January 16, 2014

The Executive Board of the Virginia Mosquito Control Association held a meeting on January 16, 2014 at the Chesapeake Mosquito Control Deep Creek Office on Shell Rd.

Those present were Past President Lisa Wagenbrenner, President Joe Simmons, President ElectJennifer Pierce, Vice President Jay Kiser, Interim First Vice President Jeff Hottenstein, Secretary/Treasurer Penny Smelser, MAMCA Representative Tim DuBois and Ann Herring.

The Executive Board meeting was called to order at 9:00am.

Motion was made by Jay Kiser and seconded by Jeff Hottenstein to approve the meeting agenda. All in favor, none opposed.

The minutes for the meeting of December 18, 2013and the financial report for December 19 to January 16, 2014werereviewed. Motion was made by Jay Kiserand seconded by Lisa Wagenbrennerto accept the minutes and financial report.All in favor, none opposed.

Unfinished Business

Annual Meeting: L. Wagenbrenner. Food and beverage for the meeting has been ordered. Free valet parking will be available for attendees and free garage parking for overnight guests. Street parking is available for free. Vendors need to fill out credit card authorization forms for the ice breaker sponsorship on Wednesday evening. Icebreaker will take place in the Courtney Terrace room from 5:30pm to 7:00pm. Avamere room is available for storage and will be unlocked Tuesday evening.

Hospitality room will be the Spotswood Arms room, outside food is permitted. Arrangements for the Hospitality room will be made by Ann Herring.

Betsey Hodson will be employed to hand out speaker gifts.

Cellophane bags will be purchased by Lisa, Ann will get wrapped candy for speaker gifts.

Agenda: Jennifer Pierce, few slots are still available on the program agenda.

Tim will bring a back-up laptop for the Annual Meeting. Jennifer will bring a computer for online voting.

Jay Kiser will deliver the VMCA laptop and projector to Jason Pevear prior to the meeting.

Packets will be assembled in February 6 at 8:00am at the Hollowell Office. It will include the business meeting agenda, program agenda, menus, 2013 business meeting minutes, financial report, bylaw changes, committee signup sheet, 2014 survey.

Jason Pevear will produce the posters to advertise icebreaker, vendors, merchandise sales, hospitality room.

The ballot committee will consist of Connie Gregg and Penelope Smelser.

New Business

Motion made by Jeff Hottenstein and seconded by Jay Kiser to waive registration fee for Andy Lima. Discussion Held. Motion withdrawn by Jeff Hottenstein. Jeff Hottenstein made a motion to waive one day registration fee for Andy Lima, motion seconded by Jay Kiser. Discussion held, all in favor, none opposed.

Lisa Wagenbrenner made a motion to waive registration fee and provide one night accommodations for Parker Whitt. Motion seconded by Jay Kiser. Discussion held, all in favor, none opposed.

Award nomination essays will be included in the Spring edition of the Skeeter.

Jennifer Pierce proposed creating a travel and registration budget to attract speakers to the annual meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:20am.

Respectfully Submitted,

Penelope Smelser

Secretary/Treasurer VMCA