The first Conventionin Albania to reform social care services for those most at risk

Tirana, 2 December 2014- Many of the barriers that hamper the wellbeing of children and families in Albania could be overcome if they were able to access basic social protection services. With this premise in mind, , Social State Services called a convention on how to improve social care services for those most at riskat affordable costs.

The Conventionstarted today at Palace of Congress and will last two days. It will be attended by 200 delegates and is under the patronage of the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth. Its aim is to clarify the role, functions and duties of State Social Service in the areas of operation (Economic Aid, people with disabilities, services; to share the work practice and lessons learnt; to understand and identify common points and areas of improvements in the context of EU perspective on social protection programs;to identify the work with Local Government Units in order to ensure reciprocal constructive influence; tohave a common understanding on the integrated social services and possible options to go for.

Whereas the Minister of Social Welfare and Youth, ErionVeliaj said “the continuing reform and the decentralization of service provision in key sectors, including health services, day care, and economic aid, offer an opportunity to shape the future of social services in Albania, in an all-inclusive and integrated way”.

Social services must be addressed with particular care and attention. They are part of a system that alleviates poverty, reduces inequality, and empowers citizens” said Deputy Head of Mission of the Swiss Embassy, HolgerTausch.

“UNICEF fully agrees with our partners in the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth and in the State Social Services that we now have a unique opportunity to shape the mechanisms of delivering social assistance in the most effective, efficient and integrated way. The timing is perfectly right in light of the ongoing decentralization reform, which has opened windows to revisit the institutional, fiscal and technical aspects of the provision ofsocial services. ” –said UNICEF representative in Albania, Antonella Scolamiero,

Much of the primary legislation to support implementation of the reform is in place. A Decentralization Framework and Action Plan have been developed. This Convention will bring closer than ever before to the vision where every child and family receives decent social services.

“Our purpose is to build a joint working platform that identifies the areas most in need for improvement, in the context of the European perspective on social protection programmes”, said the Director of State Social Services, Ms. Etleva Bisha.

To make this vision work, the ministries with responsibilities for social issues such as health, welfare and education will need to work together on how they create a socials care system. Role of each ministries and how they will interact to create a social care system will be: fairer,by supporting people to get the help they need; effective,by breaking cycles of dependency on state support and facilitating re-entry into the workforce’ better value: by reducing the costs of welfare for the Government and the taxpayer; simpler,by improving delivery mechanism through a local social worker to help vulnerable groups.

The new face of social care reform willhelp children and families: to have access to clear information about quality of care providers and options they offer;to be treated with respects and dignity; to get good quality of service that is simple to get help; to get the service at home rather than in residential cares; to know where to seek help.

The findings of the conference will be sent in the form of a proposal to key stakeholders with the aim to inform on the future role, functions and duties of State Social Services. It will inform about important processes such as decentralization strategy, social protection strategy as well as important reform processes namely territorial and social services reform.

UNICEF and the Embassy of Switzerland in Albania, also in collaboration with other development partners working in the area, will continue to provide technical assistance for policy analysis, data collection and research, modeling and assistance for capacity building measures.


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