Chapter 2: The English Establish 13 Colonies

Section 2: New England Colonies

I.  The Voyage of the Mayflower

  1. The English separated from the Catholic Church
  2. Those followers were called dissenters
  3. People who wanted to separate from the dissenters were called separatists, an even more radical group. The separatists who came to the New World were known as Pilgrims.

II.  The Pilgrims Found Plymouth

  1. Traveled on a ship called the Mayflower
  2. Landed in New England, in a settlement they called Plymouth
  3. Needed laws – created the Mayflower Compact –
  4. Celebrated the first Thanksgiving at Plymouth

III.  The Puritans Come to Massachusetts Bay

  1. Were dissenters like the Separatists, but instead of breaking away from the church they wanted to change, or purify it.
  2. Create the Massachusetts Bay Colony and find the city of Boston
  3. Hard Work, Education, Representative Government

IV.  Other New England Colonies

  1. Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Connecticut
  2. Roger Williams – he feels that the Puritans are too strict, so of course the Puritans banish him out and he discovers Rhode Island
  3. Anne Hutchinson – also banished from Massachusetts and her Brother-in-Law established New Hampshire.

·  John Winthrop

·  Pilgrims

·  Mayflower Compact

·  Puritans

·  Great Migration

·  Roger Williams

·  Anne Hutchinson

·  Quakers