Optus Machine to Machine Service

This Standard Pricing Table forms part of Optus’ Standard Form of Agreement pursuant to the Telecommunications Legislation.

This Standard Pricing Table for the following Service Options comprises the following appendices:

  • Appendix 1 – M2M Service– Standard Pricing Table

Appendix 1 – M2M SERVICE

(Standard Pricing Table)

The M2M Service Option rates below are subject to a minimum 24 months Committed Term.

  1. SIM - ESTABLISHMENT FEES – (billed in arrears)

SERVICE ORDERING FEE / Form Factor / Frequency / Price per Sim (ex GST)
SIM Card – Standard 85 / 2FF / Once Off / $2.00 per SIM
SIM Card – Micro 85 / 3FF / Once Off / $2.00 per SIM
SIM Card – Standard 105 / 2FF / Once Off / $5.00 per SIM
SIM CHIP / MFF 2 / Once Off / $5.00 per SIM
  1. EXCESS USAGE CHARGES – (billed in arrears)

(a)Excess usage charges will apply for each extra kilobyte of data uploaded or downloaded (or part thereof) once you have reached your monthly included data allowance for that particular billing period. Optus will bill you for excess data usage charges in arrears.

(b)Excess Usage Charges:

(i)apply for each extra kilobyte (KB) of data uploaded or downloaded (or part thereof) once you have reached your monthly included data allowance for the relevant billing period;

(ii)there are 8 bits for every 1 byte, 1024 bytes for every 1 kilobyte(kB), 1024 kB for every 1 megabyte (MB) and 1024 MB for every 1 gigabyte (GB);

(iii)are based on per kilobyte (kB) increments, rounded up to the nearest cent; and

(iv)part of a 1 kB increment is rounded up to the nearest kB.

(c)Any unused data usage associated with the monthly data allowance is forfeit at the end of each month.

(d)The charges associated with the Related Service available in conjunction with this Service are set out in the Related Service Description. Where you use a Related Service in connection with the service, unless we specify otherwise, the charges set out in the Related Service Description will apply to your use of the Related Service.

  1. PRICING PLANS – (billed in arrears)
  2. Standalone Pricing Plan

(a)Eligibility - Minimum number of SIMs specified in your Application;

(b)Non aggregated plan that does not allow shared data between SIMs on a Service account

M2M Standalone Plans / 3MB / 5MB / 10MB / 300MB
ex GST / ex GST / ex GST / ex GST
Monthly Access fee per SIM
(Monthly Recurring Charge) / $4.00 / $6.00 / $9.00 / $12.00
Monthly included data allowance per SIM (calculated per kB) / 3MB / 5MB / 10MB / 300MB
Fee for eligible data usage exceeding the monthly included data allowance (charged per kB) / $2.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $0.25
SMS Charge per SIM exceeding the monthly included data allowance / $0.20 / $0.20 / $0.20 / $0.20
International Data Roaming Charges (per MB) / $20.00 / $20.00 / $20.00 / $20.00

3.2Flexi Pool Plan

(a)Eligibility - Minimum number of SIMs specified in your Application, and if no minimum is specified in your Application, then 500 SIMs;

(b)Aggregated data plan,where the data allowance per active SIMis aggregated and shared among all active SIMs,within the Service account. Note: the aggregated data allowance and the monthly recurring charge increases incrementally with each additional active SIM.

M2M Flexi Pool Plans / Flexi 3MB / Flexi 5MB / Flexi 10MB / Flexi 300MB
ex GST / ex GST / ex GST / ex GST
Monthly Access fee per SIM
(Monthly Recurring Charge) / $5.00 / $7.00 / $10.00 / $12.00
Monthly included data allowance per SIM (calculated per kB) / 3MB / 5MB / 10MB / 300MB
Fee for eligible data usage exceeding the monthly included data allowance (per MB, charged per kB) / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $0.25
SMS Charge per SIM exceeding the monthly included data allowance / $0.20 / $0.20 / $0.20 / $0.20
International Data Roaming Charges (per MB) / $20.00 / $20.00 / $20.00 / $20.00

3.3Fixed Pool Pricing Plan

(a)Eligibility - Minimum number of SIMs specified in your Application;

(b)Aggregated plan that shares a fixed data allowance among all active SIMs on the Service account.

M2M Fixed-Pool Plans / Fixed 5GB / Fixed 10GB / Fixed 20GB / Fixed 50GB
ex GST / ex GST / ex GST / ex GST
Monthly Access fee per SIM
(Monthly Recurring Charge) / $2.00 / $2.00 / $2.00 / $2.00
Monthly Data Charge per Service account
(Monthly Recurring Charge) / $250.00 / $500.00 / $1000.00 / $2000.00
Monthly included data allowance per Service account / 5GB / 10GB / 20GB / 50GB
Fee for excess data usage exceeding the monthly included data allowance (charged per kB) / $0.25 / $0.25 / $0.25 / $0.25
SMS Charge per SIM exceeding the monthly included data allowance / $0.25 / $0.25 / $0.25 / $0.25
International Data Roaming Charges (per MB or part thereof) / $20.00 / $20.00 / $20.00 / $20.00
  2. Flexi Pool Plan & Standard Plan Cancellation Fee

Cancellation Fee / = / 25% x A x B x C / + / D

A =Minimum number of SIMs (active and non-active)

B =the Monthly Recurring Charge for the active SIM Services

C =the number of months (or part months) remaining of the Committed Term from the date of notice of termination

D = unavoidable costs incurred by Optus as a result of the cancellation and any unavoidable third party costs incurred by Optus in respect of the Service or Individual Service for the remainder of the Committed Term from the date of the date cancellation takes effect

Example 1: 5MBStandard Plan with 10 Active SIMs

Cancellation Fee / = / 25% x 10 x $6 x 12 / + / $10 / = / $190

A = 10active SIMs

B = $6.00 (based on a 5MB Standard Pool Plan)

C = 12 months

D = $10.00

Example 2: 5MB FlexiPool Plan with 10 active SIMs

Cancellation Fee / = / 25% x 500 x $7 x 12 / + / $10 / = / $10,510

A = Minimum 500 SIMs

B = $7.00 (based on a 5MB Flexi Pool Plan)

C = 12 months

D = $10.00

4.2Fixed Pool Plan Cancellation Fee

Cancellation Fee / = / 25% x ((A x B x C) + E) / + / D

A =Minimum number of SIMs (active and non-active)

B =the Monthly Recurring Charge for the active SIM Services

C =the number of months (or part months) remaining of the Committed Term from the date of notice of termination

D = unavoidable costs incurred by Optus as a result of the cancellation and any unavoidable third party costs incurred by Optus in respect of the Service or Individual Service for the remainder of the Committed Term from the date of the date cancellation takes effect

E = Monthly Recurring Data Charge per Service account

Example 3: 5MB Fixed Pool Plan with 10 Active SIMs

Cancellation Fee / = / 25% x ((10 x 2) + 250) x 12 / + / $10 / = / $820

A = 10active SIMs

B = $2.00 + $250.00 (based on a 5MB Fixed Pool Plan)

C = 12 months

D = $10.00

E = $250.00

Standard Pricing Table –Optus Machine to Machine (M2M) ServicePage| 18 December2014