Appendix 1
Procedure for Import of Goods to India
General Provisions- Import/Export
Goods are imported in India or exported from India through sea, air or land. Goods can come through post parcel or as baggage with passengers. Procedures naturally vary depending on mode of import or export. Procedures discussed in this Chapter are applicable for imports by sea, air or land, but not as baggage or postal dispatch.
COMPUTERISATION OF CUSTOMS WORK - Work of customs at Delhi airport has been computerized. Work at Mumbai port is also computerized. Whenever the work is computerized, documents like IGM and Bill of Entry have to be filed electronically. Procedure in computerized environment has been specified in CC, New Delhi PN 22/98 dated 8.5.1998. Guidelines for preparing data file for Bill of Entry and shipping bills for Mumbai Customs House has been prescribed vide PN 108/99 dated 30-9-1999 and PN 10/2001 dated 30.1.2001.
ENTRY – ‘Entry’ in relation to goods means an entry made in a Bill of Entry, Shipping Bill or Bill of Export. It includes (a) label or declaration accompanying the goods which contains description, quantity and value of the goods, in case of postal articles u/s 82 (b) Entry to be made in case of goods to be exported (c) Entry in respect of goods imported which are not accompanied by label or declaration made as per provisions of section 84. [section 2(16)].
AMENDMENT TO DOCUMENTS - Importer, exporter or 'Person In charge' have to submit various
documents to customs authorities like Bill of Entry, Import Manifest, Export Manifest etc. Some times, it may become necessary to amend the document due to various reasons like change in classification, clerical mistake in document, change in unloading / loading plan of vessel etc. In such case, permission to amend these documents have to be obtained from customs authorities. [section 149]. Such permission can be given if there are no fraudulent intentions. In case of bill of entry, shipping bill or bill of export, it can be amended after clearance only on the basis of documentary evidence which was in existence at the time the goods were cleared, warehoused or exported, and not on basis of any subsequent document. [proviso to section 149].
Customs Station - Imported goods are permitted to be unloaded only at specified places. Similarly, goods can be exported only from specified area. In view of this, a definition of ‘Customs Station’ is important. Customs area means all area of Customs Station and includes any area where imported goods or export goods are ordinarily kept pending clearance by Customs authorities. Thus, ‘Customs Area’ could include some area even outside the ‘Customs Station’. Customs Station means (a) customs port (b) inland container depot (c) customs airport and (d) land customs station.
Section 7 of Customs Act empowers CBEC (Board) to appoint * Customs ports * Customs airports * Places for inland container depots * Coastal ports. These are appointed by issuing a notification. Section 8 authorizes Commissioner of Customs to approve proper places in any customs port, customs airport or costal port for unloading and loading of goods or for any class of goods and specify the limits of customs area. Thus, the place (city / town / village etc.) is approved by CBEC, while exact location within that city / town / village is approved by Commissioner of Customs.
Import Procedures
Procedures have to be followed by ‘person-in-charge of conveyance’ as well as the importer.
WHO IS 'PERSON IN CHARGE' - As per section 2(31), 'person in charge' means (a) In case of vessel – its master (b) In case of aircraft - its commander or pilot-in-charge (c) In case of train - its conductor or guard and (d) In case of vehicle or other conveyance - its driver or other person in charge.
The significance of this definition is - He is responsible for submitting Import Manifest and Export Manifest He is responsible to ensure that the conveyance comes through approved route and lands at approved place only. He has to ensure that goods are unloaded after written order, at proper place. Loading also has to be only after permission. He has to ensure that conveyance does not leave without written order of Customs authorities. He can be penalized for (a) Giving false declaration and statement (b) shortages or non-accounting of goods in conveyance
Procedure to be followed by the Carrier - The 'person in charge of conveyance' (carrier of goods) has to follow prescribed procedure.
Arrival at customs port/airport only - Section 29 provides that person-in-charge of a vessel or an aircraft entering India shall call or land at customs port or customs airport only. It can land at other place only if compelled by accident, stress of weather or other unavoidable cause. In such case, he should report to nearest police station or Customs Officer. While arriving by land route, the vehicle should come by approved route to ‘land customs station’ only.
