Whatcom County Fire District No. 11

Board of Fire Commissioners

3809 Legoe Bay Road, Lummi Island, WA. 98262

April 14, 2004

CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Craig Smith at 3809 Legoe Bay Road, Lummi Island, WA. 98262 called the Regular Meeting for April 14, 2004 to order, at 1:00 p.m.

PRESENT: In attendance were Commissioner Bob Busch, Commissioner Smith, Commissioner Pete Cameron, Chief Duncan McLane, and Board Secretary Barbara Wallace.

GUEST: Frankie Small.




The Board of Commissioners, at 3809 Legoe Bay Road, Lummi Island, Wa. 98262 reviewed the regular Blanket vouchers approval documents for April 2004 expenses for approval of payments, on April 14, 2004 and approved. “Vouchers audited and certified by RCW 42.24.080, and those expenses, reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been made available to the Board,” and with the following revisions.

Motion:Commissioner Busch made motion, “To approve the vouchers for April 2004, and approve for payment those vouchers included in the listin the amount of $7,918.77. Motion seconded by Commissioner Cameron, AND PASSED 3-0.


Motion:Commissioner Smith made motion, “To approve the payroll for April 2004.” Seconded by Commissioner Cameron, AND PASSED 3-0.




WCFCA Meeting Schedule
E-mail from Malcolm Hutchings
Letter Barkley Associates/VFIS
Washington Governmental Pool Directors Meeting Minutes
DNR Forestland Fire Response Agreement
5 Year Financial Overview and Initiative 864
Copy of District 11 Levys
WA. ST. Fire Commissioners Association re Initiative 864 and Lid Lifts
Clark Snure re Proposed Initiative 864


Assistant Chief Curt Stocker gave the Chief’s report.


DNR Agreement. If all Board members are in agreement with this document then the Chairperson will sign it and turn it over to the Board Secretary. This is to be an item on the May Agenda.

Wells: the County has told us that we will have to be a Class B due to the facility being a public facility. Commissioner Smith is to go to the Health Department and get the particulars.


Training Officer John Mulhern has informed the Board of Commissioners that the District Camcorder that is used for training has died. This Camcorder was donated a couple of years ago to the District. John has priced camcorders for the best buy for our dollar.

Motion:Commissioner Smith made motion, “To approve spending up to $400.00 for the purchase of a new camcorder and bag for the district.” Seconded by Commissioner Cameron, AND PASSED 3-0.

After discussion on other equipment it is looking like the VCR will have to be replaced next year as well as the TV set. These items need to be budgeted for in 2005.

Reader Board: The best price we have found is $3,080.00 with an additional $685 to makeit a mobile reader board. Letters will cost $1.50 each.

Motion:Commissioner Busch made motion, “To approve the expenditure for the Reader Board, monies to come from the Fire Wise Grant money.” Seconded by Commissioner Smith, AND PASSED 3-0.

Attach Vehicle:

Motion:Commissioner Smith made motion, “To publish the bid request for the attach vehicle.” Seconded by Commissioner Busch, AND PASSED 3-0.

Otto Property Agreement. Two of the members are on vacation. This item will be tabled until the May Meeting.

The Board has asked that they have the agreement for the time being before they agree to sign such agreement.

Resolution 2004 – 254 a Resolution increasing the standard mileage rate to 37.5 cents per mile. (Commissioner Busch found a spelling error, so the motion will be made, and the Resolution will be signed by the Board next month with corrected spelling).

Motion:Commissioner Busch made motion, “To approve Resolution 2004-154 increasing the standard mileage rate to 37.5 cents per mile.” Seconded by Commissioner Cameron, AND PASSED 2-0.


Frankie Small presented a copy of the letter from Fire Wise for Scenic Estates to the Board of Commissioners.


Motion:There being no other business to come before the Board of Commissioners, Commissioner Cameron moved and Commissioner Busch seconded, to adjourn the meeting, AND PASSED 2-0.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:25 p.m.

______By: ______

Barbara Wallace,Commissioner Craig Smith

Board Secretary

By: ______

Commissioner H.E. “Pete” Cameron

By: ______

Commissioner Robert Busch

Approved at the Whatcom County Fire District # 11 Board of Commissioner Meeting on May 11, 2004.

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