Supplement: Basis, Dimension and Rank

1. Basis

Definition of basis:

The vectors in a vector space V are said to form a basis of V if

(a) span V (i.e., ).

(b) are linearly independent.


. Are and a basis in ?


and form a basis in since

(a) (see the example in the previous section).

(b) and are linearly independent (also see the example in the previous section).


. Are and a basis in ?


and are not a basis of since and are linearly dependent,


Note that .


. Are and a basis in ?


andare not a basis in since and are linearly independent,





Are S a basis in ?



For any vector , there exist real numbers such that


we need to solve for the linear system


The solution is




That is, every vector in can be a linear combination of and .

(b) Since


are linearly independent.

By (a) and (b), are a basis of .

Important result:

If is a basis for a vector space V, then every vector in V can be written in an unique way as a linear combination of the vectors in S.


. S is a basis of . Then, for any vector ,

is uniquely determined.

Important result:

Let be a set of nonzero vectors in a vector space V and let . Then, some subset of S is a basis of W.

Important result:

Let be a basis for a vector space V and let is a linear independentset of vectors in V. Then, .


Let and be two bases for a vector space V. Then, .


For a vector space V, there are infinite bases. But the number of vectors in two different bases are the same.


For the vector space ,

is a basis for (see the previous example). Also,

is basis for .

There are 3 vectors in both S and T.

2. Dimension

Definition of dimension:

The dimension of a vector space V is the number of vectors in a basis for V.


is basis for .

The dimension of is 3.

Important result:

Let V be an n-dimensional vector space, and let be a set of n vectors in V.

(a)If S is linearly independent, then S is a basis for V.

(b)If S spans V, then S is a basis for V.


Is a basis for ?


Since is a 3-dimensional vector space, not like in the previous example, we only need to examine whether S is linearly independent or S spans . We don’t need to examine S being both linearly independent and spans V.


Is a basis for ?


Since is a 3-dimensional vector space, we only need to examine whether S is linearly independent or S spans . Because


are linearly independent. Therefore, are a basis of

3. Rank of a Matrix:



The i’th row of A is


and the j’th column of A is

Definition of row space and column space:


which is a vector space under standard matrix addition and scalar multiplication, is referred to asthe row space. Similarly,


which is also a vector space under standard matrix addition and scalar multiplication, is referred to as the column space.

Definition of row equivalence:

A matrix B is row equivalent to a matrix A if B result from A via elementary row operations.







are all row equivalent to .

Important Result:

If A and B are two row equivalent matrices, then the row spaces of A and B are equal.

Definition of row rank and column rank:

The dimension of the row space of A is called the row rank of A and the dimension of the column space of A is called the column rank of A.

Example (continue):


Since the basis of the row space of A is


the dimension of the row space is 3 and the row rank of A is 3. Similarly,

is the basis of the column space of A. Thus, the dimension of the column space is 3 and the column rank of A is 3.

Important Result:

The row rank and column rank of the matrix A are equal.

Definition of the rank of a matrix:

Since the row rank and the column rank of a matrix A are equal, we only refer to the rank of A and write .

Important Result:

Let A be an matrix.

A is nonsingular if and only if .