
garbostentatiousrumpleunsightly veneer

The words in this lesson give you many options for describing appearances. Remember the old adage, “You can’t judge a book by its cover?”

  1. chic – in style
  2. Movie stars always seem to have chic outfits.
  1. debonair – sophisticated or charming
  2. The debonair waiter at the restaurant offered the woman a seat.
  1. disheveled – untidy or messy
  2. The teenager looked disheveled when he arrived to school.
  1. dowdy – shabby or old-fashioned
  2. My aunt’s dress looked out-dated and dowdy.
  1. drab – faded or dull
  2. The old bedspread looked drab against the new red pillows.
  1. garb - clothing
  2. The nurse was garbed in scrubs and sneakers.
  1. ostentatious – trying to impress; showy
  2. The ostentatious actress wore huge diamonds on her fingers.
  1. rumple – to crease or wrinkle
  2. The dress I wore to the dinner was rumpled by the end of the evening.
  1. unsightly – unpleasant to look at
  2. The messy room was unsightly to look at.
  1. veneer – thin cover layer
  2. The table was covered with a thin veneer of wood to make it look presentable.


Write the letter of the word that best completes each sentence.

___1. People at the prom admired Shiela’s_____dress.

a. disheveledb. garbc. chicd. veneer

___2. The audience was alarmed when they saw the young actress in a dress that was old-fashioned or_____.

a. dowdyb. chicc. disheveledd. garbed

___3. The woman’s smile was just a _____; she was really hurting inside.

a. debonairb. rumpledc. chicd. veneer

___4. I was shocked when I saw my friend, who normally dresses very plainly, in a very expensive and_____ pair of boots.

a. ostentatious b. unsightlyc. rumpledd. drab

___5. The bookbag was _____, but could carry more weight than the standard bookbags.

a. debonairb. chicc. ostentatiousd. unsightly

___6. Some actors in the movies often portray_____gentlemen.

a. unsightlyb. rumpledc. debonaird. dowdy

___7. After the storm, the whole city seemed_____.

a. chicb. drabc. debonaird. dowdy

___8. My son’s clothes were piled in a heap on the floor, and were_____.

a. rumpledb. chicc. veneeredd. ostentatious

___9. After a bad night’s sleep, she woke up with_____hair.

a. chicb. dowdyc. disheveledd. debonair

___10. The people at the Renaissance Fair______themselves in authentic clothing from the Middle Ages.

a. disheveledb. rumpledc. garbedd. dowdy


______1. old fashioned and shabby

______2. a thin cover layer

______3. stylish

______4. clothing

______5. to wrinkle

______6. charming and sophisticated

______7. messy

______8. ugly


______10. showy; meant to impress


Choose the answer that best describes the action or situation.

_____1. To avoid being disheveled I would

a. go on vacationb. sleep on a planec. brush my hair

_____2. Something that would be ostentatious at a child’s birthday party

a. a firework’s displayb. party favors c. games

_____3. Some people might consider this a drab color

a. yellowb. redc. brown

_____4. Someone whose garb includes tap shoes

a. an engineerb. a teacherc. a dancer

_____5. Someone who is debonair might

a. text and drive b. bow when meeting a woman c. not shave

_____6. If you don’t want to have your clothes looked rumpled you might

a. bleach themb. iron themc. throw them on the floor

_____7. Something a chic person might watch on TV

a. a fashion show b. soap operasc. game shows

_____8. Something you might use as a veneer if you don’t want people to know you are sad

a. tearsb. a smilec. money