Employment, Education and Social Policies Sectoral Operational Programme (EESP SOP 2014-2020)

Project Idea Fiche


Programme Title / Employment, Education and Social Policies Sectoral Operational Programme (EESP SOP)
Action / Action I: Employment
Activity Title
Please mark under which activity the suggested intervention falls. As a rule, only one activity must be selected. (Mark one of the boxes) / ☐ Promoting decent work (Activity I.I)
Promoting employment and employability (Activity I.II)
Supporting employment policy-making and implementation(Activity I.III)
Harmonization with acquis and EU policies
Name of the beneficiary institution(s)
Contact Person and Information
Name, title, phone, e-mail and postal address of the person to be contacted regarding the project
Title of the Project
Brief title to identify the proposed project
Please indicate (if applicable) the possible actors who must be involved in the project.
Target NUTS II Region(s)
Please refer not to the provinces but the NUTS II regions mentioned in EESP SOP Section 4.
Geographical Concentration
Please check EESP SOP Section 4 and indicate whether the project has specific focus on any of these 4 NUTS II regions (This is not obligatory, please thick box or boxes). / ☐TRB1(Malatya, Elazığ, Bingöl, Tunceli)
☐TRB2(Van, Muş, Bitlis, Hakkari)
☐TRC2(Şanlıurfa, Diyarbakır)
☐TRC3(Mardin, Batman, Şırnak, Siirt)
Duration (Months)
There is no time limitation. It is recommended to take into consideration the nature of interventions
Required Contracts
Please indicate which contract type / ☐Service
☐Direct grant
Indicative/estimated Budget
The budget requested should be proportionate with the contribution of the activity to EESP SOP indicators and should be broken-down according to the contracts

Category of Interventions / Suggested Intervention
Briefly describe the suggested interventions by grouping them under the categories below. It is not obligatory to define interventions for each and every category. Please check the relevant indicators and targets in the “table of indicators” in the following section. The outputs/outcomes of the suggested interventions must be mentioned by using the suitable table of indicators in Section 3. Please also check the examples of eligible interventions in EESP SOP. / Justification for the Intervention
Briefly describe problems to be intervened by the proposed project with reference to objective data/information (statistics; reports; institutional, national, international policy/strategy documents, etc.).
“Trainings and other services for target persons”:
Under this category, please mention only the interventions (trainings, guidance, counseling, etc.) delivered directly to the target groups/persons. Trainings for the staff of beneficiary institutions should not be mentioned here.
“Institutional capacity building”:
Preparing/revising institutional procedures, developing/improving of IT capacities, establishing standards, preparing/revising programmes/material to be used in services, creating staff training programmes, delivering trainings to the staff of beneficiary/relevant institutions, supply of equipment, etc. should be considered as institutional capacity building activities.
Please indicate briefly on which target groups and on which issues will the awareness raising activities focus.
This category includes academic, legal, technical, strategic desk and field studies which contribute to identification, analysis, evaluation, comparison, and solution of relevant problems and policies in the sector. They do not have to relate to one single institution/beneficiary.
“Coordination/cooperation mechanisms”
Please indicate whether the project is intended to support multilateral relations (at local/national/ international levels) among relevant partners in the sector. It is requested to mention with which actors and through which tools (workshops, conferences, common databases, agreements, etc.) this cooperation/ coordination will be ensured.
  1. TABLE OF INDICATORS AND TARGETS (Please do not modify the table. It is only requested to enter the targets to the column “contribution of the beneficiary”.The proposed contributions should be proportionate to the budget requested and duration of the project.)

Activity I.I: Promoting Decent Work / Output Indicators / Indicative Breakdown of the Outputs / Target
2020 / Contribution of the Beneficiary / Result Indicators
Services and trainings for target persons / Employees / 15.000 /
  • Rate of participants who take part in decent-work related activities/are registered in ISKUR or SSI
  • Rate of reduction in occupational accidents in SMEs accessed under SOP.
  • Number of working children detected.
  • A “decent work” monitoring/ follow up mechanism is established and operational

Members of trade unions / 5.000
Workers in most vulnerable sectors / 5.000
Unemployed people / 5.000
Employers / 5.000
Institutional capacity building / Participants to trainings from relevant actors / 1.500
Number of social partners/ NGOs/local actors /SMEs supported for promoting decent work / 100
Awareness-raising / Persons accessed through awareness-raising campaigns/ events / 50.000
Scientific & Technical Studies / Researches/Field Studies/Reports/Impact Assessment, Monitoring & Evaluation Studies / 5
Comparison/Compliance Tables Regarding Acquis / 2
Coordination/ cooperation mechanisms / Workshops, conferences, seminars, twinning/IO agreements, etc. with participation of relevant actors / 50
Common Database and Monitoring Information System (for Decent Work) / 1
  1. TABLE OF INDICATORS AND TARGETS (Please do not modify the table. It is only requested to enter the targets to the column “contribution of the beneficiary”.The proposed contributions should be proportionate to the budget requested and duration of the project.)

Activity I.II. Promoting Employment and Employability / Output Indicators / Indicative Breakdown of the Outputs / Target
2020 / Contribution of the Beneficiary / Result Indicators
Services and trainings for target persons / Unemployed people / 25.000 /
  • Rate of persons who participate in labour force/ are employed after SOP intervention.
  • Share of women, young and disadvantaged persons who participate in labour force/ are employed after SOP intervention.
  • Rate of persons in employment after support for job creation/ entrepreneurship under SOP

Women, young and disadvantaged persons / 10.000
Employers / 2.500
Institutional capacity building / Trainings for the staff of relevant actors (including social partners) on additional/customised services / 2.500
Entrepreneurship programmes, financial support mechanisms, job clubs established (esp. for women, young and disadvantaged persons) / 25
Improvement of physical accessibility of employment service points / 100
Number of social partners/ NGOs/local actors /SMEs supported to facilitate employment of disadvantaged persons / 100
Awareness-raising / Persons accessed through awareness-raising campaigns/ events / 50.000
Studies / Researches/field studies/reports regarding persons with limited access to employment services/Impact Assessment, Monitoring & Evaluation, Comparison/ Compliance Tables Regarding EU Acquis/policies / 5
Coordination/ cooperation mechanisms / Protocols / 50
Common Database/Monitoring Information System for İŞKUR and SSI / 1
Twinning/ IO agreements concluded / 2
  1. TABLE OF INDICATORS AND TARGETS (Please do not modify the table. It is only requested to enter the targets to the column “contribution of the beneficiary”.The proposed contributions should be proportionate to the budget requested and duration of the project.)

Activity I.III: Supporting Employment Policy-making and Implementation / Output Indicators / Indicative Breakdown of the Outputs / Target
2020 / Contribution of the Beneficiary / Result Indicators
Institutional capacity building / Trainings for the staff of MoLSS and other relevant actors including social partners, NGOs / 2.500 /
  • Number of new ALMPs and/or other tailored services developed
  • Number of end beneficiaries from new ALMPs and/or other tailored services developed
  • Rate of persons who benefit from/ participate in employment services after SOP intervention.

Social partners/ NGOs/ local actors /SMEs supported for advocacy capacity and involvement in monitoring of employment policy and services / 100
Awareness-raising / Persons accessed through awareness -raising campaigns/events / 50.000
Scientific & Technical Studies / Researches/Field Studies/Reports/Impact Assessment, Monitoring & Evaluation Studies, Comparison/ Compliance Tables Regarding EU Acquis/policies / 50
Coordination/ cooperation mechanisms / Workshops, conferences, seminars, twinning/IO agreements, etc. with participation of relevant actors / 50

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