The Diary of Anne Frank
Study Guide
Act One, Scene 1
1. What year is it when the play begins?
2. Where is Mr. Frank when the play begins?
3. What causes his flashback?
4. Why does Mr. Frank break down crying, as described in the stage direction that begins this passage?
5. Why is Mr. Frank grateful to Miep?
Act One, Scene 2
1. What year is it when Scene 2 begins?
2. How old is Anne?
3. What country are they in?
4. What must Jews wear on their clothes to signify their religion?
5. How do the Franks and Van Daans bring their clothes into hiding?
6. Where are the Franks hiding (building)?
7. What has Peter brought with him that Anne was not allowed to bring?
8. What is the rule about running water or going to the bathroom?
9. Describe the living conditions in the secret annex.
10. Why has Mr. Frank allowed the Van Daans to say with them?
11. How does Anne feel about the yellow star that is different from the way Peter feels?
12. Who is Miep?
13. Who is Mr. Kraler?
14. What two things does Mr. Frank bring for Anne?
15. What do these gifts tell you about Mr. Frank’s relationship with Anne?
16. What does Anne find out when she says she’s going downstairs for a pencil?
17. Explain Mr. Frank’s quote to Anne, “There are no walls, there are no bolts, no locks that anyone can put on your mind.”
18. How does Anne feel about being in hiding?
19. How does Anne feel that her mother treats her?
Act 1, Scene 3
1. What was Anne’s nickname at school?
2. Describe Mrs. Van Daan
3. How do the Van Daans react to Anne?
4. What does Mrs. Van Daan say will happen if the war lasts much longer?
5. What happens to Mrs. Van Daan’s coat?
6. What did Anne think about the Van Daan’s quarrel?
7. What does Mr. Kraler ask them to do?
8. How does Mr. Van Daan feel about Mr. Kraler’s request?
9. What does Mr. Dussel say is happening outside?
10. How does Mr. Dussel think he gets along with children?
11. What does Mr. Dussel think of Anne?
12. How does Mr. Dussel really get along with children, Anne in particular?
13. How does Mrs. Van Daan behave toward Mr. Frank?
Act 1, Scene 4
1. How does Anne react when her mother tries to comfort her?
2. What does Anne have a nightmare about?
3. What does Anne say about her own behavior?
Act 1, Scene 5
1. What are the Franks and the Van Daans celebrating?
2. What does Anne give
Mrs. Van Daan?
Mr. Van Daan?
Mrs. Frank?
Mr. Dussell?
Mr. Frank?
3. Where do the Hanukkah presents come from?
4. What trick does Peter play on Mr. Dussel to upset him and pay him back for the “whiskers” comment?
5. What happens downstairs during the Hanukkah celebration?
6. Why is Mr. Van Daan mad at Peter?
Act 2, Scene 1
1. What do Miep and Mr. Kraler bring for New Year’s?
2. What happened to Mouschi?
3. Why do they argue about what Miep has brought?
4. What does Mr. Van Daan ask Miep to sell, and what does he ask her to buy?
5. How does Anne describe herself?
6. What bad news does Mr. Kraler bring?
7. What does the worker in the storeroom want? Why, perhaps?
8. What does Margot say she wishes would happen?
9. What does Anne say about the difference between the grown-ups and the young people?
10. What upsetting news do they get about
Mr. Kraler?
their ration book supplier?
Act 2, Scene 2
1. What do Anne and Peter get dressed up for?
2. How does Peter feel about Anne now?
3. What happens between them as the bell chimes 9:00 p.m. and Anne is leaving Peter’s room?
Act 2, Scene 3
1. What is Mr. Van Daan caught doing? Who catches him?
2. What does Mr. Dussel do when Mr. Van Daan is caught?
3. What does Mrs. Frank say must happen because of this incident?
4. Why is this line of action especially unusual for her?
5. Why is this incident so upsetting to Mrs. Frank?
6. What news does Miep bring?
7. How does this news change the atmosphere in the annex?
8. How old is Anne now?
Act 2, Scene 4
1. Why is everyone in the secret annex so terrified at the beginning of Scene 4?
2. What does Anne say about nature?
3. What did Anne say that “in spite of everything” she still believed about people?
4. What terrifies them even more while Peter and Anne are talking?
5. What happens at the end of Scene 4?
Act 2, Scene 5
1. Who is the only survivor of the hidden?
2. Where is Mr. Frank in this scene?
3. Why does Mr. Frank say that Anne puts him to shame?
The Diary of Anne Frank: A Changing Record
As you read The Diary of Anne Frank, use this chart to record at least 2 examples of the emotions, relationships, and behaviors listed in the left hand column.
Act I or Act II / Scene / Event/OccasionHappiness
The Diary of Anne Frank: A Changing Record
As you read The Diary of Anne Frank, use this chart to record at least 2 examples of the emotions, relationships, and behaviors listed in the left hand column.
Act I or Act II / Scene / Event/OccasionAspirations