[Sports Marketing; SPRT 405; W2K8; Dr. Carter]


The “Sports Biz Learning Lab” section of the course builds on the basic sports marketing “literacy” gained from the first “Game Rules” section, and the sports marketing “logic” learned in the second “Players Perspective” section to develop a specific business model proposal. The focal theme for the “Sports Biz Learning Lab” is the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Your assignment is to apply critical thinking and marketing strategy skills towards a feasible sports business model related to either Olympics sports or business prospects, for aglobal/national or local Bakersfield community target market. In a sense, the “Sports Biz Learning Lab”combines the strategy “logic” angles learned from “Players Perspective” discussionsto form a business model circle that revolves around marketing proposals for the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

The “Sports Biz Learning Lab” is a group project that is performed during class sessions, as well as with study outside of class. Two separate group assignments are required to complete the “Sports Biz Learning Lab”:

1)Sports Biz Learning Lab Report[Group; 25 points; DUE MARCH 8th]

-- A typed report in prose paragraph form using a business tone, syntax, and style. Specifically, your report should use a first person perspective, concise and precise statements, as well as bullet point lists, outlines, or diagrams for clarification.

2)Sports Biz Learning Lab In-Class Presentation[Group; 20 min; 15 points; March 4th & March 6th ]

– An informal oral presentation with Powerpoint slides that demonstrates your ability to verbally communicate the main Olympics business model developed and its supporting marketing strategies.


The specific requirements for the two “Sports Biz Learning Lab” are presented below. Additional explanation will be provided in a class lecture, as well as during the ongoing group “lab” sessions.

A. “Sports Biz Learning Lab” Presentation[15 points]

The verbal presentation is an “executive briefing” summary of the “Sports Biz Learning Lab” report, and not an oral version of the entire report. The presentation requires each team to prepare Powerpoint slides illustrating the global or local “Olympics Sports Biz Model” being marketed. The presentation should be creatively engaging and convince the audience to buy into the proposed “Olympics Sports Biz Model.” The evaluation criteria are listed below:

1. Professional Appearance, Delivery & CasualDress (3pts.)1234

[confident; natural; poised; competent; respectful; appropriate conduct; positive attitude]

1. Professionalism is not evident and lack thereof interferes with presentation content.

2. Professionalism is slightly evident but not seriously addressed during presentation.

3. Professionalism is evident and sufficient to have impact on presentation content.

4. Professionalism enhances presentation in its entirety.

2. Content (5pts.)1234

[key points addressed; focused; completeness; balanced; appropriate wording & depth]

1. Insufficient content (lacking main idea, coherence, substance, relevance to topic)

2. Vaguely addresses content that is not clearly connected to the thesis of the topic.

3. Sufficient content and good points for thesis but need for additional development.

4. Specifically addresses significant topical content (viable, thoroughly, completeness)

3. Elocution (5pts.)1234

[delivery style; pronounciation; articulation; audible; tone; consistent; effective]

1. Delivery of presentation decidedly detrimental to topic content.

2. Delivery of presentation sufficient but detracts from content.

3. Delivery of presentation sufficient but not polished.

4. Delivery of presentation enhances, captivates, and strengthens content.

4. Nonverbal Communication (2pts.) 1234

[eye contact; facial expressions; gestures; posture; stance; nonverbal responses]

1. Actions/behavior: interferes, inappropriate to intended content.

2. Actions/behavior: detracts from intended content.

3. Actions/behavior: adequate with slight or neutral impact on intended content.

4. Actions/behavior: keeps audience engaged and reinforces content.

[NOTE: The ratings number determines point percentage earned (“4”= 100%; “3”= 75%; “2”= 50%; “1 = 25%)]


B. “Sports Biz Learning Lab” Report[25 points]

Report Focus:

1)Olympics Sports Biz Model marketingproposal and objectives[1 pagemin.3 points]

a) WHAT is your “global” or “local” Olympics Sports Biz Model?

b) WHICH “global” or “local” marketingobjectives are addressed?

