September 30, 2011
Vallecito Room, Fort Lewis College
Durango, CO 81301
Vol. 11-78
Call to Order
Chair Richard Ballantine convened the meeting of the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College at 9:05 a.m.
Trustees Present:
Richard Ballantine, Chair; Heidi Baskfield; Peter Decker; Leonel Silva; John Wells; Karen Wilde; Natalie Janes, Student Representative; and Chuck Riggs, Faculty Representative
Participating via Telephone: Matt Wassam
Staff Present:
Dene Thomas, President; Barbara Morris, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs; Steve Schwartz, Deputy Treasurer & Vice President for Finance and Administration; Glenna Witt Sexton, Vice President for Student Affairs; Fred Kuhlwilm, Legal Counsel; Peggy Sharp, Deputy Secretary; and Mike Larson, Audio Consultant
Dr. Gary Gianniny, Professor of Geosciences, was recognized by the Board as the Featured Scholar for the Academic Year 20010-11. He described his research and work in the Four Corners region and how it benefits students who are involved in these efforts. Dr. Gianniny enthusiastically thanked the Board and administration for supporting the research and development of Fort Lewis College faculty.
Ron Pease, of Aztec, New Mexico, spoke to the Board and administration encouraging recruitment of the students at Navajo Academy in New Mexico.
Peter Decker moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Heidi Baskfield seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously and the following items were approved:
Approval of Minutes of May 16, 2011 Teleconference Meeting
of the Business Affairs Committee
Approval of Minutes of June 2, 2011 Meeting of the Academic
Affairs Committee
Approval of Minutes of June 2, 2011 Meeting of the
Business Committee
Approval of Minutes of June 2, 2011 Meeting of the
Old Fort Sub-Committee
Approval of Minutes of June 3, 2011 Regular Meeting of the
Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College
Approval of August 4-5, 2011 Board of Trustees Retreat
Approval of Minutes of August 30, 2011 Special Teleconference
Meeting of the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College
Chair Ballantine reported on several recent events: the passing of Geraldine Berndt ??, the wife of former President Rexer Berndt; the Student Union Grand Opening and dedication of several rooms in the Union; and the presentation by Warren St. John, author of Outcasts United, this year’s Common Reading Experience book.
He requested volunteers from the Board to serve on the Nominating Committee to seek a slate of officers for the 2012. Karen Wilde, Heidi Baskfield and Peter Decker subsequently were appointed.
Trustee Decker suggested that the Board in Denver again as it has been a couple of years since a meeting was held there. Discussion ensued about the feasibility of hosting a reception for legislators. It was decided to hold the February 2, 2012 regular meeting in Denver and staff will look into venues for a legislative reception as well as the business meeting. Trustees who live in the Denver area will assist in this effort.
Committee Reports
Academic & Student Affairs Committee
Richard Ballantine, Chair of the Committee, reported that Provost Barbara Morris presented her Academic Affairs Initiatives for 2011-12. He stated that she provided details of her plan for this academic year and how issues will be addressed. Provost Morris stated that he will be meeting with the academic departments and will work closely with Faculty Senate, the deans and department chairs in implementing the goals set forth in the plan.
Business Affairs Committee
Leonel Silva, Chair, reported the Committee had discussed the Old Fort Legislation and Initiative 25 with Danny Tomlinson and Ed Bowditch, who participated in the meeting via teleconference. Steve Schwartz indicated that as a result of the discussions, it was determined not to move forward with a request to change the statute related to the Hesperus fund. Laurel Nye, former Internal Auditor, presented the Physical Plant Services Fuel Tank audit report, and the committee voted to accept the audit.
Old Fort/Hesperus Sub-Committee
Heidi Baskfield stated that she had been able to meet with the newly formed Old Fort Steering Committee on Wednesday afternoon. She stated this committee will build on the work of last year’s Old Fort Feasibility Committee. She gave an overview of the topics that will be addressed and emphasized that the group will be working closely with the State Land Board.
Foundation Liaison
John Wells reported that Ross Nelson, Director of Alumni Affairs, has been quite active in reaching out to alumni and organizing events in various locations – statewide as well as nationwide. He also reported the Foundation is wrapping up the Centennial campaign and their fund raising goal is ahead of the target.
