28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Matthew 11:28-29 (NIV)

The End and The Beginning

It looks, at first glance, like I have this topic backward, but it’s the end of my year of service as the Community Lay Director; next month you will hear from Mark Riordan as he prayerfully steps in to this blessed role.

It has been a true blessing; for me and Steve and for Tina, our Community Spiritual Director, and Mickey. Tina and I knew that we would need our godly husbands praying for us throughout the year, (as well as their strong backs as we had them hauling our various accoutrements to and fro), and they have lovingly and generously been by our sides. And I have been BLESSED by a deepened relationship with Tina; a total joy in my life!

We have shared in a wonderful experience of servant hood and have been enriched by the time we have spent involved in planning and participating in the various events throughout the year. From Board meetings to Formations and Walks to the AWESOME Day of Service at the Campground, it’s been 12 months of discipleship-learned and discipleship-taught. We have full hearts and MANY happy memories and pray that you all do, too. One in particular that I will treasure was from the first Gathering this year, standing next to Tina and Mickey as they worship!!! If you all haven’t heard those two sing, come sit by us at December’s Gathering – you will get an early Christmas present.

THANK YOU to Doug Shepherd, Peggy Salmon, Arnel Megino, Sabrina Brock and Josh Smith as they conclude their service on the Board. Special thanks to them for the extra roles they served in as Team Advisory Committee Chairperson, Walk Manual Coordinator, Secretary, Music / Sound / Entertainment Coordinator, Server and Speaker Chart Coordinator and Historian. Special thanks to Sabrina as she served a dedicated FOURTH year on the Board. That’s a continuous 48 months of service that she reliably and lovingly filled.

Thank you too, to Dustin Shepherd who ably assisted Arnel with Music /Sound coordination, Colleen Bagley, our Registrar, Mark Ott, Walk Photographer, Larry and Heather Holthouser and Norris Sizemore who maintain our website and mailing list and publish this newsletter, Chris Yates and the “Chrysalis Crew” for all they do - and it’s a lot! - and to all of you silent servers. THANK YOU! Your love and commitment to this Community keeps it working for the growth and development of Disciples of Jesus. We can never have enough of us.

So, out with the old and in with the new. Mark Riordan begins his year of Community Lay Director on January 1st and he is joined by our five new Board members: Anita Bailey, Tammy Burba, Becky Frye, Angela Rutledge and Doug Stone. These five will join Tracy Arflin, Rhoda Baumfalk, Carolyn Cox, Jeff Dean, Larry Holthouser, Chris Love, Kevin Oldham, Sharon Oliver and me as we continue to serve on the 2013 Board.

PLEASE be sure and join us for Gathering on Saturday, December 1st. We start at 7:00 pm at Memorial United Methodist Church in Elizabethtown.

Continue to keep Mark Ott and Leah Riggs in your prayers as they move forward with YAC #3 in January; Justin Givens and Cameron Davis as they prepare for Chrysalis 51 and finally Ron Smith and Janaye Bond as they continue to prayerfully form their Teams for Walks 126 and 127. WOW.

Tina and I pray that you were blessed this past year as we were, serving this wonderful Emmaus Community and that His love is absolutely showered down on you and your families as we move into this glorious Christmas season and then on to a hopeful New year.

De Colores!


Sarah Hart, Walk # 79, Table of Anna

Coffee and Toast with Jesus Reunion Group

2012 Elizabethtown Emmaus Community Lay Director

Prayer Time


·  2013 Elizabethtown Emmaus Board and Leadership

·  Sponsors and pilgrims for Chrysalis 51, YAC 3, Walk 126, and Walk127

·  Deployed Military Service Men and Women

·  Those in your Reunion Group and those not in an Emmaus Reunion Group

·  The Spiritually Lost

·  Nicaraguan and Northpoint REC Community

·  Cameron Davis and Justin Givens, Chrysalis 51

·  Leah Riggs and Mark Ott, YAC 3

·  Ron Smith, Men’s Walk 126

·  Janaye Bond, Women’s Walk 127

Mark Your Calendars

December 1st / Board Meeting
Gathering / 5:30 PM
7:00 PM / Memorial UMC
Memorial UMC
January 5th / Board Meeting
Gathering / 6:00 PM
7:00 PM / Memorial UMC
Memorial UMC
January 4th / YAC 3
Sendoff / 9:00 AM / Camp Nikao
January 5th / YAC 3 Candlelight / 8:00 PM / Memorial UMC
January 6th / YAC 3
Closing / 5:00 PM / Camp Nikao
16th – 18th / Chrysalis 51 / Camp Nikao
14th – 17th / Men’s Walk
126 / Camp Nikao
21st – 24th / Women’s Walk
127 / Camp Nikao