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Biology Quiz I
Quiz Directions
Please select and provide the best and most complete possible answer for the following questions.
1. Answer the questions below by clicking the button next to the best answer choice or typing your correct answer. Each question's answers are in grey. / 2. At the end of every page click the next button to move forward to the next page.
DO NOT HIT THE BROWSER'S BACK BUTTON! / 3. On the last page of the Quiz you will be able to see which questions are unanswered, are answered and have been flagged.
1 pts. / The word Biology means the study of ______.
A. / man
B. / life
C. / animals
D. / the world
E. / none of the above
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1 pts. / All life must maintain an internal balance, despite environmental changes. This is called
A. / heredity
B. / homeostasis
C. / natural selection
D. / evolution
E. / none of the above
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1 pts. / Botany is the study of the life cycle.
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1 pts. / Asexual reproduction must have a male and female of the same species to produce offspring?
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1 pts. / Which statement is true?
A. / Oceanographers study celestial bodies, such as stars and planets.
B. / Astronomers study rocks and earth processes, such as earthquakes.
C. / Meteorologists study the atmosphere and weather patterns.
D. / Geologists study the oceans and currents around the world.
E. / none of the above
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