Visual Art Course Outline

The Essential Standards:

Visual LiteracyStudents will use correct art vocabulary, use creative thinking skills and create original artworks with varied media tools and processes in a safe manner.

Contextual RelevancyStudents will understand the global, historical, societal and cultural impact of the visual arts in our world. Students will understand how the visual arts are connected to other subjects and how to use this communication method in the 21st Century world.

Critical ResponseStudents will evaluate and respond to self artworks and works of others in an appropriate manner in both verbal and written format.

Focus area for my grade level: ______


Students are required to pay $7.00 fee in the Onslow County school system that is used to purchase art supplies for all art students. The following two items are to be brought to class on a daily basis:

  1. Writing tools: must have a pencil and a black ink pen or black marker
  2. Your binder with paper for vocabulary notes

Optional items include a sketch book for homework assignments, colored pencils, markers, glue stick, scissors, etc. but they must be placed in a pencil pouch and carried in a secure location.

Contact information

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding grades, performance, student behavior and/or issues. The following methods can be quickly used:

School web page:


Class Grading and Procedures

  1. Daily assignments 50% of grade
  2. Homework assignments are 20% of grade
  3. Quiz/Test scores 15% of grade
  4. Journal “DO NOWs”15% of grade

Art assignments are graded based on completion of work according to the directions rather than on beauty or talent. Each assignment is divided into four categories and outlined in the directions as follows:

  1. Subject: the correct content or subject matter is displayed60 points
  2. Style: the specified art style is used in a recognizable manner15 points
  3. Media: the correct media tools are neatly used in the work 15 points
  4. Labels: name (front bottom right corner) and title (front bottom left corner)10 points

All work is collected and graded on a bi-weekly schedule and returned to the student. Students are allowed to make-up any and all missing assignments as needed but work must be turned in prior to any county grade deadline for interim reports or final grading period designation. Grades are updated on a weekly basis in Power School and students will review their grades using this same tool on a regular basis in the classroom setting. Students are very aware of their current grades in all classes and are very aware of their completed work and their missing assignments.

Falcon Goals

In addition to the Onslow County STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT and the policies and standards in the STUDENT HANDBOOK they must also abide by the studio rules in order to enhance the visual learning experience of themselves and others in the classroom.

  1. I will be on time and ready to learn in class.
  2. I will follow the teacher directions and procedures and turn in my work on time.
  3. I will be cooperative participant, respectful to others and their property and collaborate in an appropriate manner with my voice and actions with my instructor and classmates.
  4. I will use the art supplies correctly, clean my area and tools properly and return my materials to their designated spot before I leave the room.
  5. I will not eat food items, chew gum or have open drinks in the art studio.
  6. I will use my lap top and/or cell phone only when the instructor gives me permission to do so in the classroom in a responsible and accountable manner.


  1. Blue zone reminder: verbal correction and redirection of student behavior
  2. Yellow zone caution:seat reassignment or isolation and parents are contacted
  3. Red zone: studentsent to ISS with after school detention scheduled for the following Tuesday or Thursday. Parents are contacted.

Students are given disciplinary forms to take home for parent/guardian signatures with any yellow and red zone incidents. Classroom teachers are contacted regarding the color status of all students and this information is notated on their PBIS cards.

Visual Art Contact Information

ART FEE IS $7.00

We have read the Art course outline and understand the terms set forth by the instructor, the school and the county. My student agrees to adhere to the school goals and consequences and will perform to the best of their ability in the classroom and on the school campus.

Student signature: ______

Parent signature: ______

Grade Level: ______Homeroom Teacher: ______Class Time: ______

Preferred method of contact: ______

Special Notes about your student:

Visual Art Contact Information

ART FEE IS $7.00

Please sign and return with your Visual Art Fee of $7.00

We have read the Art course outline and understand the terms set forth by the instructor, the school and the county. My student agrees to adhere to the school goals and consequences and will perform to the best of their ability in the classroom and on the school

Student signature: ______

Parent signature: ______

Grade Level: ______Homeroom Teacher: ______Class Time: ______

Preferred method of contact: ______

Special Notes about your student:

Art Assignment ChecklistName: ______

Assignment Name / Due Date / Points Possible / Points Received

Visual Art Homework


Assignment Name: ______Due Date: ______


Assignment Name: ______Due Date: ______


Assignment Name: ______Due Date: ______


Assignment Name: ______Due Date: ______