the national military championshipfencing
on the 15th of maY 2017
the open cism epee team competition
onthe17th and 18thof MAY 2017
THe netherlands.
A warm welcome at the National Military Championship Fencing and the international team competition 2017!
This Championship is again a special one due to the cooperation with the Royal Military Fencing Association (KMSV).
I am grateful toCommander Brigadier Matthijssen, C-11 AASLT Bde and Locationmanager Maj Prinsand his personnel who were willing to host this event.
The cooperation with the KMSV ensures a very professional technical execution. This week the annual KMSV competition on all weapons takes place too and the last two days we will organize an Open CISM Team Competition on sword. We are very happy to welcome various teams of NATO countries that will participate in this competition. The fencing sport deserves new initiatives in order to strengthen the ties with the military organization. Do not forget that it all started with the military in the past.
Again we will have a strong competition between both male and female teams but at the end of the day the fencers hopefully will have experienced that “friendship through sports” isone of the most important targets of the CISM organisation. Do enjoy your stay in The Netherlands at the Oranje barracks in Schaarsbergen.
I wish everyone a very successful National Military Championship and international team competition during this week.
Chief Dutch Delegation to CISM
Ard Vermeuelen
From the 15th up to the 18th of May 2017 the Royal Military Fencing Association organizes the 119thAssaut at the Oranje Barracks in Schaarsbergen.
During 5 days this barracks will be the place where you can watch and enjoy spectacular fencing matches on sable, sword, foil and rifle.
In cooperation with the Dutch CISM delegation the National Military Championship on sword is organized on Monday the 15th of May. The fencing programme on Tuesday will consist of KMSV competitions on the other weapons in various categories.
At last an Open CISM team competition on sword organized on Wednesday the 17th and Thursday the 18thof May will conclude this week.
International male and female teams will meet each other at the pistes in order to compete which team and which individual military fencers are the best. It will be again a competition on a very high level like previous years. The Dutch CISM delegation in close cooperation with the KMSV will guarantee a spectacular week of military fencing where young officers are able to participate as fencer or as spectator too.
PrefaceChief Dutch Delegation to CISM
and introduction KMSV week2
Table of Contents& Organization3
Chronological NMK overview& Previous winners NMK4
Contest Rules5
Plan of the Oranje Barracks6
Contact information & domestic announcements7
Directions how to reach the OranjeBarracks8
Programme 119th KMSV fencing week 9
Director OrganizationLTC (ret) A.W.M. van der Grinten
Competition leader and
Chief competition office WO (ret) M. Ariaans (Chief)
SGM (ret) F. Hilligehekken
1Lt (res) G. van Heerde
Chief competition organizationWO (ret) G. Beekhuizen
2Lt M. Verburgh
WO (ret) F. Snijdewint
2Lt J. Schout
KMSV competition officetelephone0031 - (0)26–353 3223
Chief Protocol and PR WO A-M van Hulst
Chief Logistics2Lt M. Verburgh Schout (till 14thof May)
Accommodation & transport Mrs. Mr. I. Knape
Food & beverages /Treasurer 1Lt (res) G. van Heerde
Directoire TechniqueLTC(ret) A.W.M. van der Grinten
WO(ret) M. Ariaans
Delegate CISM delegation
RefereesKMSV / KNAS / CISM
ARMSREPAIRMr. W.Th.J. van Huijstee
07.45 hrs / Rollcall participants in thefencinghall (bldg 47) OranjebarracksThere is an opportunity to drink coffee or tea in the sports hall
