14/ 13-14 July 2013
The Minutes of the MEETING of the Upchurch Parish Council held in the hall of Holywell School on Thursday 4th July 2013 commencing at 7.30pm.
Present: Cllr Sara Tucker (Chairman), Cllr Brian Kennard, Cllr Gerry Lewin, Cllr David Steward, Cllr Patricia New, Cllr Susan Rossiter, Cllr Pamela Denny, Mrs Claire Attaway (Clerk) and 3 members of the public.
Apologies: Cllr Michael Apps, Cllr John Arnold, Cllr John Wright and Cllr Mike Baldock
32. Minutes of the meeting held 6th June 2013 – On page 12/13-14 item 26 b) delete Cllr Arnold and replace with Cllr Steward. It was proposed by Cllr Rossiter and seconded by Cllr Steward that the minutes be accepted as a true record and all agreed. Cllr Tucker signed them.
Public Time
i) Tree outside 21 Oak Lane – A resident asked if there was any update on this. He requested that a member of the Council visit the resident living at this property. Cllr Lewin offered to follow this up. GL/Clerk Paddock Project – He asked whether a low hedge would be retained on the perimeter of the Paddock. It was suggested that the hedgerows would be tidied up and the fence would remain in place. Also, he asked if the suggestion to install a lay-by on the corner of The Paddock would be followed up. It was explained that the Council did not own the land; it was leased from the Diocese. Many years ago the Council consulted the Diocese with this suggestion and it was met with a lot of resistance, delaying the renewal of the lease.
ii) Fly tipping – A resident thanked the Council for their assistance in putting pressure on Swale BC to clear dumped rubbish by the bottle banks in Oak Lane. However, he reported that more rubbish had accumulated that day. He suggested that the Council request that the bins be removed. The Clerk will forward this suggestion to Swale BC. Clerk
Repair of Burial Ground Gate – He questioned the cost of this repair and hoped that the Council would claim the money back from the hirers of the Village Hall. It was explained that the Village Hall Management Committee is in the process of doing this but it was taking time.
Allotments – The resident asked if there had been a water leak at the allotments. The Clerk will check with Cllr Apps and inform the resident by email. Clerk
iii) Youths riding a motorcycle around village – A resident reported that youths were riding around the village, with motorcycles that had no number plate, and with a mask covering their faces. He had reported this to the Police and was surprised to discover that no other residents had. Members noted his concerns and would follow this up with PCSO Cork. Clerk
iv) Borough Councillor Member grant – Cllr Lewin reported that he had an allocation of between £2,000 and £2,500 to distribute to worthy causes. He asked that residents/village groups or organisations write to him with their request and he would give this due consideration.
33. Correspondence
i) School Parking for Sports Day – Cllr Tucker reported that following this event, a number of emails were received, complaining about parking during the day whilst it was being held. A letter was sent to the School Governors and Head Teacher raising two issues. Firstly, parking issues with the day to day running of the school and secondly, when other events are being held i.e. how long will the event take? Also, she asked them if they had considered other venues for parking e.g. Cricket Club, Village Hall. The Head of School Governors replied to explain that they discussed opening up the school playground for parking but had been advised that the surface was not suitable for this use. Cllr New explained that the council had offered them the use of the Recreation Ground Car Park but parents did not use it. It was felt that the school should have a plan in place before the event rather than once it had arrived. People attending the event should be provided with information on parking provision before the event. It was commented that the school fete was being advertised in the local newspaper where “Mister Maker” would be opening the fete. This suggested they were hoping for hoards of people, therefore, when holding a public event, it is necessary to have a travel plan in place. It was proposed by Cllr Lewin that the Clerk write a letter to the Police, for the attention of Tony Henley and also Highways, explaining the problems caused at a recent event and asking how the school is planning to ensure that the public highway is not going to be affected by the upcoming event on 14th July. All agreed and the Clerk will arrange this. Clerk