Import Manifest / Report- Person-in-charge of vessel, aircraft or vehicle has to submit Import Manifest / Report. [also termed as IGM - Import General Manifest]. (In case of a vessel or aircraft, it is called import manifest, while in case of vehicle, it is called import report.) The import manifest in case of vessel or aircraft is required to be submitted prior to arrival of a vessel or aircraft. Import report (in case of vehicle) has to be submitted within 12 hours of arrival at the customs station. If the report / manifest could not be submitted within prescribed time, person-in-charge or any person specified as responsible by a notification is liable to penalty upto Rs 50,000. Such penalty will not be imposed if the excise officer is satisfied that there was sufficient cause for the delay. [section 30(1)].
IGM can be submitted electronically through floppy where EDI facility is available.
IMPORT MANIFEST IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED BEFORE ARRIVAL OF AIRCRAFT OR VESSEL - Section 30(1) of Customs Act provides that Import Manifest should be filed before arrival of ship or aircraft. Normally, the Agents submit the Import Manifest before arrival, so that maximum possible formalities are completed before vessel or aircraft arrives. This also enables importers to file ‘Bill of Entry’ in advance.
Grant of Entry Inwards by Customs Officer - Unloading of cargo can start only after Customs Officer grant ‘Entry Inwards’. Such entry inwards can be granted only when berthing accommodation is granted to a vessel. If there is heavy congestion at port, shipping berth may not be available and in such case, ‘Entry Inwards’ cannot be granted. This date is highly relevant for determining rate of customs duty applicable.
Carrier responsible for shortages during unloading - If the goods are short landed, the carrier is liable to pay penalty upto twice the amount of duty payable on such short landed goods. It has been held that tally sheet prepared by Port Trust authorities on unloading of goods is a statutory document and should be accepted in preference to steamer survey - Scindia Steam Navigation v. CC - 1988 (33) ELT (CEGAT) followed in re IndiaSteamship Co. Ltd. - 1992 (57) ELT 510 (GOI).
Procedure by Importer - The importer importing the goods has to follow prescribed procedures for import by ship/air/road. (There is separate procedure for goods imported as a baggage or by post.)
Bill of Entry - This is a very vital and important document which every importer has to submit under section 46. The Bill of Entry should be in prescribed form. The standard size of Bill of Entry is 16" × 13". However, for computerization purposes, 15" × 12" size is permitted. (Mumbai Customs Public Notice No. 142/93 dated 3-11- 93). Bill of Entry should be submitted in quadruplicate – original and duplicate for customs, triplicate for the importer and fourth copy is meant for bank for making remittances. Under EDI system, Bill of Entry is actually printed on computer in triplicate only after ‘out of charge’ order is given. Duplicate copy is given to importer.
Types of Bill of Entry - Bills of Entry should be of one of three types. Out of these, two types are for clearance from customs while third is for clearance from warehouse.
BILL OF ENTRY FOR HOME CONSUMPTION - This form, called ‘Bill of Entry for Home Consumption’, is used when the imported goods are to be cleared on payment of full duty. Home consumption means use withinIndia. It is white colored and hence often called ‘white bill of entry’.
BILL OF ENTRY FOR WAREHOUSING - If the imported goods are not required immediately, importer may like to store the goods in a warehouse without payment of duty under a bond and then clear from warehouse when required on payment of duty. This will enable him to defer payment of customs duty till goods are actually required by him. This Bill of Entry is printed on yellow paper and often called ‘Yellow Bill of Entry’. It is also called ‘Into Bond Bill of Entry’ as bond is executed for transfer of goods in warehouse without payment of duty.
BILL OF ENTRY FOR EX-BOND CLEARANCE - The third type is for Ex-Bond clearance. This is used for clearance from the warehouse on payment of duty and is printed on green paper. The goods are classified and value is assessed at the time of clearance from customs port. Thus, value and classification is not required to be determined in this bill of entry. The columns in this bill of entry are similar to other bills of entry. However, declaration by importer is not required as the goods are already assessed.
