Moduły Systemów Informatycznych Zarządzania

Ćwiczenia do wykonania – numer 3

Opracowane przez: mgr inż. Izabela Kudelska, dr inż. Agnieszka Stachowiak


Task 1

GOALS: Further work with Stock management mode, printing documents

CLUE: Use instruction

Check the work you completed during previous session and book it. After booking register transportation of pallets and assign the job to the employee responsible for transport operation to the predefined location.

Write down the numbers of generated orders

Check the status of goods in the warehouse: write down the quantities

Check how long were the transport operations – write down the times


Task 2

GOALS: Dealing with Sales ledger, creating necessary documents

CLUE: Use instruction

Register sales transaction:

1)  For the first good you created in the system; division 2; warehouse 22; quantity 11 pcs; price 30 PLN

Write down the number of your order.

Define issuing from the warehouse, write down the number

Register the cross-docking with proper issuing route.

Generate necessary documents.

Write down the VAT sum.


1.  Receiving goods

To receive goods it is necessary to:

1.  Enter the Stock management mode and choose Periodically to open Arrival overview

- the following window opens:

2.  In Overview tab choose choose proper arrival and click it and choose journal to show Delivery note journals and choose Lines.

The system devides transaction into numer of lines respondent to the numer of pallets necessary to transport goods

2.  Check whether the sheet is correct with Validate button than book it with Post button. The action will result in transportation operation release for each chosen pallet.

Pallets transport

To register transportation you need to:

1.  Enter the mode Stock management and choose Common forms to open Pallet transport.

- the following window will open:

2.  In the window choose the proper record and click Start transport


Choose the employee responsible and forklift to be used and click OK.

4.  Finish with Complete transport.

5.  You can choose stock level with Stock management/Inquiries/on-hand

6.  To check transport time: Stock management/Inquiries / Item handling/ Pallet transport handling