The EDF Project - Clatians info.

All I have at the moment on the Clatians

The appearance of these creatures is remarkably similar to the dwarves of lore. They are short and stocky - slightly erring on the plump side. Despite their diminutive size, they are very strong, and fierce fighters. However, their lack of size, and weight, means that they are slow around the battlefield. They almost always have beards, even the women, in fact the lack of one signifies a great penalty for a crime, and causes much derision. The Clatians have a huge life span, with some living for as many as two hundred and fifty years, although they usually live for just fewer than two hundred.
Primary History.
The Clatians were, once upon a time, years ago, very technologically advanced. They had - and still do have - a remarkable ability for manufacturing items, and developing new sorts of Armour and weaponry. Often when none had been thought possible, they have devised a way to harness their surrounding material. A few millennia ago, they were about as advanced as the inhabitants of Techiputak . Both groups had long developed space travel, and eventually, they met. However the temperaments of each were remarkably dissimilar. The Clatians tended to be peaceable unless enraged - although when that happened they were formidable foes on the field of combat - they explored their surrounds in the galaxy cautiously, and trying to avoid contact with other beings. The Techiputakians however were then much as they are now, always looking for a way to expand their territory, and claim new worlds. For them, the Clatians were a threat. They gathered their forces, and, declaring war on the Clatians, they caught them by surprise. The war was long and both sides suffered heavy casualties, but the Techiputakians finally prevailed. The Clatian homeworld was completely devastated by the war, so the surviving Clatians were transported to another similar world: Draltia.
A century later, while the Techiputakians were relaxed into believing there was no longer a threat from this quarter, the Clatians rebelled. The rebel movement lasted for two months before it was emphatically put down . However there are , what nowadays are myths , of a group of Clatians capturing a ship , and fleeing , trying to find somewhere else to live , it is now conjectured by our scientists that they succeeded , and found our planet , with beings , although taller , similar in certain ways to themselves , notably the colour of the skin , being bipedal , and with two arms also . Perhaps this is how they appear so similar to dwarves of myth . After this , they were left to fend on their own , of course without any of their technology , and with no access to any new . They were placed on their own with items the equivalent of our stone age . From there they started to rebuild their civilisation , with techniques which were still remembered from the old days being passed down through the centuries . When they seemed to be near regaining space travel five hundred years ago , Techiputak invited them to join the empire , perhaps surprisingly given their history , and the fact that they seem to have become xenophobic , they accepted . However , the Techiputakians were still cautious in dealing with the Clatians , allowing only a limited advance in technology , and seperating the better scientists and engineers from the rest of their race , this is why we sometimes come across isolated groups of Clatians among other races . The severe xenophobia however , tends to make them work better in a group , and if they are on their own thanks to an attack , they often panic .
General info.
The Clatians are very strong , and can absorb more punishment than a human . Because of their strength , their items tend to weigh more then ours , but are more effective . However they are rarely fighters , they tend , instead , to use their gifts with the research and manufacture of weaponry and their awareness of possible problems allow them to correct them before they happen . Not being fighters , they have little accuracy with projectile weaponry , and prefer to use hand to hand weaponry wherever possible . Acknowledging that they will not be able to use hand to hand combat weapons very often however , they tend to create guns which are easy to aim , or aids for aiming . They have never practiced psionic attacks , with the research of weaponry and armour being far higher on their priorities , but their immovable nature seem to be helpful in repelling psionic attacks , although it is nowhere near strong enough to counter attack from units skilled in psionics .
Info that won't be discovered until more dealings with higher ranked Clatians .
The decision to join forces with the Empire seems to have solely been for the purpose of self preservation , they had already been defeated twice before , and had little confidence of a succesful fight back . Perhaps if we can get through the xenophobia that has been developed , we could find allies here . Certainly their skill at research and manufacture could be very helpful to our cause . The planet chosen for their relocation seems to be surprisingly low on strong materials , no satisfactory reason has been given for this fact , because the Techiputakians would surely have wished to use the Clatians researching & manufacturing genius to their own use . Perhaps this was an added safeguard against rebellion . It is also notable , that most of the armour which the Clatians use is made from materials from Draltia , it appears that even since they joined the Empire , they have not been considered trustworthy as of yet to use the more devastating of the Techiputakians materials . This unwillingness of the Empire to allow this to take place hints that a possible success could be made by our diplomats in this area .
