Dear SIHA Members,
You have received this communication because you are an eligible voter at the upcoming Singapore Ice Hockey Association’s (SIHA) Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM).
An EGM has been called by the Executive Committee, as we are looking to fill five (5) roles within the Executive Committee immediately to ensure successive planning for the next fiscal year.
The following roles are looking to be filled:
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Director of Youth Development
- Director of Men’s National Program
We invite all SIHA Members to submit the names of willing and qualified potential nominees to help grow ice hockey in Singapore.
Please complete the SIHA Nomination Form and submit by Tuesday, April 10th, 2018 at 5pm to .
Criteria for nomination:
Each candidate should have the following qualifications:
- is a current Members of the Singapore Ice Hockey Association;
- has a strong interest in the sport of ice hockey and its future in Singapore;
- is willing and able to commit time and experience to the SIHA initiatives; and
- is willing to attend monthly Executive Committee meetings.
An overview of each Executive Committees role and responsibilities can be found here.
As per the SIHA constitution, all Executive Committee positions are elected for a two-year tenure and 100% volunteer roles.
Interested parties may reach out to the SIHA Secretary at with additional questions on the roles, responsibilities or to be connected to the current Executive Committee members for additional insights.
The nominations process:
The following steps must be fulfilled for all nominees:
- Nominations must be submitted by email to by any member or representative.
- Each nomination must be seconded by another member or representative.
- The nomination must be signed by the person being nominated (signifying consent to the nomination), the nominator (who can also be the candidate), and the seconder. Signatures may be electronic. The current Executive Committee may also make nominations with the prior written approval of the nominee.
If you are interested in running or wish to nominate someone, please email a copy of the SIHA nomination form to , no later than April 10, 2018.
The nomination form:
Please complete the SIHA Nomination Form and submit by Tuesday, April 10th, 2018 at 5pm to .
The elections process:
- Starting Monday, March 19, nominations may be submitted to via email using the outlined nomination process.
- All SIHA Nomination Forms must be received by Tuesday, April 10th, 2018 at 5pm to be eligible.
- On Wednesday, April 11th, 2018, all nominees will be shared with the current SIHA membership by email.
- Voting will take place on Saturday, April 21st, 2018 at the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) in person at XXX at XXpm. All nominees will be invited to introduce themselves, prior to the vote. Following the vote, the final tally will be announced and the nominee with the most votes will be appointed.
If you have any questions, please email .