RATE OF DUTY FOR CLEARANCE FROM WAREHOUSE - It may be noted that rate of duty applicable is as prevalent on date of removal from warehouse. Thus, if rate has changed after goods are cleared from customs port, customs duty as assessed on yellow bill of entry and as paid on green bill of entry will not be same.
Mention of BIN on Bill of Entry – A BIN (Business Identification Number) is allotted to each importer and exporter w.e.f. 1.4.2001. It is a 15 digit code based on PAN of Income Tax (PAN is a 10 digit code). [Earlier an EC (Import Export code) number issued by DGFT was required to be mentioned on Bill of Entry].
Filing of Bill of Entry - Normally, Bill of Entry is filed by CHA on behalf of the importer. Customs work at some ports has been computerised. In that case, the Bill of Entry has to be filed electronically, i.e. through Customs EDI system through computerisation of work. Procedure for the same has been prescribed vide Bill of Entry (Electronic Declaration) Regulations, 1995.
Documents to be submitted by Importer - Documents required by customs authorities are required to be submitted to enable them to (a) check the goods (b) decide value and classification of goods and (c) to ensure that the import is legally permitted. The documents that are essentially required are : (i) Invoice (ii) Packing List (iii) Bill of Lading / Delivery Order (iv) GATT declaration form duly filled in (v) Importers / CHAs declaration duly signed (vi) Import License or attested photocopy when clearance is under license (vii) Letter of Credit / Bank Draft wherever necessary (vii) Insurance memo or insurance policy (viii) Industrial License if required (ix) Certificate of country of origin, if preferential rate is claimed. (x) Technical literature. (xi) Test report in case of chemicals (xii) Advance License / DEPB in original, where applicable (xiii) Split up of value of spares, components and machinery (xiv) No commission declaration. – A declaration in prescribed form about correctness of information should be submitted. – Chapter 3 Para 6 and 7 of CBE&C’s Customs Manual,
2001. The Noting is now done electronically in large ports, while it is done manually in small ports. Thoka Number (Serial Number) is given while noting the Bill of Entry.
Electronic submission under EDI system – Where EDI system is implemented, formal submission of Bill of Entry is not required, as it is generated in computer system. Importer should submit declaration in electronic format to ‘Service Centre’. A signed paper copy of declaration for non-repudiability should be submitted. Bill of Entry number is generated by system which is endorsed on printed check list. Original documents are to be submitted only at the stage of examination.
Assessment of Duty and Clearance
The documents submitted by importer are checked and assessed by Customs authorities and then goods are cleared. Section 2(2) defines ‘assessment’ as follows – ‘Assessment’ includes provisional assessment, reassessment and any order of assessment in which the duty assessed is Nil. Thus, ‘assessment’ includes ‘Nil’ assessment.
Noting of Bill of Entry - Bill of Entry submitted by importer or Customs House Agent is cross-checked with ‘Import Manifest’ submitted by person in charge of vessel / carrier. It is noted if the description tallies. ‘Noting’ really means taking on record by customs officer. This date is relevant for determining rate of customs duty. Token number (serial number) is given in the import section. Otherwise, it is returned for clarifications. In case of EDI system, noting is done by the system itself which also generates bill of entry number.
Date of presentation of bill of entry is highly relevant and the rate of duty as applicable on this date will be considered for calculating the duty payable. Bill of Entry is accepted only after proper scrutiny vis-a-vis import manifest and various declarations given in bill of entry and attached documents like invoice, bill of lading etc. If such documents are not attached, the authorities can refuse to accept the Bill of Entry, and hence submission of such incomplete Bill of Entry cannot be taken as date of presentation of Bill of Entry - Simla Agencies v. CC - 1993 (63) ELT 248 (CEGAT).
Prior Entry of Bill of Entry - After the goods are unloaded, these have to be cleared within stipulated time - usually three working days. If these are not so removed, demurrage is charged by port trust/airport authorities, which is very high. Hence, importer wants to complete as many formalities as possible before ship arrives. Proviso to Section 46(3) of Customs Act allows importer to present bill of entry upto 30 days before expected date of arrival of vessel. In such case, duty will be payable at the rate applicable on the date on which ‘EntryInward’ is granted to vessel and not the date of presentation of Bill of Entry, but rate of exchange will be as prevalent on date of submission of bill of entry. - confirmed in CC, New Delhi circular No 64/96 dated10.12.1996 and CBE&C circular No 22/97-Cus dated 4.7.1997.
