September 8, 2015
The Executive Board of the Virginia Mosquito Control Association held a meeting on September 8, 2015 at Portsmouth Mosquito Control on Frederick Blvd.
Those present were President Jay Kiser, President ElectJosh Smith, Vice President Jeff Hottenstein, First Vice President George Wojcik, Past President Jennifer Pierce, and Sustaining Member representative Jeff O’Neill.
The Executive Board meeting was called to order at 10:01 am.
The minutes for the meeting of July 28, 2015and the financial report for July 28 to September 8, 2015were reviewed and motion was made by George Wojcik to accept the minutes and the financial report, seconded by Jeff Hottenstein. All in favor, none opposed.
Officer Reports
Jeff Hottenstein: Will send out reminder email to vendor with the annual meeting dates. Also, will look at other regional meetings and contact vendors that may want to attend our meeting in February.
Josh Smith: Will send out call for presentations this week. He is including in the email that the meeting is Tuesday – Thursday.
Committee Reports
Legislative: Randy Buchanan sent an email to advise the EPA is looking into changing the re-certification hours. There is a public comment period until Nov. 23, 2015.
Historical: Tim Dubois is working on finding someone to digitize the film for the 2017 meeting.
Merchandise: Karen Akaratovic submitted various ideas to be purchased and sold at the annual meeting.
Annual Meeting: Tim Dubois and Ann Herring will set up a time to visit the hospitality room.
Unfinished Business
2016 VMCA Meeting: Working on setting up the hospitality room. Please make sure to note to the membership that this meeting is now on Tuesday – Thursday.
2017 VMCA/MAMCA Meeting: Planning is in progress. VMCA will consider holding their board meeting during the first half of the first day.
Summer Skeeter deadline is September 30th. Should include call for presentations, save the date, call for awards and any bylaw changes.
Discussion was held on the necessity of purchasing 2 laptop computers. Jay is going to talk with the Technical support committee. He will get their opinion on the laptop we own and discuss if it is worth updating or needs replacement. The second computer will be used for the presentation board during the VMCA meeting. This will replace the President’s Board. He will bring back his findings next meeting.
Discussion was held on cloud-based storage for shared VMCA files. Board members will need to investigate which services they have access to in order to make the best choice. i.e., Googledrive, Dropbox, etc.
Jay Kiser requested board members write up the duties of their positions as a guide for incoming board members.
The next board meeting will be held on October 20, at 9:00am, location to be decided.
New Business
There being no further business, motion was made by George Wojcik and seconded by Jeff Hottenstein to adjourn the meeting at 11:05 am.
Respectfully Submitted,
Penelope Smelser
Secretary/Treasurer VMCA