Possible stats :(note : all out of 100)
Health 85
Strength 90
Accuracy 35
Time Units 45 ( with humans between 65 & 80 ? )
Bravery 75
Reactions 25
Psi Attack 15
Psi Defence 65
Manufacturing 90
Weapon & Armour Research 90
Other Research 75
Pilotting & any other Special Skills variable .
Notes on stats :
The lack of accuracy is designed to prevent the Clatians becoming a power on the combat field , if they are thought to be too strong (or weak) , please tell me ! All the stats are obviously not set in stone , different Clatians will have different stats , however they are designed to be a rough guide , and should not be deviated from by too much . Also , training should not be able to improve their accuracy too much ! Perhaps a limit on the improvement for each unit in each area ? I will start to come up with Armour stats later . (they will probably be quite limited despite the Clatians skill , because of the lack of strong materials on the planet , as the game progresses they will develop stronger ones with the rest of the Empires (Or our) materials .)
Possible Research .
The research possible by the Clatians is mainly weapon , guidance systems , and armour orientated . Not being over protective of my idea , I would love possible input ! ;) Because of the sheer scope of their possible manufacture of weapons and armour the ideas are near limitless !
Clatian Manufacturing Techniques .
The study of these techniques will allow us to utilise the Clatians ability with weaponry , this could allow us to put their skill to effect to strengthen our existing armour .
NOTE ! The Research subject Clatian Manufaturing Techniques , can only be started after research has been done on high ranking Clatians (i.e. who know what they are talking about) . It will go very slowly unless you capture more Clatians , each one will give a boost in how much has been manufactured . However they cannot be used for more than one type of interrogation ! The interrogation process is such that ..... umm ..... they can't survive ! ;) If the EDF and Clatians become allied , then the research for this project will be greatly reduced (i.e. , it takes hardly any time) .
Once this has been discovered , an uprgade (Mark II) for all armours can be researched , where this information can be used . Mark II's for Clatian Armour means they are usable by humans . If there is any armour where this can not be so , obviously , it will not exist . Mark II's for Clatian -> Human equipment will lose some of their strength (Unused to the different size , and yet trying to keep it light enough will obviously result in lack of armour strength) , and Mark II's for other armour will increase their strength and weight . I recommend that less strength is added for the more effective armours , as they are likely to have been very well made in the first place .
Basic Clatian Armour .
Head 40
Arms 55
Torso Front 65
Torso Rear 60
Legs 50
Under 30
The Basic Clatian armour , amazingly , seems to have been constructed from a steel like metal . Even after continued study , our scientists are baffled to how they managed to achieve such a strong armour , from such a metal ! As such , it has been impossible to be reproduced in any satisfactory form for our agents to avail of it . The Dwarves superior strength means that the weight of this armour is not important for them . Also , the fact that it appears cumbersome , is not too great a burden for them to bear as they are not renowned for there speed around the battlefield . However , heating of this armour via incendiary ammunition , or weapons that rely on heating , is sure to come up with some hot results and is the advised method to use against Clatians wearing this armour .
Clatian Accuracy Aid .
The Clatian accuracy device is designed to increase the acuracy of the shooter , and counter the Clatian lack of accuracy with long range weapons , it does do this to some extent , but not enough to make too much difference to their shot - hit ratio . + ([100 - present accuracy] * 1/5) .
(i.e. accuracy of 20 + Clatian Accuracy Aid = 20 + [80*1/5] = 20 + 16 = 36) (accuracy of 70 = Clatian Accuracy Aid = 70 + [30*1/5] = 70 + 6 = 76)
Clatian Machinegun .
