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The Earth-Moon System Test

True (A) or False (B)

1. The moon takes the same time to rotate on its axis as it does to orbit the Earth.

2. A total lunar eclipse can occur during any phase of the moon.

3. There is a permanent “dark side” of the moon.

4. The New Moon is in our sky during daylight hours.

5. If you were on the moon during a total lunar eclipse, the sun would be hidden behind Earth.

6. The appearance of the moon’s phases is caused by Earth’s shadow following on the lunar


7. The moon is very gradually spiraling further away from Earth.

8. There is one high tideand one low tide every day.

9. Earth and moon could not have condensed simultaneously from the same materials

because they have different densities and iron compositions.

10. The velocity of a meteor has a larger influence on impact crater size than its mass does.

Multiple Choice: Choose the correct response that best completes the statement.

11. The point in the moon’s orbit when it is closest to the Earth is known as

a. perigee.c. the winter solstice.

b. apogee.d. aphelion.

12. A lunar eclipse occurs when

  1. The Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun.
  2. The Earth passes between the Moon and the Sun.
  3. The Sun passes between the Earth and the Moon.

13. A solar eclipse occurs when

  1. The Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun.
  2. The Earth passes between the Moon and the Sun.
  3. The Sun passes between the Earth and the Moon.
  4. All of the above can cause a solar eclipse

14. During a total lunar eclipse,

a. the moon must be new.

b. the moon must be at its closest distance to Earth.

c. the moon must be full.

d. it must be near the time of one of the equinoxes.

15. Which of the following is NOT true about the synodic period of the moon:

  1. It is the time from one New Moon to the next New Moon.
  2. It is about 29.5 days long
  3. It is the time it takes the Moon to complete one orbit around Earth
  4. It is also called a Lunar Month.

16. Earth possesses few visible craters and the moon has many. The reason for this difference is


a. weathering and erosion occur on Earth at a much greater rate than on the moon

b. the moon doesn’t have an atmosphere that could burn up many of the meteorites

before impacting.

c. the moon is older than the Earth

d. all of the above

e. only a and b

17. The “Space Race” occurred between the United States and:

  1. China
  2. The Soviet Union (Russia)
  3. Germany
  4. Japan
  5. Both A and C

18. The first man to walk on the moon was

a. Buzz Aldrin

b. Alan Shepard

c. John Glenn

d. Neil Armstrong

19. The lunar maria are

a. moving plates of lunar crust.

b. the lighter, rugged plateaus of the lunar highlands.

c. the darker lava plains of the lunar lowlands.

d. large oceans on the moon’s surface

20. The First Quarter Moon is most visible

a. around sunrise

b. around sunset

c. around noon

d. around midnight

21. Neap tides occur

a. at new moon and full moon.

b. at first quarter and third quarter moons.

c. at noon and midnight

d. at the summer and winter solstices

22. Which of these factors has the greatest influence on Earth’s ocean tides?

  1. The sun
  2. The moon
  3. The seasons
  4. The ecliptic

Completion: Fill in the blank with the correctletterfor theterms below.

A. apogeeB. annular eclipseC. Umbra D. ejecta E. terminator F. penumbra G. lunar eclipse H. maria

I. raysJ. neap tidesK. spring tides L. perigee

23. ____ is when the moon is at its furthest distance from the Earth.

24. _____create the highest high tides and the lowest low tides due to the combined gravitational

forces of the sun and moon.

25. _____ are formed by ejecta from meteorite impacts creating white streamers radiating from

some lunar craters.

26. The dividing line between the night and day side of the moon is referred to as the ____.

27. _____is pulverized rock thrown up and scattered by meteorite impacts on lunar or planetary


28. The wider partial shadow that is cast by the Earth or moon is referred to as the _____.

29. A solar eclipse that occurs when the moon is at apogee, in which the sun appears around the

edge of the moon in a bright ring is called a(n) _____.

30. The lunar lowlands filled with lava flows of dark rock are ____ which is Latin for “seas.”

For #31-32, identify which of these images depicts alunareclipse and which depicts a solar eclipse. (not drawn to scale)

#31. #32.

For #33-39, match the terms below with the correct moon phase image.

A.WaxingB. WaningC. Gibbous D. New

  1. QuarterF. CrescentG. FullH. Neap

Short Answer:

40. Why don’t we have solar and lunar eclipses every month at new moon and full moon phases?