Agape Development
Front Line Ministry Associate
Please submit this application with resume to for the 1 year Front Line Ministry Associate position. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, but interviews will begin immediately so do not delay.
Applicant Information
Last Name / First / M.I. / DOBStreet Address / Apartment/Unit #
City / State / ZIP
Phone / E-mail Address
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? / YES / NO / If yes, explain
Please list at least 3 references we may contact: at least one from an employer and one from a current pastor, priest, spiritual mentor
Name: Phone ( ) - Email: relationship:
Name: Phone ( ) Email: relationship:
Name: Phone ( ) Email: relationship:
Name: Phone ( ) Email: relationship:
Church Membership / Pastor
High SchoolCollege / Major / Graduation Date
Graduate School / Major / Graduation Date
Other / Type of study
Other / Type of study
PLEASE INCLUDE A RESUMÉ/CV with your application or complete job history.
Which specialization are you applying for? (check all that apply)
¨ Children¨ Teens
¨ Social Entrepreneurship
¨ All of the Above
Describe your previous work most similar to this position description (children, Youth, Inner city, AND MINISTRY)?
What is the gospel?
Describe your experience of being Discipled.
DESCRIBE your experience of making disciples.
Please tell us about leadership positions you’ve held before
How do you react to chaotic, stressful situations?
Describe your personality (introvert, extrovert, details, Big ideas, leader, behind the scenes, high energy, mellow, etc.).
what Are your long term career goals?
How have you grown from mistakes?Please list any other relevant skills that might help a non-profit. Writing, photography, web design, etc
If you have other comments, please write them here.
Disclaimer and Signature
I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview
may result in my release.
Signature / Date
AGAPE DEVELOPMENT | | 713-658-1001 | /agapedevelopment