Participants report in UNIFORM
08.15 hrs / Closing roll call participants
08.30 hrs / Opening NMCFENCING 2017 Uniform DT
08.50 hrs /
Announcement competitionformula and poule-classification
09.00 hrs / Start of the competitionca. 12.15hrs / Lunch ( participants luncheon packages)
14.00 hrs / Prize-giving ceremony NMC and continuation of KMSV competition
ca. 15.00hrs / End of competition and prize giving ceremony KMSV
16.30 hrs / KMSV drinks and dinner
17.30 – 18.30 / Dinner
18.30 hrs / KMSV General Assembly and special prizes ceremony 2017
Winners previous years
2001LTZE1 van der Klip, M. KMLTZSD3 Tol, S. KM
2002 LTZE1 van der Klip, M. KMLTZSD3 Tol, S. KM(OW)
2003 LTZE1 van der Klip, M. KMKPL Krebber, M. KL
2004 SGTWDE van Vugt, M. MLTZSD2 Tol, S. KM(OW)
2005 KLTZE van der Klip, M. KMLTZSD2 Tol, S. KM(OW)
2006 WMR Verwijlen, B. KMAR (OW)LTZSD2 Tol, S. KM
2007 WMR Verwijlen, B. KMARLTZSD2 Tol, S. KM
2008 WMR1 Verwijlen, B. KMARTlnt Mannessen T. KL
2009 WMR1 Verwijlen, B. KMARTlnt Mannessen T. KL
2010 WMR1 Verwijlen, B. KMARElnt Mannessen T. KL
2011 CadVdg Castenmiller, P.KLuSM van Hulst A-M. KLu
2012 KLTZE van der Klip, M. KMElnt Mannessen T. KL
2013 2ndLT Castenmiller, P.KLuNone
2014 1st LT Castenmiller, P.KLuNone
2015 Pvt Blaas, B. KLu ResNone
2016 Cadet Bontes, J, KL WO van Hulst, A-M, KLu
OW= overall winner in mixed competition
Rifle-fencing competition during the 115th Assautweekat the RNC 2013
The competition takes place according to the rules of the Royal Dutch Fencing Association (KNAS) and the Federation Internationale d’Escrime (F.I.E.).
Each participant has the obligation to fence with the equipment and clothing according the F.I.E. rules. (Mask 1600N, clothing 800N all over and FIE proved maragine-blade). You are obliged to wear an under vest (800N).
Control and testing of equipment, mask and clothing will take place at the piste by the referee.
The championship is held on the weapon sword. Ladies and gentlemen could be fencing in a mixed competition, the highest ranked lady and gentleman will be the national military champions 2017.
Protests will be handled by the Directoire Technique.
Plan of the Oranje Barracks
Entrance address and mail box:
Oranje Barracks
Clement van Maasdijklaan 5, 6816TW, Arnhem.
MPC 43A, Postbus 9208, 6800 HK Arnhem
Competition office 0031 (0) 26-3533223
Competition organisation 0031 (0) 638147206
Main Guard post 026–3532987
In case of a fencing emergency please contact WO (ret) G. Beekhuizen, gsm 06-13269938
or LTC (ret) A.W.M. van der Grinten, gsm 06-38147206. E-mail:
1. REPORTING ( Fencing hall, see page 6)
Every participant has to report in the sports hall of the Oranje Barracks (bldg 47).
Due to the computerized competition programme we will close the roll call at 07.45 hrs sharp on Monday morning the 15thof May. So keep in mind the traffic intensity at that time and leave your home early.
The opening takes place in the sports hall in uniform (DT of tenue 6). The competition formula will be announced after the opening of the NMC.
You have to park your car on the parking places P depicted on the map(page 6)
3. ACCOMMODATION (Buildings see plan at page 6 or ask your liaison officer)
-thecompetition will take place in the sports hall of the Oranje Barracks (bldg 47)
-it is only allowed to enter the hall with s.c.non-marking soles.
-It is strictly forbidden to smoke in the area.
-Do not leave valuable things in the locker rooms.
-Lost (by theft) or any damage is at own risk.
4. BED AND BREAKFAST (Restaurant, see page 6)
Dutch military personnel have to arrange bed and breakfast by them self. Please request for this in time at the FBD Schaarsbergen(regular military procedure)
First Aid arrangements and transport to hospital will be announced at the spot.
