The Explorers Club Artist-In-Exploration Program Application

DEADLINE: 5:00 pm EDT, SEPTEMBER 15th, 2015

Award will be announced in March 2016


We must have a COMPLETE application in order to begin the review process. Take a moment to review the instructions and policies on this form. Please provide all requested information completely and succinctly. Incomplete applications will not be considered. The review team depends on the information in this form to evaluate an applicant’s qualifications. All material submitted becomes the property of The Explorers Club and will not be returned.All applications will be evaluated by the Artist-in-Exploration Review Committee.

Applications may be submitted via email to:

Subject Line: Artist-In-Exploration Program 2016

Application Overview

Art has been a component of exploration throughout history as artist-explorers documented data and discoveries during expeditions. The Explorers Club endeavors to honor that tradition through this program, which is generously underwritten by Rolex Watch USA.

Awardees will receive a grant of up to $25,000.00 for use during a 12-month period from receipt of award to create a new artwork or build on an existing body of work that embodies the mission of The Explorers Club to “Explore, Discover, Preserve, Sustain, and Share.” The work of art must be completed and presented to The Explorers Club within the same one-year time frame. The specified artwork (in appropriate form or facsimile thereof) will become part of The Explorers Club permanent collection. Applicants need not be active members of The Explorers Club but are encouraged to become a Student Member, Associate Member, or if qualified, a Member or Fellow.

Upon completion of the artwork, The Explorers Club reserves the rights to exhibit it if and when appropriate at The Explorers Club Headquarters in New York City, to reproduce the artwork, post it on the Club’s website, publish it in The Explorers Club Journal and The Explorers Club Log, and/or use it during educational and fundraising activities. Rolex may also use the artwork in their promotional materials.

Materials will be produced with the following credit line: © {name of artist} for The Explorers Club Artist-in-Exploration 2016, underwritten by Rolex Watch USA.

Part I – Contact Information

Replace template information with your own

(* Required for all applicants)

Prefix or Title:Rear Admiral

First Name:*Robert

Middle Name:Edwin

Last Name:*Peary


Present Occupation:Polar Explorer

Company or Institution:United States Navy

Address Line 1:*46 East 70th Street, New York, NY, 10021

Address Line 2:N/A

City:*New York

State or Province:NY

Postal Code:*10021

Country:*United States

Main Telephone:*212.628.8383 x.10

Secondary Telephone:212.628.8383 x.23



Alternate Email:


Date of Birth:*May 6, 1856

Country of Citizenship:United States

Part II – Required Addendums

1.Please provide a proposal describing your project including the title of the artwork.

2. Biography and resume.

3. Portfolio of artwork.

4. Proof of any necessary additional funding to complete artwork within a one-year period of receipt of award, including your project’s budget with breakout of other funding if applicable.

Part III – Agreement

The work of art must be completed and presented to The Explorers Club within a 12-month period from receipt of award. The specified artwork (in appropriate form or facsimile thereof) will become part of The Explorers Club permanent collection. The Explorers Club reserves the rights to exhibit it if and when appropriate at The Explorers Club Headquarters in New York City, to reproduce the artwork, post it on the Club’s website, publish it in The Explorers Club Journal and The Explorers Club Log, and/or use it during educational and fundraising activities. Rolex may also use the artwork in their promotional materials.

Materials will be produced with the following credit line: © {name of artist} for The Explorers Club Artist-in-Exploration 2014, underwritten by Rolex Watch USA.

The awardee agrees to submit a full written report to The Explorers Club, which will include a photographic and/or video account of the process and expedition. Publications based on work supported in whole or in part by The Explorers Club Artist-in-Exploration Program are required to credit The Explorers Club Artist-in-Exploration Program underwritten by Rolex Watch USA for aid received.

Unused Funds: It is understood that any unused portion of the grant award will be returned to The Explorers Club Artist-in-Exploration Program. Funds must also be returned if a project is cancelled or postponed.

This agreement may not be changed or amended in any manner without the signed, written consent of The Explorers Club’s executive director.

By initialing here you acknowledge and agree to the terms set forth in this section

Part IV – Signatures

Replace template information with your own

Applicant Name: Rear Admiral Robert Peary

If awarded, I, (INSERT NAME), for the project, (Title of Proposal),do hereby release The Explorers Club to the fullest extent permitted by law, for myself, my heirs, administrators, executors and assigns from any liability for damages from illness, injury and/or death arising out of, or connected with, or in any manner pertaining to said grant or project whether caused by negligence or otherwise.

Date:October 21st, 1904


Insert digital signature here - or print this document, sign this section, scan and return

Parent or Guardian Signature:

(For applicants 18 years or younger)

Insert digital signature here - or print this document, sign this section, scan and return