This machinegun , and the projectiles it files , are made out of partium - a compound metal made from iron ore , and a element previously unknown to us , which we called Crecium (I couldn't think of a name , and this was suggested on the forum so ...... lol) - which penetrates most light armour like a hot knife through butter . The weapon itself is very heavy - much heavier then our standard machine gun , partly because of its E115 powered system , although it uses little to fire - but it is much sturdier and more reliable , unless it gets less than 70% strength , it will work as normal , and it hardly ever jams . The machine gun also comes equipped with the basic Clatian accuracy aid , which can be upgraded as wished .
Clatian 'Vibro Knife' .
*NOTE*- The Vibro knife is almost like a mini saw . It is shaped like , and is just longer than , a knife with serated edges . It can be switched on or off , leaving it switched on wastes it's E115 power source however , which it needs to run . The maximum fuel it can take is enough for roughly a minute at most . As a result the use of it should be monitored carefully . It does have the advantage of being used as just an ordinary knife if this happens though . The vibrating nature of the knife causes a huge increase in the damage caused , and even a glancing blow is likely to cause great pain . Its elerium powersource and casing makes it much heavier than a normal knife . The handle of the knife is much bulkier than a normal knife , or dagger , unfortunately , it is a miracle the Clatians have reduced it to such a small size as it is .
Clatian Machinegun - Knife Combo .
This , as the name suggests , is a combination of the Clatian machinegun , and the Clatian Knife . The Vibro Knife is connected to the Machineguns supply , giving it a much greater source to run from . As the machine gun uses little to fire a bullet , the time which the vibro knife can be used for is much longer than normal - over ten minutes . If the gun runs out of E115 however , it obviously ceases to function . The knife can only be removed in a lab , with extreme difficulty , so you will be stuck with the near useless weapon as it is , with just the knife being of possible use . (Should we include a 'fuel gauge' function ? Not sure if good idea or not ...... )
Clatian 'Jump Jet' Armour .
Since we have had the ability to access the Clatians manufacturing techniques , we have tried to use their armour to create a strong armour , but one which will still give us freedom of movement . This is what we have come up with - Because each unit with one may find him/herself in the air , we have concentrated on protecting the legs and the underside of the armour . This way , although they find themselves under attack from below , they will still have good protection .
Head :- 60
Torso , front :- 65
Torso , back :- 60
Arms :- 60
Legs :- 80
Under Armour :- 85
Clatian Kevlar Armour .
Since combining our knowledge of Clatian Manufacturing techniques and supplies of Kevlar , we have created a strong , light , durable armour .
Head :- 75
Torso , front :- 85
Torso , back :- 80
Arms :- 85
Legs :- 80
Under :- 70
More research on the Clatian species .
Clatia :-
As we have advanced towards the Techiputaks homeworld , we have discovered the Clatians Homeworld . It is completely devoid of any life . Not even a plant has been able to survive here , the whole world is a desert , and the planet is no longer fit to support any life forms that we know of . Traces of the explosions of vast quantities of Element 115 can be found throughout the world . Our archaelogists are drilling deep into the earth to try and find any information that might help us , or the Clatians understand their past .
Clatia 2 :-
Our archaeologists have made a remarkable discovery . They concentrated their digging efforts in the largest area of Element 115 residue . Almost immediately they discovered remains of technology that seems to be arranged in style to Grey technology - albeit a very primitive kind . Intrigued by this fact , they continued to dig in this position , and after many kilometres of digging they happened upon a huge metal pod . This pod spanned many kilometres squared , big enough to transport a huge amount of people , whatever their race ! After forcing their way in , our archaeologists discovered many computers of the same technology as the ruined equipment they had discovered above them - again primitive however . After inspection by our scientists , these computers worked perfectly - all they needed was a power source . Infact , the whole ship - as ship we realised it must have been - was still fully functional . The letters used are similar , almost identical , to the Grey's alphabet , however none of the words seem to mean anything when translated .
