Parent Interview for Social Developmental Study
Student Name: ______
Parent(s)/Guardian(s): ______
Date of Interview: ______
Child Resides with: ______Relationship to child: ______
Language Spoken at home: ______
Biological Father Information:Biological Mother Information:
Name: ______Name: ______
Current Address: ______Current Address: ______
Telephone Number: ______Telephone Number: ______
Racial Background: ______Racial Background: ______
Name / Age / Highest School/Grade / Occupation/Hours / Relationship to ChildSignificant family members not in the home:
Name / Age / Highest School/Grade / Occupation/Hours / Relationship to ChildSignificant family members not in the home:
Health History
Allergies: Yes _____ No _____ Describe: ______
Serious Accidents: Yes _____ No _____ Describe: ______
Head Injury with Loss of Consciousness: Yes _____ No _____ Describe: ______
Serious Illness: Yes _____ No _____ Describe: ______
Chronic Illness: Yes _____ No _____ Describe: ______
Hospitalizations: Yes _____ No _____
If yes: Length of hospitalization: ______
Condition for which hospitalized: ______
Child’s Age:______
Other Medical Problems: ______
Present Medications: ______
Type:______Type: ______
Frequency:______Frequency: ______
Family Functioning
- How would you describe the student’s relationship with his/her Primary Female Caregiver (mother/stepmother/grandmother/legal guardian)?
- How would you describe the student’s relationship with his/her Primary Male Caregiver (father/stepfather/grandfather/legal guardian)?
- How is the student’s relationship with his/her Biological Parent who is not the Primary Caregiver or does not live in the home?
- How would you describe the student’s relationship with his/her siblings?
- How would you describe the student’s relationship with extended family?
- Does the family spend time together? How often? What does the family do together?
- Were there any complications with the student’s birth or when pregnant with student?
- Have there been any significant losses/deaths/moves/divorces/re-marriages that have had an impact on the student?
- Does the student have chores that he/she needs to complete daily/weekly? Does he/she need to be reminded to complete chores? How well does the student complete the chores?
- How is the student disciplined at home (are things taken away, etc.)? (forms of punishment used)
- How does he/she react to being disciplined/punished?
- How would you describe the student (kind, funny, happy, helpful, caring, loving, etc.)?
- Do you have any concerns with the student’s behavior at Home? If so, what?
Community and Cultural Factors
- How long have you lived in the house you are currently living in?
- Own home or rent:
- Do the parents visit relatives/friends:
- Cultural traditions practiced (holidays, special events):
- Family religion/church involvement:
- Are there any specific needs school could potentially/possible be of assistance:
- AGENCY INVOLVEMENT (Public Aid, DCFS, SSI): (not in report)
- Are there any tensions in the home (financial, marital, medical problems)? (not in report)
- Are there any drug or alcohol problems in the family that may affect the student (or affected the student in the past)? (not in report)
- Has the student been involved with the court or has had any police contact?
- Do you have any concerns about his/her behavior needing more serious interventions (with law enforcement or court)?
Extra-Curricular Activities
- Is student currently involved or has been involved in the past in any clubs/sports at school? If yes, which ones and for how long.
- Is student currently involved or has been involved in the past in any clubs/sports within the community or at church? If yes, which ones and for how long.
- Does the student want to be involved in any sports/clubs but chooses to not get involved? If so, why is the student not involved?
- What are the student’s other interests and activities? What are the activities he/she likes the least?
Social and Behavior Checklist
_____Has difficulty with speech_____Has frequent tantrums
_____Has difficulty with hearing_____Has frequent nightmares
_____Has difficulty with language_____Has trouble sleeping (describe): ____
_____Has difficulty with vision______
_____Has difficulty with coordination_____Rocks back and forth
_____Prefers to be alone_____Bangs head
_____Does not get along well with siblings_____Holds breath
_____Is aggressive_____Eats poorly
_____Is shy or timid_____Is stubborn
_____Is more interested in things than_____Has poor bowel control (soils self)
in other people_____Is much too active
_____Engages in behavior that could be _____Is clumsy
dangerous to self or others (describe)_____Has blank spells
______Is impulsive
______Shows daredevil behavior
_____ Has special fears, habits, etc?_____ Is slow to learn
______Gives up easily
______Wets bed
_____ Bites nails_____ Sucks thumb
Other: ______
Adaptive Behaviors
- Adaptive behaviors include real life skills such as being safe, handling food safely, follow rules, and ability to work, cleaning, making friends, social skills, and taking personal responsibility.
- Is the student capable of performing tasks of daily living (grooming, dressing self, make and eat on own, clean and bath self, daily hygiene, and brushing teeth)?
- How many hours of sleep does the student get a night? Does he/she sleep through the night?
- How many times a day does the student eat? Do you worry that he/she is not eating enough or eating too much? How is his/her diet?
- Does the student have friends (in/out of school)?
- Does the student have difficulty making and/or keeping friends?
- How is the student’s socialization (making friends in school and community, problem solving abilities, general self-esteem, and ability to be honest, cooperative, trustworthy, empathetic, and fair)?
- How is the student’s communication skills (ability to comprehend information received, express self, and disclose thoughts/feeling)?
- How is the student’s homework skills (organization, ability to work independently or prefers a group, following of directions)?
- How is the student’s self-direction (ability to learn and follow a schedule, resolve problems, complete required tasks, ability to be assertive, make good choices)?
- How is the student’s decision making (ability to choose right from wrong)?
- Are there any concerns with his/her safety (either physical or mental health)?
Year / Grade / Location / ProgramReg/SPED / Absences
***Repeated any grades?
- What are the student’s academic strengths?
- What are your concerns academically with the student?
- Do you have any concerns with the student’s behavior at School? If so what?
- Do you have any concerns with the student’s relationship with teachers/staff? How does he/she get along with his/her teachers/staff?
- How does the student get along with his/her teachers?
- How does the student get along with his/her peers?
- Does the student have friends in school or community?
- Do you think the students friends are a positive or negative influence on the student?
- Do you know what grades the student is currently getting or has been getting?
- What is the student’s favorite subject? Why?
- What is the student’s least favorite subject? Why?
- What do you believe the student needs to work on? What needs to improve?