ii) Community Governance Review – Cllr Lewin explained to members that this consultation would be taking place during July and August for residents of Swale to comment on local government. Residents would be asked do they want a Parish Council, i.e. are they willing to pay extra council tax? or if they do not want to keep a Parish Council i.e. to remove one from their Parish. The Clerk will be notified when the consultation is open and will let people know. Clerk
34. Planning
i) SW/13/0517 The Oast, Chaffes Lane – Lawful Development Certificate for the occupation of dwelling house without compliance with agricultural occupancy condition (existing) – There were no objections. Clerk
ii) SW/13/0440 51 Chaffes Lane – Demolition of existing garage and re-construction of new extended brick built garage with pitched roof. Plus extension to existing kitchen at rear – There were no objections. Clerk
iii) SW/13/0706 Orchard View, Otterham Quay Lane – Variation of condition (i) of planning permission SW/96/0329 to allow any gypsy family to live at the site – Members requested additional information and Cllr Lewin offered to obtain a copy of SW/96/0329. GL
iv) permissions and refusals - None
v) other planning matters – Planning Committee of Swale BC – Cllr Lewin reported that the planning applications at Hursell Farm and New Kaine Farm were discussed at this meeting. Four Gun Field – Cllr Lewin reported that outline planning permission had been granted on this site and were waiting on a detailed planning application. In the meantime, Swale BC Environmental Officer is monitoring the site whilst work is taking place to level the land for housing. They have asked them to screen the site to avoid dust blowing everywhere. Cllr Tucker asked if a S106 agreement would be applicable to this development. Cllr Lewin advised it would not be. It had been suggested that allotments and a residential home be provided with the development but it appears that neither have been possible. Therefore, it is expected that the development will offer open space.
vi) Invite to briefing on Swale Borough Local Plan Part 1: Revised Consultation Draft July 2013 – This consultation will take place from 19th August to 30th September and a briefing session would be held on 22nd July at 7pm at Swale House. Cllr New, Cllr Rossiter and Cllr Denny offered to attend. The Clerk will reply to this effect. Cllr Lewin reported that he will be making a proposal that three areas are designated as green local spaces, The Paddock, Recreation Ground and the Allotments. PN/SR/PD/Clerk
35. Finance
i) Cheques for approval and signature – It was proposed by Cllr Steward and seconded by Cllr New that the following cheques be signed, and all agreed:
103158 Mrs C Attaway Clerks salary & expenses £549.25
103159 Hideaway Landscapes Remove raspberry canes/repair fence £274.20
103160 Graham Boulden Annual rent for Paddock due 1.8.13 £700.00
103161 R K Baldock Grass Cutting £647.00
103162 M Harriss Repairs to fence in Churchyard & Rec £50.00
103164 Kent County Council Stationery £76.44
103165 Gullands Profess. Services re Paddock lease £1,129.00
103166 Holywell Primary School Use of hall for meetings £45.00
103167 Mrs E Walters Burial ground gardening & expenses £57.67
103168 Upchurch Village Hall Use of hall for meeting & drop in £35.00
103168 Upchurch Village Hall Burial Ground refuse collection £111.00
103169 Graham Boulden Underpayment of annual Paddock rent £250.00
103170 Mrs M Fenton Village Cleaning £247.60
103171 Mrs S Tucker Gift for Councillor £15.00
Cheque number 103163 was cancelled.
Members also noted the following direct debit payment:
EDF Energy Street Light energy £257.25
ii) Kent County Council’s Members Grants Scheme 2013/14 – Cllr Tucker reported that she had attended a meeting with Cllr Mike Baldock and other parishes to discuss Highways grants. A grant for resurfacing the Recreation Ground and installing bollards was considered. It was hoped that the Council would receive 50% grant funding for the total cost of these projects. Also, details of the leak on Windmill Hill had been forwarded. Another meeting had been scheduled for September where community grants would be discussed. Clerk/ST
iii) Budget and S137 report – A budget report was circulated. The Clerk reported that the amount available for use in the year 20013/14 = £ 13,534.22 (£6.98 x 1,939)
Amount spent to date = £ 724.81 – all on Village Cleaning, not including the Paddock
36. Administration
i) General Purposes Committee – A copy of the notes taken from the meeting held on 19th June had been circulated.
