Grade 8 Unit 1 CCSSM1 Lesson 5 RIF

(Powers of 10 2)

Recommended time: 90 minutes

Domain: Equations and Expressions

Cluster: Work with radicals and integer exponents

Common Core Standard: 8.EE.3 - Use numbers expressed in the form of a single digit times an integer

power of 10 to estimate very large or very small quantities, and to

express how many times as much one is than the other.

Mathematical Practices: Make sense of problems and preserve in solving them

Model with mathematics

Attend to precision

Vocabulary: scientific notation – representation of a number as a multiplication expression where one

factor is greater than or equal to 1 but less than 10 and other factor is

a power of 10 in exponential form.

Essential Question: How can we represent very large numbers and small numbers using the number 10?

The Bridge:

Drake sold 3,000,000 song downloads in 2011. Your friend says that is the same as 3∙10∙10∙10∙10∙10∙10 song downloads. Is your friend correct? Explain. Is there another way to represent 3,000,000 using 3’s and 10’s (hint: think exponents).

Mini Lesson: Use numbers expressed in the form of a single digit times an integer power of 10 to estimate very large or very small quantities, and to express how many times as much one is than the other. For example, estimate the population of the United States as 3 × 108and the population of the world as 7 × 109, and determine that the world population is more than 20 times larger. Prove this to students by changing into standard notation and proving it is 20 times larger.

Show examples of comparing small 1 digit integers.

Examples: 8 vs. 2  8 is 4 times larger than 2.

3 vs. 9  9 is 3 times larger than 3.

From both of these examples (or more if needed), make sure students understand you are simply dividing the larger number divided by the smaller number.

Show examples of comparing powers of 10.

Examples: 103 vs. 10 1,000 vs. 10  1000 is 100 times larger than 10  103 is 100 (102)

timeslarger than 10

10-4 vs. 10-8 .0001 vs. .00000001  .0001 is 10,000 times larger than .00000001 

10-4 is 10,000 (104) timeslarger than 10-8

From both of these examples (or more if needed), make sure students see the pattern of simply subtracting the exponents rather than rewriting in standard notation and dividing.

Now put the last two ideas together:

Example: 8 x 103 vs. 2 x 10  since we are dividing to see how much larger one is versus the other we can rewrite: (8 x 103) ÷ (2 x 10)

then rewrite vertically:

then separate into 2 fractions: =

then simplify: = 4 x

=4 x 100

= 400

So 8 x 103 is 400 times larger than 2 x 10

Give students time to see if they can develop a written explanation to determine it is 400 times larger.

Possible explanation: 8 is 4 times larger than 2 and 103 is 100 times greater than 10 and 4 times 100 is 400, therefore 8 x 103 is 400 times larger than 2 x 10

Now show students an example where the first digits will divide to a number less than 1.

Example: 2 x 104 vs. 4 x 102

then rewrite vertically:

then separate into 2 fractions: =

then simplify: = .5 x

=.5 x 100

= 50

So 2 x 104 is 50 times larger than 4 x 102

Note: For this example, it would be beneficial to also show the that by performing the “shortcut” method, a student would get 2 x 104 is .5 x 102 larger than 4 x 102. And .5 x 102 is 50 in standard form.

Give more examples as needed, specifically examples that involve decimals (4.2 x 106 is 3000 times larger than 1.4 x 103) and those that involve negative exponents (8.6 x 10-5 is 200 times larger than 4.3 x 10-3).

Work Period: Watch the following video clip Western NY earthquake. Discuss with students about earthquakes and how they are rated. Ask them if a 5.2 on the Richter Scale sounds a lot worse than a 4.2 earthquake, etc. Have students work on worksheet Earthquake Taskto help them further understand the Richter Scale and how powers of 10 are used to compare magnitudes of earthquakes.

Think and Discuss

  1. Suppose your friend wasn’t in class today. Tonight on the phone, they ask what they missed in math class today. What are the important points you would tell your friend? How would you explain these important points?

Summary/Closure: Have students answer the essential question.

Journal Entry – Ask students to think about how exponents can be used to write large and small numbers more efficiently. Have students write an explanation about why this is useful and give examples to demonstrate the efficiency of this method.

