NAME). My name is ______. Let me assure you this is not a sales call. I’m calling on behalf of Linde, formally formerly known as BOC, your supplier of industrial gases such as: oxygen, nitrogen, argon and other gases used in industrial and commercial application.


Linde has hired my company, The Fraser Group, an independent market research organization, along with Purdue University to explore the issues most important to you as a user of (industrial/) commercial gases.

I want to assure you this is not a sales call. OurWe are interested is in learning more about the requirements of the users of industrial and /commercial gases and how suppliers such as Linde/BOC manufacturers might improve the products and services and programs they offer. Linde/BOC regards you as a valued customer and provided us with your name and number.

This survey will take approximately 15 minutes, would you have time to share your feedback with me now?

YES: Thank you, Mr./Ms. (NAME). I want to assure you that Yyour identity and individual answers will not be revealed unless there is something you would like us to share directly with Linde/BOC for follow-up. but only combined with others.

(This is a good idea, because it gives Linde the possibility to follow-up with any clients that feel they have an issue that has not been adequately resolved!! This is proactive and often appreciated.) GO TO Q1

NO: Is there a more convenient time that I could call back? Your feedback is important to Linde/BOC’s improvement initiates for your company.

YES: (note date & time, call back then) Thank you for your time. (end


NO: Thank you for your time. (end interview)

If respondent tells you they do not deal with Linde/BOC: Can you give me the name of the person who deals with the industrial/commercial gas suppliers?

(Take name & if possible number) Thank you very much for your time. (end interview)
First of all, GO TO Q1
IF ASKED “HOW DID YOU GET MY NAME, COMPANY, NUMBER, and Linde provided a list of customers with whom they do business and your name was included.
John Rinald
Phone : 908-771-1189

Q1. What title best describes your job current position at (ENTER SAMPLE INFOCOMPANY NAME FROM LIST) (READ HI-LIGHTED LIST): (I am not sure what this means about the highlighted list. Is that the only possibility of titles? Perhaps it makes more sense to let them tell the interviewer and the interviewer chooses or clarifies, as necessary)

1. Management: General Manager, CEO, President/Owner, VP??
General Manager
2. Purchasing
3. Maintenance
director of maintenance
manager of maintenance
etc. (This causes confusion. If you are a manager of maintenance, are you not management?? Perhaps category 1 should be executive?)
4. Engineering (we should probably have some clear examples of job titles here)
5. Operations
6 Quality
99. Other-(LIST) : (note Title verbatim)______

1.  Q2. Which of the following best describes your role in the decision of selecting the supplier of industrial/ or commercial gases your company uses? Are you:
1. I am responsible for making the decision (include approves decision)
2. I am consulted about the decision
3. I implement the decision
4. I am informed about the decision
The next question asks you to compare Linde to other suppliers of products or materials that you use in your manufacturing process.

2.  Q3. Taking into consideration your own experiences as well as what you may have heard from others in your organization, how would you say the overall quality of Linde/BOC compares to other suppliers you work with in your production process? Is Linde/BOC…(CLARIFIER: OVERALL QUALITY INCLUDES NOT ONLY THE PRODUCTS BUT ALSO THE DELIVERY OF THOSE PRODUCTS AND THE SERVICES AND SUPPORT ACTIVITIES THE CUSTOMER EXPECTS)
1. Is Mmuch better than the overall quality of other suppliers of products used in your production process – SKIP (GO TO Q4)
2. Somewhat Better better – SKIP (GO TO Q4)
3. About the same – SKIP (GO TO Q4)
4. Somewhat worse – TAKE VERBATIM (what verbatim should they take?? There is no additional question posed. – SKIP GO TO Q4
5. Much worse than the overall quality of other suppliers of products used in your production process – TAKE VERBATIM– SKIP (GO TO Q4)

In tThe next few questions we would like you to are going to ask you to rate Linde/BOC on a numberseries of issues. If you don’t know, please say, “I don’t know.”

3.  Q4. On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being excellent and 5 being poor, how would you rate the overall quality of Linde/BOC as a supplier of industrial gas? Then taking into consideration your own experiences as well as what you may have heard from others, how would you rate the overall quality of Linde as a supplier of industrial gases? Would you say Linde’s overall quality is…
1. Excellent
2. Very Good
3. Good
9. Don’t knowK

4.  Q5. Using the same scale, 1 being excellent and 5 being poor, when considering Considering Linde/BOC’s overall quality in relation to the cost of their products and services and the time/ and effort it takes to deal with them, would you say your organization receives …how would you rate the value that Linde/BOC delivers?
1. Excellent
2. Very Good
3. Good
4. Fair
5. Poor
9. Don’t know
1. An Excellent Value from Linde
2. a Very Good Value
3. a Good
4. a Marginal
5. or a Poor Value from Linde

9. Don’t know

5.  Q6. Would you say your organization is…Again, using the same 5 point scale, overall, how satisfied would you say (COMPANY NAME) is with Linde/BOC as a supplier
1. Excellent
2. Very Good
3. Good
4. Fair
5. Poor
9. Don’t know
1. Extremely satisfied
2. Somewhat satisfied
3. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4. Somewhat dissatisfied
5. Very dissatisfied
9. Don’t know
with Linde as a supplier?

