Tadley & District
Advice Services Manager: Job Description and Person Specification
Responsible to: Chair, Trustee Board
Purpose of the Role: Manage the day to day running of the office within the aims and principles of the Citizens Advice. To work in conjunction with the Trustee Board and management team to develop and maintain Citizens Advice Tadley services.To work with our Joint Strategic Manager (C.E.O Citizens Advice Basingstoke) to achieve joint strategic aims
Key work areas and tasks
Planning and development
▪Advise the Chair of the Trustee Board on staffing and service delivery issues.
▪Co-ordinate activities, procedures and systems to promote common policies and/or practices within the appropriate service delivery area.
▪Implement IT and other resource strategies within Citizens Advice guidelines.
▪Participate in Citizens Advice Tadley initiatives as appropriate and contribute to the work of associated committees and working parties.
▪Manage and develop projects such as Macmillan Cancer Support, Healthwatch, Pensionwise and Hate crime reporting..
Service delivery
▪Supervise the work of the service delivery team to ensure that standards meet Citizens Advice requirements.
▪Provide technical support and act as consultant to the advisers.
▪Ensure service delivery and adequate cover from available staff.
▪Monitor the quality of advice given to clients.
▪Maintain and develop standards of service delivery.
▪Research, identify and respond to advice needs, in particular the needs of identified disadvantaged groups and different geographical and demographical areas.
▪Ensure that appropriate systems are developed and maintained for case recording, statistics, follow up work and quality control.
▪Undertake advice work as and when required.
Financial management
▪Control financial expenditure as agreed by the Trustee Board
▪Supervise financial records and disburse petty cash as required.
▪Contribute to decisions on allocation of resources.
▪Act as a cheque signatory and authorise bank payments up to limits as agreed by the governing body.
Staff management
- Create a positive working environment in which equality and diversity are well-managed.
- Attend regular meetings of all paid and unpaid staff.
▪Line-manage staff through the provision of regular support and supervision, annual joint progress reviews and training.
▪Ensure that the service area is adequately staffed and resourced through the recruitment for the service delivery team.
▪In accordance with Citizens Advice and service procedures assist the Chair of the Recruitment and Selection Committee in implementing employment policies and procedures.
▪Encourage good teamwork and lines of communication between all members of staff.
▪Participate as required in the recruitment and selection process of staff/ volunteers by contributing to briefing sessions and interviewing potential recruits.
▪Ensure that new recruits are successfully inducted and receive the appropriate training.
▪Oversee and monitor effective and efficient administrative systems.
▪Monitor an effective health and safety policy with regard to staff, equipment and premises within statutory requirements.
▪Maintain complaints procedures in accordance with Citizens Advice guidelines.
Training and development
▪Identify and implement own training and development needs.
▪Identify the training needs of staff through support and supervision and contribute towards the training and development plan.
▪In conjunction with the training co-ordinator (shared with CA Basingstoke) ensure relevant training is provided.
Bureau trustee board
▪Attend meetings of the Trustee Board and Committees as required.
▪Help with preparation of the Annual Report.
Public relations
▪Promote the work of the Citizens Advice service both locally and nationally.
▪Represent the trustee board, as appropriate, at Citizens Advice and other statutory, voluntary and commercial organisations, professional bodies and institutions.
▪Work with theChair of the Trustee Board to maintain contacts with local and regional media.
Research and Campaigns
▪Oversee the development of Research and Campaigns, and instigate systems and procedures.
▪Attend and Chair the quarterly Research and Campaigns Meetings
Other duties and responsibilities
▪Promote the aims, policies, and membership requirements of the Citizens Advice service.
▪Work with the Joint Strategic Manager (shared with CABasingstoke) to ensure delivery of the strategic objectives agreed by the Joint Strategic Group.
▪Maintain a good working relationships with staff at CABasingstoke and support collaborative working.
▪Carry out any other tasks that may be within the scope of the post to ensure the effective delivery and development of the service
▪Abide by health and safety guidelines and share responsibility for own safety and that of colleagues.
Person specification
1.Understanding of and commitment to Citizens Advice aims, principles and policies.
2.Relevant experience of staff management including knowledge of recruitment, training and development and motivation.
3.Ability to maintain a positive working environment in which equality and diversity are well-managed.
4.Ability to meet Citizens Advice competence requirements for an advice session supervisor and generalist adviser.
5.Ability to monitor and maintain casework systems and procedures.
6.Experience of monitoring and maintaining service delivery against agreed targets.
7.Effective communication skills.
8.Ability to plan and rearrange own work and work of others in a pressured environment.
9.Ability to analyse and interpret information.
10.Ability to use IT in the provision of casework.
11.Ability to monitor and analyse statistics and check accuracy of calculations
12.Ability to earn and maintain the trust of those people with whom Citizens Advice Tadley deals.
13.Ability to contribute to the team combined with willingness to learn and develop.
14.Ability to plan ahead.
Citizens Advice Tadley and District Feb 2108 based on BMIS 5.2 Advice Services Manager JD
Version update: Oct 2017