The University of Auckland Early Childhood Centres and Kohanga Reo policies are aligned to the Education (Early Childhood Centres) Regulations 2008, Te Whāriki (National Early Childhood Education Curriculum), Kei Tua o te Pae, Te Whatu Pōkeka- Assessment for learning Early Childhood Examplars, Ka Hikitia- Managing for Success: The Māori Education Strategy, Tātaiako:Cultural Competencies for Teachers of Māori Learners,Te Reo Tātaki - Including Everyone and the relevant policies of the University of Auckland.
The University of Auckland Early Childhood Centres and Kohanga Reo recognize that robust and effective human resource practices support optimum performance and best outcomes for children and whānau.
To ensure that human resource practices are compliant with the policy and procedures of the University of Auckland.
Staff Appointment Procedure
- Written notification of staff resignation will be sent to the Manager Uni ECE services.
- The qualities and attributes required of the successful applicant will be compiled.
- The position will be advertised internally and/or externally inviting prospective employees to complete an application form and forward their CV to the Manager.
- A copy of the job description and information regarding the centre will be available at the interview.
- Receive applications and short list applicants according to the qualities and attributes required for this position.
- Prepare interview format, including recording information and questions.
- Interview applicants and select the most suitable person for the position, after phoning the person’s referees.
- The successful applicant may be required to undergo a Police Vet if unregistered.
- Offer the position to successful person in writing which will be completed by the Human Resources at The University.
- After the position accepted and contract signed, the Induction Procedure will be followed.
Induction Procedure
- New kaiako are welcomed and introduced to other kaiako.
- Staff joining the University receive orientation and induction information via AskHR.
- The kaiwhakahaere and other kaiako are available to support the new staff member in their first few weeks to ensure they are aware of required information e.g. job description, centre organization, documents, centre routines, identified hazards in the centre, and centre policies
- Tamariki are introduced to the new staff at mat-time and whānau will be introduced in writing on the notice board, personal introductions, hui ā whānauand newsletters. Their details are added to the Staff Photo board
Performance Appraisal Procedure
- Performance appraisals for all staff are completed annually and reviewed mid year to assess progress with their professional goals.
- The appraisal system is based on the Job Description with performance indicators and Teacher Registration Criteria. The process of the appraisal is developmental in nature and based on the premise that the staff member’s performance will be enhanced.
- The performance appraisal will be linked to the setting of professional development and strategic plans.
- All appraisal documents are treated as confidential documents.
- Provisionally registered teachers will be supported to gain full registration through mentoring programme.
- Fully registered teachers will be supported to maintain their full registration.
Professional Development Procedure
- Professional development will be linked with Staff Appraisal, and personal and professional goals consistent with the centre strategic goals.
- A yearly budget for Professional Development will be allocated. Management will pay the cost of the First Aid Courses and Teacher Registration fees within this budget.
- Professional development information will be made available to kaiako.
- Staff to attend professional development courses with Management permission.
- Kaiako attending courses are expected to write up learning outcomes, report back to Kaiwhakahaere/ Staff/ Management, share information gained. Kaiako are supported by other staff members to implement changes into the centre if those changes are cognisant with the Strategic Goals of the centre
- Staff to provide copies of all hand-out materials to the Centre Leader for the resource file.
- A record of all professional development undertaken by staff will be recorded.
- Professional development will not be limited to any training provider.
Discipline and Dismissal Procedure
The University of Auckland Early Childhood Educator’s Collective Agreement’s disciplinary procedure will be followed. For serious breaches the Manager Uni ECE Services and Human Resources will be involved.
ApprovedMahuru 2013
Review July 2014