Drug Evaluation and Classification Program
/ New YorkState
Governor's Traffic Safety Committee
6 Empire State Plaza - Room 410B
Albany, NY 12228 /

Instructions for filling out the ARIDE Application

  1. Applications will not be accepted if no training has been scheduled.
  1. All application must be typed or will not be accepted.
  1. Be sure to fill in the Location and dates of training you which to attend
  1. You must attach proof of your SFST Training. If you attended MPTC Basic Training after January 1st. 2004 and SFST was a part of your Basic Course For Police Officers, please attach your Basic Training Certificate. If you attended MPTC Basic prior to 1/1/2004 or SFST was not included in your MPTC Basic Training attach your Certificate indicating the completion of either the DCJS or NHTSA Three Day SFST Course.
  1. You can save the application on your PC by choosing File | Save As and use your word processor to complete the application.
  1. All applications must have all signatures that are required.
  1. Application may be faxed (518-473-6946), mailed or emailed to the State Coordinator.
  1. We will notify you by email if there is an issue with your application. Your application is considered complete and you are automatically enrolled if you do not receive any further communication from our office. Your supervisor will receive an email confirming your attendance.

If you have any question please call the State Coordinator at (518) 474-5111 or e-mail

A.R.I.D.E. Application Rev. 4/18/18

/ New York State
Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement Training Application
Location of training: / Dates:

Note: Proof of your SFST Training MUST BE ATTACHED to this Application.

Many law enforcement officers are trained in Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) and the skills gained in the course is part of the overall enforcement of driving while impaired (DWI) laws. Additionally, some officers complete more advanced training through the Drug Evaluation and Classification (DEC) program and become Drug Recognition Experts (DRE). This course is intended to bridge the gap between the SFST and DRE courses and provide a level of awareness to the participants, in the area of drug impairment in the context of traffic safety. Based on that premise, the Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) course was developed with the following goals in mind:

This course will train law enforcement officers to observe, identify and articulate the signs of impairment related to drugs, alcohol, or combination of both, in order to reduce the number of impaired driving incidents as well as crashes which result in serious injuries and fatalities.

To be considered for ARIDE training, the applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • Have a minimum of one year Road Patrol experience.
  • Be off probation with your agency.
  • Have at least one year of experience after successfully completing SFST Training.
  • Have a reasonable background and level of experience in making DWI arrests.

This course is divided into sessions that are designed to provide the participant with an overview of the issue of impaired driving and the effects of drugs and alcohol on a person’s ability to operate a vehicle safely, as well as demonstrate methods of identifying and processing the impaired driver.

This coursebuilds on the Standardized Field Sobriety Test practitioner course. In order for the participant to effectively utilize the information presented in this course, NHTSA requires the student to have SFST proficiency. The participant will receive a short review and update for the SFSTs. The participantwill be then required to pass an SFST proficiency evaluation. Failureto successfully complete the SFST proficiency evaluation will result in dismissal from the class.


This 16-hour course is NOT designed as a substitute to the DEC program and will NOT QUALIFY or CERTIFY an individual as a Drug Recognition Expert.

(File |Save As to Save on Your PC. Use tab key or mouse to move cursor when typing)

Applicant Information

Last Name / First Name / Rank / Badge #
Agency Name / Agency Address / County
Work Telephone / Your Email / Appointment Date
Current Assignment / Shift Assignment (give times) / Number hours per week on Road Patrol
Number of DWAI/DWI (1192-1, 1192-2, 1192-3) tickets you wrote in past year:
Number of DWAI/DWI arrests you assisted with (but did not write the tickets) in past year:
Number of tickets you wrote for driving while under the influence of drugs (1192-4) in past year:
Number of arrests for driving while under the influence of drugs (1192-4) you assisted in past year:
Total number of years you have served as a police officer:
Total number of years assigned to road patrol:
Date completed SFST training:

Summarize any formal education, work or practical experience, and training that may be related to, or may be of interest to, the ARIDE program.

How do you expect ARIDE training to benefit you, your agency and your neighboring agencies?

Applicant signature / Date

Applicant Command Approvals


Name of Chief or Sheriff
Chief or Sheriff Signature / Date
Name of Current Supervisor
Supervisor Signature / Date
Supervisor’s email address

Supervisor will receive confirmation of attendance by email

INSTRUCTIONS: All applications must be typed, except where signatures are required and all information must be completed. Signatures must be on the application. Proof of your SFST Training must be attached. If the application is not complete, it will bereturned. You can email, fax or mail the application.
Fax number is (518) 473-6946 / Return the completed and signed application form to:
State DRE Coordinator
6 Empire State Plaza Room 410B
Albany, New York12228

If you have any questions, please contact the State Coordinator by phone (518) 474-5111 or email

A.R.I.D.E. Application Rev. 4/18/18