ii) Venue for meetings – It was proposed that the monthly meetings of the Council be held in the Village Hall if the main hall was available on the first Thursday of the month. All agreed. The Clerk will contact the Booking Secretary to see if the main hall is available. Clerk
37. Allotments and Recreation Ground
i) Polytunnel – It was reported that a request from allotment holder to put up a 4 hooped only poly tunnel had been accepted.
ii) Bollards – It was proposed by Cllr Denny and seconded by Cllr Lewin to accept a quote from R J Barnes & Sons to install nine bollards on the far boundary of the Recreation Ground Car Park, subject to the following conditions:
· Grant approval from KCC Member Grants Scheme 2013/14
· If there are no significant objections from the Scout & Guide Groups
The Clerk will contact the Scout Leader to seek their approval. Cllr Tucker offered to follow up the approval of match funding from KCC Member Grants from Mike Baldock. Clerk/ST
iii) Allotment Representative – It was reported that Cllr Apps had asked to stand down as Allotment Representative. Cllr Tucker had offered to take on this responsibility for the remaining year only. Clerk/ST
38. Paddock
i) Public Drop In – Paddock Project – A copy of the comments/suggestions made by residents had been circulated. Cllr Steward gave an update on the session held in the evening of 27th June at Village Hall. He was pleased to see many residents attend and generally they were positive about the plans to open up the Paddock as a “Village Green”. It was apparent from the aerial photo taken several years ago that the vegetation had significantly decreased the area of open space. Most people agreed that it would be nice to have a new play area and some ideas seemed more feasible than others. Members of the sub-group were planning to meet with Helen Blanche of Swale BC, to discuss ideas for designing new play areas. An estimate for the tree work required under the plans had also been obtained from Lindsay & Co Tree Surgeon. Cllr Steward commented that the Council should be looking at submitting a planning application for the tree work as soon as possible. It was agreed that the sub-group would meet to discuss the next steps. Clerk/DS/ST/PD
39. Burial Ground and Churchyard
i) Meeting with St Marys PCC Churchwardens – Notes from a meeting held on 19th June had been circulated. Cllr Rossiter pointed out the list of proposals/questions and hoped to obtain some answers at a follow up meeting.
ii) Future capacity of Burial Ground – It was agreed to hold this follow up meeting on 18th July at 2pm. The Clerk will contact the PCC Churchwardens to see if this is convenient to them and also if the meeting could be held in St Marys Church. Clerk
40. Environment
i) Co-Op garden – Cllr Steward reported that he had spoken to the Co-Op manager about the poor state of the garden. Shortly after, the grass was cut but the garden was still in a poor condition. It was suggested that the Council contact Head Office and include details of local contractors. The Clerk will arrange this. Also the Clerk will contact Upchurch Newsagents about the possibility of relocating the notice board outside the shop. Clerk
ii) Dog bin – It was reported that Swale BC would empty additional dog bins at a cost of £112 per bin per year. The Clerk had asked if any discount would be offered to the Council if they had more than one bin installed. It was proposed by Cllr Lewin and seconded by Cllr Tucker to install at least three bins should Swale BC offer a discount. All agreed and it was suggested to install these bins at entrances to footpaths. Clerk
iii) Road sweeping – It was reported that the pavement in Chaffes Lane, near to the junction with Church Farm Road, was covered in debris from the trees in The Paddock. The Clerk will follow this up. Clerk
41. Highways
i) Public Drop In – Speeding and Parking – A copy on the ideas/suggestions for traffic calming had been circulated. Cllr Steward gave an update on the session held on the evening of 27th June. He reported that he was waiting to hear from the Police to arrange the safety awareness training session for Speed Watch. It was hoped to arrange a meeting with Highways to follow up resident’s ideas for traffic calming. DS