The EU project TRANSAMBULANCE,will hold its next meeting in Ireland.

The EU project TRANSAMBULANCE, that the Spanish Federation of Private Ambulances leads and has representatives from France, The U.K. and Ireland is progressing well after the first meeting in Toledo Spain on 29th and 30th November 2012. It marked the official release of the project, the partners are now immersed in the study of training needs in each of the participating countries with an eye to creating a common formative trunk.

In the first semester since the project started in October 2012, we have been working on a document whichreferences the contents of the Spanish certificate of occupational medical transport, to see the common contents in the different countries and to transfer that learning platform with these contents best suited to the respective countries.

This Project has been funded with the support from the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme.

Transambulance partners meeting in Paris April 2013

Left to rightLoïcHazo high school Lecturer France,James Murray (Murray Ambulance Service) Ireland, Peter Littledyke U.K.,Alain Rusch Strasbourg, Thierry Schiffano President FNTS (French Ambulance Association), Angel Calero Biarritz, Javier Rodriguez ANEA´s manager (Spanish Ambulance Association),Iacopo BenedettiThe external evaluator of the project, Gonzalo Sarsa The person responsible for the web platform, andMercedes RodriguezSGS´s project director. Missing from this picture is Isabel Comps ANEA’s director of communications.

Currently, there are many differences in training of emergency medical transportpersonnel between countries. The creation of uniform contents of the training at European level will mean that the supply of training has the same criteria in Europe, promoting the professionalization of workers and their mobility between companies and countries. This will lead to a European standard which does not exist at present. The industry will have more staff trained to these standards.

The next meeting of The EU project TRANSAMBULANCE is being held in Castlebar, Co.Mayo, Ireland and is hosted by the Irish Representative Mr James Murray of Murray Ambulance Service on September the 6th and 7th 2013

This Project has been funded with the support from the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

For details on the platform, visit