
Teacher______Class Period______


Providing a clear point of view for the essay; including high quality details and critical thinking connected to the essay’s claim / ORGANIZATION
Structuring information in logical sequence; making connections and transitions among ideas, sentences, and paragraphs / VOICE AND TONE
Expressing ideas in an engaging and credible way for audience and purpose
100-95 / 100-95 / 100-95
6 / The writing effectively and insightfully develops a point of view and demonstrates outstanding critical thinking, using clearly appropriate evidence to support its position. It presents a clear thesis in convincing terms. / 6 / The writing is well organized and clearly focused, demonstrating clear coherence and smooth progression of ideas. / 6 / The writer has chosen an appropriate voice and tone for the topic, purpose, and audience and shows a deep sense of involvement with the topic. The writing is interesting and sincere.
94-87 / 94-87 / 94-87
5 / The writing effectively develops a point of view and demonstrates strong critical thinking, generally using appropriate evidence to support its position incorporated in a strong thesis. / 5 / The writing is well organized and focused, demonstrating coherence and progression of ideas. / 5 / The writer has chosen an appropriate voice and tone for the topic, purpose, and audience and shows involvement with the topic. The writing is interesting and seems sincere.
86-78 / 86-78 / 86-78
4 / The writing develops a point of view and demonstrates competent critical thinking, using adequate evidence to support its position. / 4 / The writing is generally organized and focused, but may seem formulaic and predictable. / 4 / A voice and tone are present, and there is a sense of involvement with the topic. In places, the writing is interesting and seems sincere.
77-68 / 77-68 / 77-68
3 / The writing develops a point of view, demonstrating some critical thinking, but may do so inconsistently or use inadequate evidence to support its position, / 3 / The writing is limited in its organization or focus, and may demonstrate some lapses in coherence or progression of ideas. / 3 / The writer doesn’t seem particularly involved with the topic or may seem either too personal or too impersonal.
67-60 / 67-60 / 67-60
2 / The writing develops a point of view that is vague or seriously limited, demonstrating weak critical thinking, providing inappropriate or insufficient evidence to support its position. / 2 / The writing is poorly organized and/or focused, or demonstrates serious problems with coherence or progression of ideas. / 2 / The writing provides little sense of involvement or evidence of a suitable voice and tone.
59-50 / 59-50 / 59-50
1 / The writer develops no viable point of view, or provides little or no evidence to support its position. / 1 / The writing is disorganized or unfocused, resulting in a disjointed or incoherent essay. / 1 / The writing lacks a sense of involvement and a suitable voice and tone.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Plagiarism is using another person’s thoughts and accomplishments without proper acknowledgment or documentation. It is an unconscionable offense and a serious breach of the honor code. Students will receive a zero for the plagiarized work.



Selecting functional, precise, and descriptive words appropriate for audience and purpose / SENTENCE FLUENCY
Developing flow and rhythm of sentences; demonstrating an understanding of the connection of style to meaning and purpose / CONVENTIONS
Demonstrating knowledge of spelling, grammar, usage, mechanics, and paragraphing
100-95 / 100-95 / 100-95
6 / Words communicate the intended message in an exceptionally interesting, accurate, and natural way. The writer uses a rich, broad range of words that have been carefully chosen and thoughtfully placed. / 6 / The writing has an effective flow that is smooth and natural. The sentences are put together so that they are consistently varied and interesting. The sentences make the piece easy and interesting to read. / 6 / The writing demonstrates mastery of variety of conventions, even in complex and less common situations. Errors, if any, are not obvious or significant.
94-87 / 94-87 / 94-87
5 / Words communicate the intended message in an interesting, accurate, and natural way. The writer uses a broad range of words that have been carefully chosen and thoughtfully placed. / 5 / The writing has a smooth, natural flow. Sentences are put together so they are varied and interesting. The sentences make the piece easy and interesting to read. / 5 / The writing demonstrates strong control of conventions that effectively contribute to the message. Errors are so few/minor that they do not distract the reader.
86-78 / 86-78 / 86-78
4 / Words communicate the intended message. The writer uses a variety of words that work and are appropriate for the topic, audience, and purpose. / 4 / The writing flows; however, connections between phrases, clauses, or sentences may be less than fluid. Sentences are somewhat varied, making reading easy. / 4 / The writing demonstrates competent handling of standard conventions. Minor errors are distracting but not confusing.
77-68 / 77-68 / 77-68
3 / Language is ordinary. The writer does not use a variety of words, producing a generic paper with commonly used words and phrases. Words may be too technical (jargon). / 3 / The writing tends to be choppy rather than smooth. Sometimes awkward constructions force the reader to slow down or reread. / 3 / The writing shows a limited control of standard conventions. Errors begin to interfere with readability.
67-60 / 67-60 / 67-60
2 / The language is monotonous and/or misused, taking away from the meaning and impact. / 2 / The writing tends to be choppy or rambling. Awkward construction often forces the reader to slow down and reread. / 2 / The writing shows little understanding of standard conventions. Errors often distract and confuse the reader.
59-50 / 59-50 / 59-50
1 / The writing shows limited vocabulary, or is so filled with words not used correctly that the meaning is unclear. Only the most general idea comes through due to lack of specificity. / 1 / The writing is difficult to follow or read. Sentences tend to be choppy, incomplete, rambling, or just very awkward. / 1 / Numerous errors in conventions repeatedly distract the reader and make the writing difficult to read.

Peer Assessment Score: ______Self-Assessment Score: ______Teacher Assessment: ______

Peer Name______