Homework: Handout – This homework could be given out over 2 days (1 page per day) if this is a 45 minute class.

Learning Extensions:Think about where else extremely large numbers and extremely small numbers are used (distances, measurements, money, etc.). Discuss why it would be helpful to represent these numbers using powers of 10. Could this different notation also cause confusion? Explain.

Additional Resources:Exponents with base 10

Work Period – Earthquake Task

Name: ______/ Powers of 10
Lesson #5 / Work Period

A number from 0 to 9 describes the strength of earthquakes on the Richter scale. The Richter scale is an exponential scale, which uses powers of 10 to compare the magnitude or size of earthquakes. Complete the chart below to get a sense of how the Richter scale works.

Type of earthquake / Richter scale / Multiplication problem / Exponential notation
No movement / 0 / 1 /
Not felt / 1 / 10 /
Not felt / 2 / /
Felt at epicenter / 3 /
Mild / 4
Moderate / 5
Strong / 6
Very Strong / 7
Great / 8

The difference in magnitude of earthquakes can be expressed as exponents with a base of 10. For example: there are two earthquakes, one with a magnitude of 5 and the other 7; the difference is 2. This means that one of these earthquakes is, or 100 times as powerful as the other.

On the table below are 10 of the most powerful earthquakes of the twentieth century. The difference between 9.5 and 9.2 is 0.3. Using a calculator, we find that =2. This means that an earthquake registering 9.5 is twice as powerful as one that registers 9.2. Use your calculator to answer the questions below.

Ten Most Powerful Earthquakes
Year / Location / Richter Scale
1960 / Chili / 9.5
1964 / Prince William Sound, Alaska / 9.2
2004 / Off the Coast of Northern Sumatra / 9.1
2011 / Near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan / 9.0
1952 / Kamchatka, Russia / 9.0
2010 / Offshore Maule, Chile / 8.8
1906 / Off the Coast of Ecuador / 8.8
1965 / Rat Islands, Alaska / 8.7
2005 / Northern Sumatra, Indonesia / 8.6
1950 / Assam - Tibet / 8.5

Source: earthquake.usgs.gov

  1. How much more powerful is an earthquake that registers 9.5 than one that registers 8.5?
  1. In 2011, a major 9.0 earthquake struck about 100 miles off the coast of Japan. This happened only 1 year after 8.8 earthquake hit Chile. How much more powerful was the earthquake in Japan than the one in Chile.
  1. In 2010, an earthquake in Haiti, registered 7.0 on the Richter scale. The death toll has been estimated at about 316,000 people. Yet 15,538 people died because of the earthquake (and resulting tsunami) in Honshu, Japan although it registered 9.0 on the Richter scale. How much more powerful was the earthquake in Haiti compared to the earthquake in Honshu?
  1. Why do you think there is greater loss of life in earthquakes with lower magnitudes compared to other earthquakes with higher magnitudes?

Name: ______/ Powers of 10
Lesson #5 / Homework

1)What is as a fraction and as a decimal?

2)Express in exponent form: 0.001

3)Express as a decimal:


a. b.

c. 10,000 d. 100,000

In problems #5-9 match the power of ten with the number. Write he letter for each answer on the line next to the problem number.

______5) a) 0.01

______6) b) 100

______7) c)

______8) d) 1

______9) e) 10

Rewrite each number as power of 10.

10) 100,000 = ______11) 100,000,000 = ______12) 10,000 = ______

13)Sue lost the 200 meter race by of a second.

Part A

Describe the time by which Sue lost the 200 meter race as an expression with a negative exponent.

Part B

Use what you know about exponents with a base 10 to explain why your answer is correct. Use words and/or numbers to support your explanation.




14) The brittle star is a type of starfish. A certain species of brittle star has a skeleton that is covered in microscopic crystals. Scientists have discovered that these crystals act as lenses that allow the brittle star to sense light.

Part A

The surface of each crystal has an area of square meters. Write this number using a negative exponent.

Answer: ______square meters

Part B

Approximately 9.98 x 1000 crystals cover the skeleton of a brittle star. Find the total number of crystals.
