Pupil Premium Plan

September 2017

The Enterprise Learning Alliance

Pupil Premium 2017-2018

The Pupil Premium is additional funding from the Government to help schools close the attainment gap between disadvantaged children and their peers.

The funding is allocated to schools for children from Reception to year 11 who have registered for free school meals in the last 6 years, are in care or haveparents in the Armed Forces.

In 2016-17 the funding allocation was

• £935 per child and £300 for children of Armed Forces families

Unlike other schools we do not directly receive Pupil Premium for all eligible pupils. Our aim as a school is for all pupils to remain on role with theirmainstream school and, where possible return to that school if this is an appropriate pathway for the child or young person.

ELA commits to ensuring that every child or young person who would usually be entitled to this additional funding receives additional support bespoketo their needs during their stay at our school. ELA is committed to closing the gap between the progress of pupils who receive the funding and thoseconsidered to not be disadvantaged.

Objectives for Pupils Premium in this school:

• These children will be provided with additional educational support to improve progress and to raise the standard of achievement for them

• The school will aim to close the gap between the achievement of our pupils and their peers both nationally and within the school

• As far as resources allow, the school will use the additional funding to address any underlying inequalities between pupils eligible for Pupil Premiumand others

• We will ensure any additional funding received reaches the pupils who need it the most and that it makes a significant impact on their educationand lives

• The recognises Pupil Premium pupils who have SEND, Pupil Premium pupils who have no SEND and children in care. Therefore, all provision istailored slightly differently for these identified vulnerable groups.

How much Pupil Premium money did the school receive?

Total number of pupils on roll (Years 7 – 11) / 122
Total number of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium Grant / 29
Amount of PPG received / 3740
LAC / 18
Total amount of PPG received with LAC / 300

Planned Interventions 2017-18

Strategy Cost or Proportion of / Activities/Resource / Objectives / Potential Impact
£1500 per Pupil 6 week Course / MXCP / Motor Mechanics
Develop key skills: trust, Cooperation, Communication, risk and responsibility. / Increase pupil motivation and optimism.
Higher Aspirations
Better equipped to succeed academically
Physically & mentally healthier
Motor Mechanics knowledge
Improve destination possibilities
Additional TA/FLO time
£2000 / Attendance Knocks / -Improve attendance for pupil in the 50-80% bracket / -Improve attendance
-Improve pupil engagement and progress
-Improve pupil outcomes and destinations
£4000 per annum / NHS Counsellor / -Assist pupil with mental health issues
-Help pupils deal with anxiety
-Help students understand themselves and their problems and feel more confident. / Improve attendance
-Improve pupil engagement and progress
-Improve pupil outcomes and destinations
£592 / Purchase of Additional School Uniform / So student can have additional items so they have clean uniform / Improve self-image
£2000 per Annum / Careers Advisor through KCC / Support students to find appropriate destinations and pathways in year 11/12 / Reduce NEETs
Reduce dropout rates in College

This is a working document and will be updated throughout the academic year.