International Scholarship Competition
The Global Health Initiative at the UIC School of Public Health is now accepting applications for
The Douglas Passaro Global Horizons Scholarship
The competition will assist graduate students with travel expenses associated with an international field experience. Funds are available to support several students during the AY 2014-2015 year (includes Summer 2015).
The Douglas Passaro Global Horizons Scholarship honors the memory of Dr. Douglas James Passaro, Associate Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Illinois, Chicago and Attending Physician in Infectious Diseases at the UIC Hospital from 2001 to 2005. The award reflects his intense interest in addressing international public health problems worldwide through his work in Africa during his service in the Peace Corps and through his continued work in Latin America while at UIC.The fund is intended to provide support to graduate students for health-related, hands-on field experiences to carry on Dr. Passaro's important work in promoting global health that was interrupted by his untimely death at age forty-three.
The most competitive applications will be from students seeking an experience that substantially broadens their understanding and application of public health in the world. Preference is given to proposals for projects in Latin America and Africa.
Eligibility Requirements
The applicant must:
· Be a graduate or professional student at the UIC School of Public Health
· Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better (4.0 scale)
· Should s/he be selected:
o Prepare and present a poster on the field experience at the annual SPH Global Health Poster Competition,
o Purchase emergency evacuation insurance for travel abroad,
o Provide a post-experience report within two weeks of return,
o Attend SPH Annual Research and Awards Day on April 10, 2015.
Application Packet
The applicant must submit:
· A completed Douglas Passaro Global Horizons Scholarship application form.
· A cover letter describing the proposed overseas field experience or project in detail and a statement, including expected learning objectives, of the potential or the proposed experience to enrich the applicant’s exposure to global health. Students must also briefly describe previous international experience. The letter must include the name and contact information of the International Host Organization (2-page limit).
· A budget estimating total travel expenses. Please include any other sources of financial support that would be used to help offset the total cost of the experience.
· A letter (or email) from the Host Organization outlining the parameters and expectations for the field experience or project, if applicable.
· A letter from the applicant’s UIC supervisor for the field experience vouching for the applicant’s capacity for taking full advantage of this out-of-country field experience and stating her/his willingness to serve as a contact at UIC for the student while out of the country.
· A statement about foreign language proficiency (speaking, reading, writing) and language spoken at the proposed destination
· A copy of the applicant’s UIC academic history (available from
Note: International students may not apply for projects in their own country, but a field experience in another country would be considered eligible.
· Application packets due Monday, February 23, 2015.
· Winners will be notified in early March.
· Awards will be presented at the SPH Annual Research and Awards Day on April 7, 2015.
Please note: You must be in good financial standing to receive this award. Receiving this award may affect your financial aid package. We encourage you to contact Student Financial Aid Services to determine your financial standing.
Please direct questions to:
Alyson Lofthouse
Associate Director, Global Health Program
Douglas Passaro Global Horizons Scholarship
Application Form
Applicant Information:
Full Name University ID Number
Mailing Address
Email Address Phone Number
SPH Division & Degree Program Anticipated Date of Graduation
Academic Advisor’s Name Academic Advisor’s Email
Field Experience Advisor’s Name Advisor’s Email (if different from above)
Location of the Proposed Field Experience Activities and duration (# of weeks)
Name and Contact Information of International Host Organization
Estimated Travel Budget -
Have you received a Passaro Travel Grant before? No Yes
By my signature below, I authorize release of my name, transcripts, and the additional contents of the application with scholarship donors and others in conjunction with any University scholarships I may receive.
Applicant Signature Date
Academic Advisor Signature Date
Application Check List:
Completed Douglas Passaro Global Horizons scholarship application form
Cover letter from applicant
Email/letter from host organization (if applicable)
Letter from field experience advisor
Statement about foreign language proficiency
Copy of UIC transcript
Completed packet submitted on or before TBD
Electronic submission is preferable.
Alyson Lofthouse
Associate Director, Global Health Program
1158 SPHPI MC 923
Office use only:
Date received ______