Lytham St Cuthbert
Sunday, 18thFebruary 2018
The First Sundayof Lent
8.30am Holy Communion [BCP]
President: The RevdMichael Ward
Preacher: The Revd Michael Ward
Readings: 1 Peter 3.18-22; Mark 1.9-15.
10.00am Holy Communion
President: The Revd Michael Ward
Preacher: The Revd Michael Ward
Psalm 25 vv 1-9; Readings: as above.
10.00am All Age Worship (Church Hall)
In view of very low attendances on recent Sunday evenings, the Churchwardens and P.C.C. members voted at their meeting on 15th February to suspend Evening Prayer forthwith.
This service will resume on 8th April at 6.00pm.
7.00pm Contemporary Worship
Welcome. We welcome all who come to worship here today. The Revd Michael Ward will be with us again; we continue to be grateful for his visits.If you are with us for the first time, please make yourself known to any of the clergy or sidespersons.
A loop system for those hard of hearing is available; just turn your hearing aid to the T setting.
Taking something up for Lent. The season is not all about introspection and critical self-examination. It is also a time to be active in the world, ideally making efforts which continue the age-old Christian conviction that Lent is as much about taking something up as it is about giving something up.
Many people choose a religious book to read during Lent to broaden their Christian knowledge and to concentrate their minds on mattersspiritual. Particular books are often recommended by bishops for their diocese or chosen by parishes. Our clergy and Readers will always be pleased to advise
and suggest, or you may spot something of interest at the back of church. A book can be read individually or by a group of people who meet regularly during February/March in order to discuss it, to meditate upon it and to pray together.
Other items can also be a source of Lenten study. Paintings, photographs, DVDs, plays or films can become the basis of subjects for thought and discussion. Yet more possibilities include attending a course of some kind [our diocesan website provides appropriate information] or visiting a place of religious significance.
Lent is also used as the background to ecumenical or inter-faith encounters. To this end, people from one parish might set up a series of exchanges with churches from different denominations or with people from neighbouring Moslem or Jewish communities. They, too, have particular religious festivals around this time of year.
At a purely personal level, this may also be a good time to commit oneself to meetings with people with whom there has been a falling out. Reconciliation and making one’s peace are always good news!
Sidesmen’s Rota.We are running low on sides men and sides ladies, if you feel you could help out occasionally, welcoming and helping the arriving congregation, we would be very grateful. Please speak with Chris Kitchener for further information.
The Parochial Church Council agreed that a plaque should be placed upon the Victory Hall Kitchen door to reflect its rebuild and the generous legacy donation from Gwyneth Bedford and with support from Fylde Community Fund. Please take the opportunity to see it and the kitchen sometime.
RAF 100 Years. On Sunday 1st April at 3 pm we will be holding a service to commemorate the Centenary of the formation of the Royal Air Force. If you would like to participate in this service, please let David Hirst know. Also, we would like to invite you to attend this service and if you know of any retired RAF servicemen/women, please do also invite them and their families.
Christian Aid. Due to the recent departure of Michael & Tracey Dearnley to the Lake District, Christian Aid are now looking for someone to be Saint Cuthbert's representative. If you feel this is something you would like to be involved in would you, please contact Fiona in the Parish office for further details.
Mothers' Union. We are still looking for volunteers to help with our very successful Mother and Toddler group. If you could spare the time on a Wednesday morning once a month to help out with this worthwhile project, it would be very much appreciated. Please contact Margaret Fisher on 737310.
Wedding. The wedding of Dane Hyland and Sharn Cooper will be on Saturday 17th March at 1 pm, they would like to invite members of the congregation to their Wedding Service.
Rose Queen Coffee Morning. The Rose Queen and her maids will be holding a fund-raising coffee morning here in the hall on Saturday 24th March from 9 am. Please come along and meet them and have a cup of tea. If you would like to help on the day serving teas and coffees, please let the parish office now, all help very much appreciated.
The Women's World Day of Prayer is to be held on Friday, 2nd March at 2.00pm at Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish Centre, St. Albans Road, Lytham St Anne’s. All will be welcome.
Sponsorship of the 10.00am Parish Communion service sheet and [when appropriate] the flowers in church. This is something which you may consider appropriate to do in memory of a loved one or at the time of a special family event. Name/s and suitable wordingof the sponsor’s choice will feature on the sheet. The cost of eachsponsorship is £25.00; for the sponsorship of both together, the cost is £40.00. Details should be provided to the Parish Office. For taxpayers, there is a reminder that gift-aiding the money will provide even greater financial benefit to the Church.
Open Church. Our next Open Church will be on Saturday, 24th February from 10.00am to 4.00pm. Do pop in for a cup of tea and a cake.
Lytham St Cuthbert is a charity registered in England and Wales. Charity Registration No.1143673
Registered Office: - St Cuthbert’s Church, Church Road,
Lytham St. Annes, FY8 5QL
Telephone: 01253 736488
Your prayers are asked for the following who have requested ongoing prayer support:
Denis Quinlan, David & Margaret Pearson, Beth Mellors,
Mary Moulden, Albert Whalley, Andrew Taylor, Carine Rawnsley,
Katie Ritchie, Revd Robert Wells, Elizabeth Frater, Raymond Morris,
Mary Willis, Marjorie Creswick and Daniel Chandler.
Those in special need:
Adrian Fisher, Barbara Lewin, Catherine Stacey, Patricia Morris,
Angela Morgan, Ken Rylatt and Peter Willis.
In memory of:
Caroline Donley.
The recently departed:
Patricia Evans and Ernest Bartlett.
What’s On This Coming WeekMon / 19.00 / Choir Practice / Vestry
Tues / 19.00 / Alpha Course / Church
Wed / 09.00 / Morning Prayer / Church
09.45 / Bertie Bears / Hall
19.00 / Bell Ringers / Belfry
Thurs / 10.30 / Community Craft Group / Church
Fri / 11.00 / Holy Communion / Church
13.15 / Funeral of Patricia Evans / Church
Sat / 9.00 / Morning Prayer / Church
10.00 / Open Church / Church
Sun / 8.30 / Holy Communion / Church
10.00 / Holy Communion / Church
10.00 / All Age Worship / Hall