Lecturer or Assistant Professor
1-Year Limited-Term Faculty Position
School of Health Studies
Health Promotion
The Faculty of Health Sciences at Western University, School of Health Studies, invites applications for a 1-year Limited-Term faculty position.
This position is at the rank of Lecturer or Assistant Professor, in Health Promotion. The successful candidate will be appointed to the School of Health Studies and will be responsible for providing a dynamic program of health promotion education at the undergraduate level.
Western University ( is one of Canada’s leading research-intensive universities. It is located in London Ontario, with a vibrant population of 385,000. London is renowned as a major academic health sciences centre. The School of Health Studies is one of 6 schools in the Faculty of Health Sciences ( The School is interdisciplinary in nature and has committed partnerships with leading practice centres in the city and region. Educational and research programs are supported through excellent relationships with health care and community agencies. The School attracts over 2400 applicants annually for one of the available 300 Year1 undergraduate positions. There are currently over 1200 undergraduate students enrolled in the School of Health Studies.
The successful applicant will be expected to participate in relevant university activities. Opportunities for collaborative research are also available.
Candidates must hold a PhD or Master's degree in a related health field, have demonstrated excellence in teaching in the area of Health Promotion and enthusiasm for quality undergraduate education.
The effective date of the appointment is September1, 2015. Interested applicants should submit a covering letter, a detailed curriculum vitae and the names of three academic referees to:
Dr. Dan Belliveau, Director
School of Health Studies
Faculty of Health Sciences
222 – Arthur & Sonia Labatt Health Sciences Building
The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario N6A 5B9
Applicants are also required to complete the form available at part of the application submission.
The deadline for receipt of applications is July 27, 2015.
Please quote number HS 147on all correspondence for the position.
Positions are subject to budget approval. Applicants should have fluent written and oral communication skills in English. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Western University is committed to employment equity and diversity in the workplace and welcomes applications from all qualified individuals including women, members of visible minorities, aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities and any sexual orientation or gender identity.