Exhibit A

OSU Policy & Procedure 3-0362 Payments to Students


FOR: *Graduate Research Assistant (Email Graduate College: )
Undergraduate/Graduate Training Grant (Email Graduate College: )
Department Funding (Email Bursar’s Office: )
FROM: Phone:
Send CVI electronically to:

The purpose of this form is to provide payment(s) to students’ bursar accounts from departmental and/or grant funds.

The amount authorized cannot exceed incurred expenses on bursar accounts, and may affect financial aid.

FOAPAL: For: Semester Year

Account/Program Title:

Department Fiscal Officer:

GCFA Representative: Principal Investigator (PI):

GRAD / GRAD / OSU CWID # / NAME (last, first, middle)
Resident only $ Max hours/amount (if applicable)
Non-Resident only $ Max hours/amount (if applicable)
Outreach Courses $ Max hours/amount (if applicable)
Outreach-Non Res Only $ Max hours/amount (if applicable)

Fees (requires documentation) $



Parking Permit


Meal Plan


Stipend: distribute as follows:
*Payments to OSU Students form must be attached (available at the following web address): http://bursar.okstate.edu, click on “Forms”. The title is Policy 3-0362 Payments to OSU Student Form, Attachment to Exhibit A.
Stipend Date Amount

*A Graduate Research Assistant working on a Sponsored Research Grant can ONLY receive TUITION. FEES and other costs of education may NOT be charged to a Sponsored Program.