2) Olympics Sports Biz Model developmentprocess [2 pages min.7 points]

a) WHY does your “global” or “local” Olympics Sports Biz Model achieve marketing objectives?

b) HOW the business model works for “global” or “local” Olympics marketing?

c) WHICH “global” or “local” Olympics events, businesses, and community agencies are involved?

3)Olympics Sports BizModel marketing strategy using textbook concepts [4 pages min.15 points]

a) WHAT are the steps for executing your “global” or “local” Olympics Sports Biz Model?

b) HOW are “global” or “local” Olympics marketing objectives achieved by specific marketing strategies?

c) HOW do textbook chapter concepts support your “global” or “local” Olympics marketing strategies?

Report Format:

Use a persuasive writing style in prose paragraph form (indented). Include subheadings for each of the 3 required sections stated above. Type the assignment as a Microsoft Word document in 12” font and double spaced.


B. “Sports Biz Learning Lab” Report -- continued [25 points]

Report Functions:

The sequence of steps performed during “Sports Biz Learning Lab” class sessions to complete the report, include:

1)Select “Athletics Learning Lab” Group Members [4 maximum]

2)Review the 2008 Beijing Olympics information links, to scan four categories of facts

a)Beijing Olympics General Business Facts

  • Olympics attendance and spectator projections (in-person & mediated)
  • Economic forecast of Olympics related sports and business revenue
  • Olympics related country, culture, and language market representation

b)Beijing Olympics Sponsorship & Media Business Facts

  • The list of “official” Olympics sponsors by industry and by country
  • The list of “official” Olympics media networks by country

c)Beijing Olympics Athletic Competition Facts

  • The types of “official” Olympics sports
  • The popularity of the sport based on Olympics attendance and global following
  • The top 10 leading countries in each sport

d)Beijing Olympics Local & CSUB Athletic Competition “Tie-In” Facts

  • CSUB Sports programs
  • The BakersfieldSchool System & community college sports programs
  • The Bakersfield area and private/public sports programs

3)Choose One Business Model to Guide Development of Your Olympics Marketing Strategy

a)BRAND PACKAGING; Olympics Package – Olympics global/local sports and business events, venues, or services [Product ch.s 8, 9] & target individual/media/business/organization customers [Target Market, Positioning ch. 7] & enhanced revenue or margin potential [Price ch. 14]

b)BRAND IDENTITY; Celebrity Athlete – Olympicssport global/localathlete [Product chs. 8, 9] & media “image” [Target Market, Positioning ch. 7]

c)AD SPONSORSHIP; Sports Ad Agency – Olympics sport global/local event or news/content [Product, ch. 8] & mediated customer reach/circulation/audience [Target Market ch. 7 and Distribution ch. 13] & ad sponsors [Promotion/Sponsorship chs. 10, 11, 12]

d)DISTRIBUTION/SUPPLY TRANSPORT; Cargo Courier – Olympicsglobal/local sports and business material supplies [Product ch. 8] & logistical (time/route/load/cost) delivery to a network of providers and recipients [Distribution ch. 13]

e)DISTRIBUTION/PASSENGER TRANSPORT; Event Shuttle – Olympics global/local sports or business event [Product ch. 8] & logistical (time/route/load/cost) mapping [Distribution ch. 13]

f)FINANCING/BANKING; Sports Investment – Olympics global/local sports or business event [Product ch. 8] & margin of return calculated for investment and services [Price ch. 14]


[ch.8 p.238 Service Quality; ch.11 pp.316-327 Selling, PR, Relationships, Sales Promo, &

ch.12, p.344 Relationships]

h)RESEARCH; Sports Intelligence – Olympics global/local sports or business information [Research Tools ch. 4] & target media/business/organization customers [Target Market ch. 7]

i)FANTASY/VIRTUAL GAMES – Olympics global/local sports events [Product ch. 8] &participant/contest information [Research Tools ch. 4] & online/digital media access [Promotion/Virtual ch. 11, Distribution/Internetch. 13]

j)ANY OTHEROlympics global/local business model for marketing you develop!!!