Natural Resources Conservation ServiceSECTION II-K-1

Kentucky – Rev. 1 - January 22, 2003SOILS INFORMATION

Page 1 of 1 Pasture and Hayland Suitability Group Descriptions

Group No. / Group Description
Well drained
bottomland soils / Deep, well drained silt loam, loam and fine sandy loam soils of the flood plains with very high productivity potential.
Somewhat poorly
drained bottomland soils / Deep, somewhat poorly drained silt loam, loam and fine sandy loam soils of the flood plains with high productivity potentials.
Poorly drained
bottomland soils / Deep, poorly drained silty clay loam, silt loam and loam soils of the flood plains with moderate to high productivity potential.
Poorly drained
clayey soils / Deep, poorly drained clay, silty clay and silty clay loam soils of the flood plains and stream terraces with moderate to high productivity potentials.
Deep well drained
upland soils 0-30% / Deep, well drained silt loam, loam and fine sandy loam soils of the uplands and stream terraces with slopes of 0 to 30 percent. Some have gravelly and sandy subsoils. Productivity potential is moderate to high.
Deep well drained
upland soils >12% / Deep, well drained silt loam, and fine sandy loam soils of the uplands with slopes more than 12 percent. Some are gravelly. Productivity potential is moderate.
Moderately deep
upland soils / Moderately deep, silty clay loam, silt loam or fine sandy loam soils of the uplands with slopes about 6 to 30 percent and moderate productivity potential.
Shallow soils / Shallow, well drained silty clay to fine sandy loam soils of the uplands with slopes of about 6 to 50 percent. Some are stony, flaggy, shaly, or channery.
Rocky and stony soils / Shallow and moderately deep, well drained rocky or stony, silty clay to loam soils of the uplands with slopes of more than 6 percent and low productivity potential.
Severely eroded
soils / Moderately deep to very deep severely eroded soils of the uplands with slopes of 6 to 30 percent and very low to moderate productivity potential.
Moderately well drained
soils with a fragipan / Moderately well drained silt loam fragipan soils of the uplands and stream terraces with slopes of 0 to 12 percent and moderate to high productivity potential.
Poorly drained soils
with a fragipan / Poorly drained silt loam soils with a fragipan on nearly level uplands and stream terraces and moderate productivity potential.
Gravelly and cherty
Soils / Very gravelly and cherty soils of the uplands with slopes of more than 6 percent and low productivity potential.
Sandy soils / Deep sandy soils on flood plains and stream terraces with slopes of less than 20 percent and low to moderate productivity potential.

NRCS-KYJanuary, 2003