Assessment of Customs duty - Section 17 provides that assessment of goods will be made after Bill of Entry is filed. Date stamp of receipt is put on the ‘Bill of Entry’ and then it is sent to appraising department either manually or electronically. There are various Appraising groups for different Chapter headings. Each group is under an Assistant/Deputy Commissioner. Group consists of ‘Examiners’ and ‘Appraisers’.
APPRAISING THE GOODS - Appraiser has to (a) correctly classify the goods (b) decide the Value for purpose of Customs duty (c) find out rate of duty applicable as per any exemption notification and (d) verify that goods are not imported in violation of any law. He can call for any further documents that may be required for assessment. If he is of the opinion that goods have to be examined for appraisal, he will issue an examination order, usually on the reverse of Bill of Entry. If such order is issued, the Bill of Entry is presented to appraising staff at docks / air cargo complexes, where the goods are examined in presence of importer’s representative. Assessment is finalized after getting the report of examination. – Chapter 3 Para 11 and 12 of CBE&C’s Customs Manual, 2001.
VALUATION OF GOODS - As per rule 10 of Customs Valuation Rules, the importer has to file declaration about full 'value' of goods. If the assessing officer has doubts about the truth and accuracy of 'value' as declared, he can ask importer to submit further information, details and documents. If the doubt persists, the assessing officer can reject the value declared by importer. [rule 10A(1) of Customs Valuation Rules]. If the importer requests, the assessing officer has to give reasons for doubting the value declared by importer. [rule 10A(2)]. If the value declared by importer is rejected, the assessing officer can value imported goods on other basis e.g. value of identical goods, value of similar goods etc. as provided in Customs Valuation Rules. [This amendment has been made w.e.f. 19.2.98, as per WTO agreement. However, it has been held that burden of proof of under valuation is on department]. Assessing Officer should not arbitrarily reject the declared value and increase the assessable value. He should follow due process of law and issue appealable order. – MF(DR) circular No. 16/2003-Cus dated 17-3-2003.
APPROVAL OF ASSESSMENT - The assessment has to be approved by Assistant Commissioner, if the value is more than Rs one lakh. (in cases covered under ‘fast track clearance for imports’, appraiser is also authorized to approve valuation). After the approval, duty payable is typed by a “pin-point typewriter” so that it cannot be tampered with. As per CBE&C circular No. 10/98-Cus dated 11-2-1998, Assessing Officer should sign in full in Bill of Entry followed by his name, preferably by rubber stamp.
EDI ASSESSMENT – In the EDI system, the cargo declaration is transferred to assessing officer in the groups electronically. Processing is done on the screen itself. All calculations are done by the system itself. If assessing officer needs clarification, he can raise a query. The query is printed at service centre and importer replies through service centre. Facility of tele-enquiry about status of documents is provided in major customs stations.
Under EDI, normally, documents are inspected only after assessment. After assessment, copy of Bill of Entry is printed at service centre. Final Bill of Entry is printed only after ‘Out of Charge’ order is given by customs officer. – Chapter 3 Para 18 to 22 of CBE&C’s Customs Manual, 2001.
PAYMENT OF CUSTOMS DUTY - After assessment of duty, necessary duty is paid. Regular importers and Custom House Agents keep current account with Customs department. The duty can be debited to such current account, or it can be paid in cash/DD through TR-6 challan in designated banks. After payment of duty, if goods were already examined, delivery of goods can be taken from custodians (port trust) after paying their dues. If goods were not examined before assessment, these have to be submitted for examination in import shed to the examining staff. After shed appraiser gives ‘out of charge’ order, delivery of goods can be taken from custodian.
First and second system of assessment - There are two systems of assessment. Section 17(2) provides for assessment after examination of goods and section 17(4) provides for assessment on basis of documents, followed by inspection and testing of goods.