Strange Clatian computer's words :- (Or whatever sounds good , I dunno how to phrase it ! ;D)
We have some very disturbing news to report . This has taken us completely by surprise , but it must be said however , that the evidence certainly points towards this being true , with only a little doubt of it being otherwise . The research on this language was going very slowly at first , our scientists had tried to utilise all their language skills to decipher what each word meant with no success . Infact our progress in this field was merely down to chance . Disgusted by the lack of progress of our original methods (Interpretting it as a code of the greys language , we proceeded to try and solve it using their way of pronouncing each word , and using many different codes , none of which worked) one of our scientists tried to pronounce each word with a much harsher sound , and out loud in a strong voice . When a native Clatian heard this , (s)he discovered an amazing similarity between it , and the pronounciation of one of the Clatian languages ! Using this as a stand point , we started to make a bit of progress and we proceeded to find links with this language , and other Clatian languages , almost as if it was to these Clatian languages , what Latin and Greek were to the languages of the European countries of Earth ! The proceeding translation seems to back up our suspicions . We have now been given an amazing description of what the history before what we were told was like . That is , if this can be trusted , although it seems likely .
It appears Clatia , is NOT infact the 'Clatians' homeworld ! After decoding the computers information , we discovered what caused the ship to be where it is in the first place . It appears that these 'Clatians' are in fact from a world they called Masenta - they were part of a race called Patruri'ika , who were under attack by a fascist group 7000 years ago , which called themselves Afitafu , and the world .... They called the world Cathechati . The Afitafu started a world war , trying to spread all over the globe . In this war , amazing advances in space travel was made , which gave birth to this ship it appears .
In this war , a use was made for E115 . They discovered that it was remarkably effective in weaponry . The Paruri'ika made huge advances in this area , as well as some prototypes to use it in armour . However each time they created new technology , they would find that similar weapons were being bulk produced and used against them . It was obvious that there were insiders working against them . At every turn they were being thwarted , until they finally managed to purge the insiders threat . Unfortunately , this coincided with the gradual loss of the war . As the pressure mounted , there became a split in the political beliefs of the race . Some believed they should flee , and try and escape because they had lost all chance of survival , others wanted to stay and fight . The more military minded Paturi'ikans saw the ones that wanted to flee as comptemptible , and they let them go their own way as they continued to struggle against the odds . They put up a great fight , lasting for at least a whole year more . However , this time had been enough for the ship we found to be constructed , and the newly developed research to be put to use . It appears this ship contained part of a whole civilisation . They launched under cover in the very middle of their territory , and after making sure they had escaped without trace , they utilised the new 'warping' capabilities that had been found . They warped for as long as they could , until they found an uninhabited world which they could survive on . Here they settled and eventually rebuilt their civilisation .
The Clatians seem to have tried to rid themselves of this experience , and it appears that no inkling of a suspicion has entered the mind of the present day Clatians . They are much more shocked then we are , as can be expected . We still don't know if the Greys know this , five thousand years is a long time , and they made no search for them before they accidentally met them once more , but the likelihood must be in their favour . Maybe this can account for their cautiousness in dealing with the Clatians , and yet their willingness to let them work for them . After all , they always wanted to be admitted as their masters . The Clatians hid this ship as far underground as they could , incase it could be used to trace them by the Afitafu . But we still do not understand how the Clatians , and the two races of the Greys can look so dissimilar . We know from the computers that one of the main ideals of the Afitafu was to create 'Master Races' , maybe something went wrong ?
The Clatian & Grey Different Appearances
After the Afitafu finally emerged victorious , they began the next of the main plans in their ideals . To make 'Two Perfect Races' . As we hypothesised something seemes to have gone wrong . They attempted this ideal by changing the genetic versions of themselves and their children . They did this so much that they changed how they looked completely, which was probably near to how the Clatians look now. In the beginning all was going fine, they seemed to have all the desirable traits they could find. However ...... (Koralt will insert reason here ...... ;) What I had written here was for lack of anything else to put in, best to refer to Koralt for anything under this subject heading)