April 21, 2015

The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Pittsfield, Pike County, Illinois, was held on Tuesday, April 21, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the City Council room at 215 North Monroe Street. The purpose of the meeting was to transact any business legally brought before it.

The following officers were present: Mayor John Hayden, City Clerk Cindy Prentice, and Aldermen

Kevin Ketchum, Ed Knight, Paul Lennon, Robert Ritchart, Bill Scheiwe, Robert Wilson, Kevin Wombles and Robert Wood.

Mayor Hayden presided.

Alderman Wood moved to approve the minutes of the last regular Council meeting.

Alderman Scheiwe seconded the motion.

Roll Call:Yea:Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay:None (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Wombles moved to approve the Treasurer’s Monthly Report for March 2015.

Alderman Ketchum seconded the motion.

Roll Call:Yea:Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay:None (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Ritchart moved to accept the recommendation of the Zoning Committee to approve the variance for Harry E. Johnson at 1500 North Jackson to place an accessory building (machine shed) which will encroach upon the front yard.

Alderman Wombles seconded the motion.

Roll Call:Yea:Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay:None (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Ritchart moved to accept the recommendation of the Zoning Committee to approve the variance for Alta Kay Dunham at 235 Fair Street to place a greenhouse on the property which will exceed the two unattached accessory building limit.

Alderman Knight seconded the motion.

Roll Call:Yea:Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay:None (0)

The motion carried.

Wendell Hall approached the Council regarding a building permit for which he applied. Zoning and Building Administrator Tom Reinhardt stated he had City Attorney Mike Hollahan review a statement from Liberty Village of Pittsfield which gives Mr. Hall permission to replace his back porch steps with a five foot landing. Liberty Village owns the property and Mr. Hall owns the house. Administrator Reinhardt stated City Attorney Hollahan said the statement provided the information needed so he will have Mr. Hall’s building permit signed by noon tomorrow.

April 21, 2015

Alderman Lennon moved to approve the Illini Fitness Glow Run on June 19, 2015. Mayor Hayden asked that they either find a new starting place on the south side of Washington Street or to not begin the run without traffic assistance for the participants to cross Washington Street.

Alderman Wood seconded the motion.

Roll Call:Yea:Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay:None (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Knight moved to table the horsepower limit at Lake Pittsfield until the next regular Council meeting pending further discussion.

Alderman Ketchum seconded the motion.

Roll Call:Yea:Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Scheiwe,

Wilson, Wombles, Wood (7)

Nay:Ritchart (1)

The motion carried.

Alderman Ritchart moved to approve a $3.00 increase in camping fees at Lake Pittsfield.

Alderman Wood seconded the motion.

Roll Call:Yea:Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wombles, Wood (6)

Nay:Ketchum, Wilson (2)

The motion carried.

Alderman Wood moved to approve a permanent transfer from Wastewater Treatment Facility Fund to Economic Development Fund in the amount of $10,000.00.

Alderman Ketchum seconded the motion.

Roll Call:Yea:Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay:None (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Ketchum moved to approve an increase in the sewer tap fee to $100.00 and direct City Attorney Hollahan to draft an ordinance amending the rate.

Alderman Wood seconded the motion.

Roll Call:Yea:Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay:None (0)

The motion carried.

April 21, 2015

Alderman Knight moved to accept the Street & Alley Committee’s recommendation and agreement with the developers for a new Ace Hardware store.

Alderman Wombles seconded the motion.

Roll Call:Yea:Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay:None (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Ritchart moved to accept the Water/Wastewater Committee’s recommendation and sign the agreement with the developers for a new Ace Hardware store.

Alderman Wood seconded the motion.

Roll Call:Yea:Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay:None (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Lennon moved to direct City Attorney Hollahan to draft an ordinance to include a hardware store as a permitted use in a B-3 (Highway Business District).

Alderman Wood seconded the motion.

Roll Call:Yea:Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay:None (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Ritchart moved to approve the Finance Committee Report and the Clerk be directed to issue the claims thereon.

Alderman Knight seconded the motion.

Roll Call:Yea:Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay:None (0)

The motion carried.

Mayor Hayden stated he thinks all the trout are gone from the lagoon at King Park. Building and Zoning Administrator Tom Reinhardt stated he is starting progress on two, maybe three, fix or flatten houses and will report at the next meeting. He also stated the warning siren at the Wastewater Treatment Facility was not working today but will be going by morning. Mayor Hayden reported one of the fix or flatten houses mentioned in a previous meeting is going to be taken down by its owner and another one has been purchased and is being cleaned up. There will be a public hearing May 5, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. for the tax exempt revenue bonds for Illini Hospital. The City Council meetings commence at 7:00 p.m. beginning the next Council meeting.

Alderman Knight moved to adjourn this meeting at 6:55 p.m.


City Clerk