First aid at the barracks MGD building 83 Groot Heidenkamp (see page 6),
Tel 026-3532710 or 088 9502714
Telephone Chief MGD SMI Hulsbergen 0577-466255
Telephone Rijnstate hospital Arnhem 026-2399111
- You have to wear your KMSV tag during the week, if you have to leave the barracks please inform your liaison and make an arrangement with him
- It is forbidden to make photo’s and film, only with special permission it is allowed to do so, ask your liaison if you want to make photographs
Men’s team competition between Russia and Cyprus Stroe 2016
How to reach the OranjeBarracks by car ?
From directionZwolle via A50 direction Apeldoorn / Arnhem distance
Take exit Schaarsbergen, T-junction left: direction Schaarsbergen/Park Hoge Veluwe, after 2 km on the 2nd crossing to the left (Clement v. Maasdijklaan), after 300 m Main Entrance / 2km300m
From directionUtrecht via A12 direction Arnhem / Oberhausen distance
Take exit Arnhem Noord/Openluchtmuseum Park Hoge Veluwe, at traffic lights (Motel and Golf Course) to the left direction Park Hoge Veluwe/Terlet. Follow parallel road A50, traffic lights straight on,to the left Schaarsbergen, after 2 km on the 2nd crossing to the left (Clement v. Maasdijklaan), after 300 m Main Entrance / 2km300m
From direction Nijmegen at traffic junction Grijsoord
Follow A12 direction Utrecht/Den Haag and take exit Ede-Oost, end exit to the left, 2nd left (direction Schaarsbergen) at the end to the right, roundabout straight on, at the sign “dead-end street” (2x) go to the right and you arrive at the Main Entrance.
Public transport: Main Staion Arnhem take bus 2 Exit at “De Valk” /
Royal Military Fencing Association
CISM Open Fencing Competition 2017
Oranje Barracks, Schaarsbergen
The Netherlands
Monday 15thof May:
08.30 hrs Opening NMC and 119th KMSV Assaut week
09.00 hrsStart of competition NMC and SPK 5
14.00 hrs Prize giving ceremony NMC, continuation KMSV sword
15.00 hrsEnd of competition and prize giving ceremony KMSV
16.30 hrs Drinks and dinner KMSV members
16.30–18.00 Dinner
18.30 hrs General assembly and special prize ceremony KMSV
Tuesday 16th of May:
08.30 hrs Foil individual / team foil if applicable
09.30 hrs Sable individual Bronbeek Klewang (part 1),team sable if applicable
11.30 hrs Sword Veterans
12.00 hrsArrival of the foreign delegations
12.30 hrsLunch
13.15 hrs Sword Veterans
15.00 hrs Rifle fencing
16.00 hrs Special prize giving ceremony KMSV members
18.00 hrs dinner
19.30 hrs Technical meeting for Chefs de Delegation and team captains
Publication DT. Location: fencing hall
Wednesday 17th of May:
08.30 hrs Opening International Tournament for male female epée teams. 08.45 hrs Referee meeting
09.00 hrs Start first round of CISM formula (poule-unique for epée teams with individual ranking)
17.00 hrsPrize-giving ceremony Ladies competition
Thursday 18th of March:
08.00 hrsContinuation of the Men’s competition till 12.00 hrs.
13.00 hrsPrize giving ceremony Men’s competition, teams and individuals
13.30 hrsClosing dinner (uniform) and departure of delegations
Friday 19thof May:Departure of the delegations
Additional information: Competition according to the CISM and F.I.E regulations.
Participating teams: Men: KMS Belgium, Cyprus, Swiss, Sweden, Poland, Ukraine
NL Military Team, NL National Selection, KMSV, Swiss, Sweden and Venezuela (12)
Ladies: Germany, Sweden, Poland, Ukraine, NL National Selection, KMSV (6)