“The Fishing Traditions of a Coastal Community in Pangasinan: Seascape, Legends and Indigenous Knowledge”.
A paper presented for the Dr. Jose de Guzman Foundation, Inc.- sponsored Conference on Building the Cultural and Literary Heritage for Pangasinan, August 24- 25, 2007, Leisure Coast Resort, DagupanCity
The paper is an ethnography of the fishing traditions of a community in Western Pangasinan, in terms of the concepts, definitions andtechnology used by the fisher folk, as well as the legends prevalent in the area.These traditions are rooted on the geo- natural formations of the sea and its environs, and find their meaning in theworldview of the locals This worldview is bestexemplified in the richness of their language, the beauty in their folktales and their wealth of indigenous knowledge.
The study is the result of interviews conducted `with fisher folk and the community, in general. Regular visits, and on many occasions, weekends in the area enabled fishing trips and observations in situ.
The fishing traditions- preserve the natural order of the sea and its environs. The legends reinforce the preservation and care of the environment. Fishing implements and the process of fish capture and fish culture manifestrespect for nature- none- destructive, none—dissipating of the seas’ resources, none- pollutant, nature- based and nature friendly.
A study as to how best these fishing traditions can be harnessed for developmentis recommended.
Republic of the Philippines
Lingayen, Pangasinan
August 2, 2007
The Dr. Jose de Guzman Tamayo Foundation, Inc.,
Mary of Perpetual HelpCollege
Malasiqui, Pangasinan
FAX 536- 4955
Dear Mr. Jovellanos:
Greetings from PSU Lingayen!
Attached is the Abstract of a paper I wish to present for the 24- 25th, 2007, on “Building the Cultural and Literary Heritage”, Conference For Pangasinan.
From the area themes of the Conference, I believe that my proposed paper entitled “The Fishing Traditions of a Coastal Community In Pangasinan: Seascape, Legends and Indigenous Knowledge”, is relevant for theme b- current practices and situation in safeguarding, preserving and revitalizing the cultural and literary heritage of Pangasinan.
I hope to hear from you soon on this matter.
Thank you for your attention.
Very truly yours,
empowering the people through community organization; or via legal procedure- ordinance or executive order) is recommended).
concepts, practices and legendsIssues: depleting sea resources, pollution from outlying communities (coast & canals/tributaries,
Fishing tools not import dependent. Maybe stone- age technology but the people are skilled in the manufacturing of these Women- friendly (they do near-shore activities, the tools are light.- .