Employee Approval Letter

We’re happy to provide the below template for you to request approval from your supervisor to attend the Future of Technology Summit.

Dear [Insert supervisor’s name],

I am writing to request your approval to attend the Future of Technology Summit(FTSummit), taking place February 21-22, 2018 in Washington, DC.

The purpose of this highly-anticipated event is to spark conversation among today’s leaders on how rapid tech advancements will fundamentally alter the way we live, work, learn, and connect in the next 5-10 years—and offer solutions for how we can prepare for these changes today.

FTSUMMIT is incredibly unique because of the caliber of the experts I will have the opportunity to gain insights from. Speakers include Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, Monique Morrow, Cisco Chief Technology Officer 2012-2016 and is President and Co-Founder of the Humanized Internet, Jerry KaplanInventor of the TouchScreen technology. Futurist. AI Expert. Author., SilvinaMoschini, Digital Entrepreneur - Founder of YandikiSheWorks! Widely known by technology media as@Miss_Internet​,among others.

At no other event offered this year will I have the opportunity tolearn so much from so many experts in just one day, and represent our company among such a diverse audience of elite individuals and companies in attendance.

Attending the event will contribute to my professional growth and development, increasing my knowledge on the latest emerging tech trends and enabling me to network with top leadership, tech, and business minds across multiple relevant industries.

Topics covered at FTSummit will include:

Big Data
Cloud Computing
Machine Learning
Data Mining
Social Media
Privacy & Security
Virtual Learning / Business Intelligence
Virtual organizations
Medical diagnosis
Smart Grids
Nano Technologies
Artificial Intelligence / Virtual Reality
Virtual Learning
Augmented Reality
Internet of Things (IoT)
3D printing
Smart cities

I’ll learn the potential benefits and challenges of implementing these emerging technologies, and increase my understanding of how our company might adopt or enhance our use of some of these relevant technologies that will become increasingly common and necessary in the near future.

I will bring back new ideas, solutions, and best practices that we can implement right away. I will be sure to share what I’ve learned with our department and company by producing an overview of what I’ve learned, including actionable takeaways and proposed next steps to apply new information gained at FTSummit.

My attendance at FTSummit will have the following positive impacts at [insert company name]:

  • [Company name] will be represented at the most notable, industry-diverse, technology conference of the year in Washington, DC.
  • I will return with learnings and predictions from the greatest minds in technology and business to share with our team, as well as propose action items to get started implementing new solutions right away.
  • Increasing our company’s understanding and capacity around emerging technology will differentiate us from competitors and help us prepare for major shifts in tech and business before they happen.
  • As an employee, I will be better equipped to lead new initiatives and perform the responsibilities of my job with a broader perspective on the benefits and challenges of adopting emerging technologies.

The cost to attend the event is $450 if I register before December 15—this reflects an “early bird” savings of $200 off the standard ticket price of $650. I anticipate additional costs of attendance to be [insert figure], which includes transportation and accommodations.

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration on this matter. I believe attending this event will be an exceptionally valuable experience for [insert company name] and myself.

For additional information on the event and its trailblazing speakers, you can visit .


[Your name]