Please turn off all cell phones prior to the beginning of the meeting

The Franklinville Town Board will meet on Tuesday March 9, 2010 at the Town Hall, commencing at 7:00 P.M.









1.  Highway Supt.

2. Cemetery Sexton

3. Code Enforcement Officer

4. Dog Control Officer

5. Supervisor

6. Town Clerk








Minutes of the Franklinville Town Board Meeting held on February 9, 2010, at 7:00 P.M.

ROLL CALL: David Dickinson…...... Supervisor

William Dallas………...... …………….Councilman

Michael Brisky……………………………….....Councilman

George Trummer…………………....…………..Councilman

Sharon Hahn…………………...………………..Councilwoman

William Weller, Sr.…………….....…………….Highway Supt.

Kathy Hatch..…………………………………... Town Clerk

Meeting was called to order by Mr. Dickinson at 7:00 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Roll Call was taken, with all present.

Approval of Minutes

Mr. Brisky made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 12, 2010, meeting. Mr. Trummer seconded the motion. All voted “Aye”. Carried.

Mr. Brisky made a motion to approve the minutes of the Special emergency meeting held January 30, 2010, seconded by Mrs. Hahn. All voted “Aye”. Carried.

Approval of Abstracts

Mr. Brisky made a motion to pay abstract #2, General vouchers #35-61 in the amount of $8,715.33 and Highway vouchers #30-48, in the amount of $14,697.32, seconded by Mr. Trummer. All voted “Aye”. Carried.


The Clerk, Justice and Court Reports were presented.

Petitions and requests from the floor

Rich Florkowski mentioned how well the new Dog Control Officer, Renee Hansen is doing in her job.

Court Clerk Judy Harrington reminded the Board that the audit of the Justices’ financial records needs to be. The Board will do so by the end of February.

Opening of bids

The bids for cemetery maintenance were opened and were as follows:

Wolcott Lawn and Cemetery - $21,000.00($1,750.00 per month)

Hausrath’s Landscape Maintenance, Inc. - $19,855.00

Fuller’s Odds and Ends - $20,000.00 each year for three years

Landscaping Expert - $19,200.02

Mr. Brisky made a motion to reject all bids and to re-bid for three years after working with the Cemetery Sexton to develop a set of specifications. Mr. Dallas seconded the motion. All voted “Aye”. Carried.

Highway Superintendent

Mr. Brisky made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss collective bargaining and a personnel matter. Mr. Trummer seconded the motion. All voted “Aye”. Carried.

Mr. Trummer made a motion to return to Regular Session, seconded by Mr. Brisky. All voted “Aye”. Carried. At this time it was announced that Terry McClory agreed to serve as Deputy Highway Supt. Mr. Dickinson made a motion to pay Mr. McClory a $5,000.00 stipend, and to guarantee that if Mr. McClory does not want to continue as Deputy, he can resign with thirty days notice and return to his former job. Mr. Brisky seconded the motion. All voted “Aye”. Carried.

Mr. Brisky made a motion to grant the four Highway employees back pay at a rate of 3% per year for 2007, 2008 and 2009, bringing their rates to $14.91 per hour. Mr. Trummer seconded the motion. All voted “Aye”. Carried.

Supt. Weller reported that the CHIPS payment will be received on or about March 15. The payment will be $82,423.05, which will cover one-half of a two year project on Bryant Hill Rd.

Mr. Weller is still doing documentation for FEMA and mitigation work.

Supt. Weller thanked the Board for the re-appointment as Highway Supt. until the end of the year.

Because Supt. Weller and Town Clerk Hatch do not take the Town’s health insurance, saving the Town money, Mr. Dickinson made a motion to increase the buyout to $3,500.00. Mr. Brisky seconded the motion. All voted “Aye”. Carried.

Cemetery Sexton

Cemetery Sexton Easton reported that since it has been such a light winter, the Cemetery has continued to be open. Mr. Easton thanked Supt. Weller for keeping the roads cleared.

Town Attorney McAuley reported that he will have the deed for the Cemetery recorded, and will prepare a resolution so that the Town can go out to bid for a columbarium.

Code Enforcement Officer

No report

Dog Control Officer

No report


Mr. Dickinson made a motion to return the employee raises, as originally presented, to the 2010 budget. Mr. Dallas seconded the motion. Mr. Brisky reiterated his opposition to the way the raises are given. He would like to discuss the process before the next budget is done. All voted “Aye”. Carried.

Supervisor Dickinson will be going to the Association of Towns conference in NYC next week.

Town Clerk

There were two proposals for phone systems in the Town Hall. The proposals were as follows: NFP Telecom - $4,600.00; Hemisphere Communications - $3,790.00. Mr. Dickinson made a motion to purchase a new phone system from Hemisphere Communications for $3,790.00. Mr. Brisky seconded the motion. All voted “Aye”. Carried.


The Board of Elections requested verification of information for the County directory.

A card of thanks was received from Bruce Fredrickson, President of the Historical Society, for help in acquiring the glass photographic plates, which are stored in the records room. The Historical Society newsletter was also received.

Southern Tier West membership is $150.00.

Reports from Board members

Mr. Brisky asked the Board if it would be easier to have liaisons to meet with Dept. heads, rather than committees. He will come up with a list of departments which could use liaisons.

Mr. Brisky made a motion to appoint Kathie Harrington as the Town representative to the Website Committee. Mr. Dickinson seconded the motion. All voted “Aye”. Carried. He also reported that the Website Committee met this morning. The Village has received half of the grant money and the rest will be received after completion. There were three quotes for website vendors included in the grant proposal. The lowest quote was from Fingerlakes 1. Mr. Brisky made a motion to authorize Fingerlakes 1 as vendor and to authorize the Website Committee to make any other decisions for the website. Mr. Dickinson seconded the motion. All voted “Aye”. Carried.

Mr. Brisky made a motion to pass a resolution authorizing the Town to submit a cooperative application with the Village of Franklinville to the New York State Local Government Efficiency Grant Program for a Town and Village of Franklinville Highway and Public Works Consolidation Study. Mr. Dallas seconded the motion. By Roll Call the vote was as follows:

Mr. Dickinson-Aye

Mr. Dallas-Aye

Mr. Brisky-Aye

Mr. Trummer-Aye

Mrs. Hahn-Aye

Mr. Brisky made a motion to submit a Highway Superintendent job description to David Moshier for review. Mr. Trummer seconded the motion. All voted “Aye”. Carried.

Old Business

Mr. Brisky and Mrs. Hahn are reviewing the Employee Handbook.

New Business

Mrs. Hahn suggested re-establishing a Planning Board. The Clerk will advertise for interested parties to serve on the Board. Mrs. Hahn also thanked the Board for authorizing her to go to training in Rochester.

Executive Session

The Executive Session was held at the beginning of the meeting.


Mr. Brisky made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Dallas. All voted “Aye”. Carried.


Town Clerk