6.  Q7. Over the past two years, wWould you say the quality of your organization’s relationship with Linde/BOC has…
1. Improved over the last two years
2. Stayed about the same, or
3. Worsened over the last two years – TAKE VERBATIM

9. Don’t know

7.  Q8. Considering all aspects of your organization’s relationship with Linde, how easy would you say it is to do business with Linde/BOC is…? 1 indicating extremely easy and 5 indicating very difficult
1. Extremely easy to do business with
2. Somewhat easy to do business with
3. Neither easy nor difficult to do business with
4. Somewhat difficult , or
5. Very difficult to do business with – TAKE VERBATIM

9. Don’t know

8.  Q9. Considering all aspects of your organization’s relationship with Linde, how would you rate Linde/BOC ability to meet (COMPANY NAME)’s requirements of a supplier?would you say Linde …? Please use a 5 point scale, 1 being excellent and 5 being poor.

1. Excellent
2. Very Good
3. Good
4. Fair
5. Poor
9. Don’t know

10. (I am not sure exactly what is being asked in this question, but it will be much more valuable if a continuum is used instead of only 2 possible answer categories . . . . perhaps this should be split into 2 questions. One about meeting the requirements and the second referring to how quickly they respond. I think that would be a better solution . .. . .)
1. Reacts to your requirements of them with the required sense of urgency
2. Does not react to your requirements of them with the required sense of urgency

9. Don’t know

11. Q10. Using the same 5 point scale, how would you rate the quality of communication between Linde/BOC and (COMPANY NAME)? Would you say the overall quality of the communication between Linde and your organization is…
1. Excellent
2. Very gGood
3. Good
4. Fair
5. Poor
9. Don’t kKnow

12. Q11. If a colleague from another organization were to ask you to recommend an industrial or commercial gases supplier, how likely would you be…to recommend Linde/BOC?
1. Extremely likely to recommend Linde
2. Very likely
3. Somewhat likely
4. Not very likely, or
5. Not at all likely to recommend Linde
9. Don’t kKnow
Tell me if you agree that the following statement describe Linde? (This is leading . . . not to mention this section will not give much in data richness. Additionally in some instances they are being compared to other suppliers (is that other gas suppliers or just suppliers in general??)


14. Q12. Linde/BOC is a We consider Linde to be a commodity supplier of industrial gases.
1. - Agree
2. – Disagree
9. Don’t knowK

15. Q13. Linde/BOC is a supplier of industrial gases that is committed to providing outstanding service. more than other suppliers are committed to service
1. – Agree
2. – Disagree
9. Don’t know
9. DK

16. Q14. Linde is an organization that brings solutions to your our process through the application of technology innovation.
1. Agree
2. Disagree
9. Don’t know
1 – Agree
2 - Disagree

17. Q15. Would you say you…Linde/BOC has the proper focus on safety at our location.
1. Agree
2. Disagree
9. Don’t know
1. Strongly Agree
2. Agree
3. Neither agree nor disagree
4. Disagree, or
5. Strongly disagree
9. Don’t know

that Linde has the proper focus on safety at your location

18. Q16. Now I would like to discuss the product quality from of Linde/BOC. By product quality we mean how well Linde/BOC’s products conform to specifications. Using a 5 point scale where 1 is excellent and 5 is poor. How would you rate Linde/BOC’s product quality? Here we are talking about conformance to specification. Would you say the quality of the products from Linde is…
1. Excellent
2. Very good
3. Good
4. Fair
5. Poor
9. Don’t know
1. Excellent
2. Very Good
3. Good
9. Don’t Know

19. Q17. I don’t need you to tell me their name but, do you know name of the Linde Regional Account Manager that calls on your organization in person?You needn’t give the name, but do you know the name of the Linde/BOC Regional Account Manager who personally calls on your company? (CLARIFIER: THIS IS THE PERSON WHO CALLS ON THE RESPONDENT’S ORGANIZATION IN PERSON)
1. Yes
2. No - IF NO SKIPGO TO Q. 29.
(I am not sure this is really the question we want to ask. Who cares if they know the persons name if they do not personally have interactions with the person??

20. How would you compare the quality of your Linde Regional Account Manager to the quality of other Account Managers of products used in your manufacturing process? Would you say the overall quality of the Linde Regional Account Manager is …
1. Much better
2. Somewhat better
3. About the same
4. Somewhat worse
5. Much worse than the quality of the other supplier’s Account Managers

9. Don’t know
or default to:
1. Excellent
2. Very Good
3. Good
4. Fair
5. Poor

Thinking specifically about the Linde Regional Account Manager that calls on your organization in person, how would you rate the Linde account manager in terms of… Would you say…?

21. Their courtesy and professionalism
1. Excellent
2. Very Good
3. Good
4. Fair
5. Poor

9. Don’t know

22. Their responsiveness to your requests (whether by phone, email or other)?
1. Excellent
2. Very Good
3. Good
4. Fair
5. Poor

9. Don’t know

23. Their understanding of your requirements of onsite delivery at your location?
1. Excellent
2. Very Good
3. Good
4. Fair
5. Poor

9. Don’t know

24. The productivity of their sales calls at your company and communicating with the right people in your organization
1. Excellent
2. Very Good
3. Good
4. Fair
5. Poor

9. Don’t know

25. Their acting on your behalf internally at Linde
1. Excellent
2. Very Good
3. Good
4. Fair
5. Poor

9. Don’t know

26. The frequency with which they contact you by either phone or email
1. Excellent
2. Very Good
3. Good
4. Fair
5. Poor

9. Don’t know

27. Keeping you up to date on issues such as product, pricing, process and delivery
1. Excellent
2. Very Good
3. Good
4. Fair
5. Poor

9. Don’t know

28. Their focus on and knowledge of safety
1. Excellent
2. Very Good
3. Good
4. Fair
5. Poor
9. Don’t know