Standing Reports
Faculty Representative Report
Chuck Riggs indicated that the faculty is very appreciative of the initiatives outlined by Provost Morris. He report on the $2 million five-year grant STEM grant that will enhance Native American success in programs such as Engineering/Physics, Anthropology/Archaeology, Geosciences, and Native American Indigenous Studies.
Dr. Riggs provided an update on efforts being taken to assist students who are interested in applying for a Fulbright Scholarship.
Student Representative Report
Natalie Janes elaborated on the information contained in her written report. The Student Fee Review Board will begin deliberations after the October 14 deadline for receiving requests. She reported that a Student Opportunity Summit will be conducted on October 11th to allow students to voice their opinions regarding the Strategic Plan, using the same questions used in the faculty/staff sessions.
Fort Lewis College Foundation/Office of Development Report
Chair Ballantine referred to the written report on Foundation/Development activities contained in the agenda.
Repeal the Existing Manual of Policies and Procedures and
Adopt the Revised Manual as Presented
Fred Kuhlwilm, legal counsel, provided a brief overview of the changes contained in the newly revised version of the Board’s Policy Manual.
Leonel Silva moved that the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College repeal its existing Manual of Policies and Procedures and adopt the revised Manual as presented. Peter Decker seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
· Student Union Grand Opening
President Thomas gave a summary of all the dedications of various rooms and spaces that occurred on Tuesday, September 6 as part of the week-long celebration of the Student Union Grand Opening. The donor dinner held was great success and she praised the work of all individuals involved in planning the Grand Opening. The Terry R. Bacon Leadership Center dedication took place on September 13.
· Native American Tuition Waiver Bill
Angie Rochat, Provost Morris and President Thomas spent the week of September 12th in Washington, D.C. meeting with legislators, staff, and other groups who are involved in our efforts to obtain Federal funding for the Native American tuition waiver. The bill was recently introduced in the House by Representative Scott Tipton.
· Grants
President Thomas reported on several substantive grants that have been received from Title III and the National Science Foundation. She further stated that the amount in grants received from grants has increased 25% from this time last year.
· Fall Term Enrollment Update
Carol Smith provided an in-depth review of the Fall 2011 enrollment report. Although enrollment remained stable, the College did not reach its goal of 1% growth. Dr. Smith reported an increase in Native American enrollment and an increase in continuing students. However, the drop in first-time, in-state freshmen students is a concern. She elaborated on a few key factors that play into this drop – such as distance from home, high cost of tuition plus room and board, and competition with community colleges for freshmen students.
The marketing objectives for Fall, 2012 are as follows:
- Increase overall all enrollment by 2%
- Recover the freshman class that we lost between 2010/2011
- Generate more applications from qualified Colorado freshmen
Discussion ensued regarding programs that attract students, the need to look at how we award scholarships, and areas where there will be specific focus on the marketing efforts. Dr. Smith responded to questions and several suggestions were made by the Trustees that might assist in recruiting students to Fort Lewis College.
Chair Ballantine stated that the rest of the Board meeting would be a discussion related to the College’s strategic planning process. He introduced Dr. Elaine Labach and Mr. Richard Miller who jointly facilitated this session.
Mr. Miller reviewed the process in which the campus is currently engaged and provided a graph indicating two key trends:
· Institutions in the United States are becoming increasing tuition dependent
· The trend specific to FLC is a pattern of decline
Dr. Labach and Mr. Miller used the seven questions which have been asked at the Listening Session on campus to facilitate the discussion with the Board.
Following are the questions that were posed to the Trustees:
1. What are Fort Lewis’s strategic advantages?
a. Do we agree on them?
b. Can we (are we) capitalizing on them?
2. What are Fort Lewis’s strategic weaknesses?
a. Do we agree on them?
b. Can we (are we) managing them?
3. What would you like Fort Lewis to look like in five years?
4. What would we recommend to enhance the learning experience and outcomes for Fort Lewis students?
5. What changes would we like to see in the student experience at Fort Lewis?
6. Are there changes that you would recommend in terms of the types of students that Fort Lewis will serve in the future?
7. Strategically, what should be done to strengthen Fort Lewis’ reputation and name recognition?
The input from the Board’s responses to these questions will be summarized by Mr. Miller, and will be included in the materials for discussion at the Strategic Planning Workshop scheduled for November 3 & 4, 2011.
Meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m.